15. Skin to skin

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It was 2 am when Can woke up. Alone in the big bed. He didn't sleep well if she wasn't there with him, and she wasn't. He had got so upset and very hurt by Sanem's words, so when he arrived at 'Divit's Place' in the late afternoon, he greeted Andreas from far and went straight up to the suite. A quick shower, some clean clothes and he left for an early meal and a few drinks downtown. He'd been back already at 11 and had expected her to be home, but no. No Sanem. He was getting worried but had refused to call her. Now it was 2 am and still no love of his life...damn her! Or damn him! Why the hell did he walk away from her in the first place, huh? He called her and inhaled deeply when the call went straight to voicemail. He tried to think what to do, found a pair of jeans and put them on, took the key and scurried out of the suite towards the lift. He impatiently pressed the button, heard how it arrived with a pling and he was already inside it when he realized that he was shirtless and barefooted. Oops. Nevermind, he was just going down to the reception to have a look and ask if anyone had seen her, so who would care..?

As no signs of Sanem in the small lobby, he went to the reception desk

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As no signs of Sanem in the small lobby, he went to the reception desk. There was a young man on duty behind it, who kindly answered Can's questions after giving the CEO certain...stare.

"Yes, Mr Divit, I gave Miss Sanem a keycard to your suite earlier on, shouldn't I have don..?"

Can interrupted him.

"Of course you should, yes! But she's not there! You haven't seen her leave again?"

Can was upset and so worried, but that didn't give him right to be unpleasant with his employees. He lifted a hand towards the young guy.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, I'm just so worried for her." He stroked his hair with his big hands and they met eyes.

"Don't worry, I understand if you care for your lil sis, I have one too, Mr Divit. But are you sure she's not sleeping on the sofa, Sir..? She asked me for another pillow and a blanket before she went up there, so I assumed..."

He gawked when he saw how the CEO ran off towards the stairway. Shirtless, barefooted and in a rush. Yes. Well, that was a sight..! He smiled, shook his head and got back to work.

It took Can about 40 seconds to reach the suite again. He got in and closed the door behind him with care. The dimlights were on, and when he quietly walked into the small livingroom and got the sofa in sight...there she was. His beautiful girl. Can got tears in his eyes, he didn't know if due to his love for her or for the relief to have her safe here with him, maybe due to both, but he dried them away before he approached her. She was sprawled out in a clearly uncomfortable way on that non sleepable sofa, and as the blanket only covered part of her legs, he could appreciate her soft curves and that so sexy lingerie she wore. But he didn't want sex right now, even if his dick clearly didn't agree on that, he just wanted her near him, he needed to feel her close, skin to skin. So he pulled the blanket away, put his arms under her legs and armpits and lifted her up. He pressed her against his chest and heard her mumble something while one of her arms slipped up around his neck.

EK: Canem, impossible not to (A "Shorty", or...kind of)Where stories live. Discover now