24. N3v3r 3v3r & for3v3r and 3v3r

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Calleigh had dropped Sanem back to DP earlier on, and Can had picked up some lunch for him and Sanem from a spanish restaurant nearby. They enjoyed the tapas together while Sanem happily chattered about her first gun experience and now Can was taking her to Tris and his work out studio. It was about a twenty minutes drive to get there and Can knew that Sanem struggled with something, as she was far too quiet where she sat beside him in the car. She had changed from sparkling chatterer to pensive in no time. He was driving the yellow Hummer, so he couldn't really look at her, but he placed a big hand on her left knee and squeezed it softly.

"Hey babe, what's going on inside that so smart and beautiful head of yours..? If you hesitate about to see Trístan again, well, what can I say, huh? That I do understand you? Yes."

He smirked in a try to cheer the moment up.

"Well, no, I really want to learn how to defend myself, and I think Trístan will teach me how, so...uhm, it's just a thing Calleigh told me earlier. It certainly surprised me, and now...it got me thinking. About my fut...sorry, about our future."

"Then tell me, bebek. You know what I need; only you, anywhere in this world, so, tell me."

Sanem hesitated for a second but remembered her own words the other day; to talk, always, about everything and anything, so here we go.

"You see, she told me she finds me fit to work with a gun on my hip, as a CSI or as a police or...whatever, and she also offered me help to get there. And I...Can, you know how I love the action, it's absolutely fascinating and I can imagine how it would feel to catch the bad guys and to put them behind bars..! It is so much more exciting than interior design, and...well, uhm...I want to know what you think about all this."

Can was perplexed. What? Sanem, his wife, the love of his life, working with bad guys on the street, among guns?
He freaked out and pulled the Hummer over and made several cars honk at his way to drive. He hit the brakes and squeezed the steering wheel while he tried to calm down.

"I...uhm...what the fuck did you just tell me, Sanem? If it was something about guns and bad guys...I really don't think I want to hear about it."

Finally he turned his head to meet eyes with her. He found her glaring at him with dark, serious eyes.

"Can. You are my husband. I told you the other day I always want us to talk, to comunicate, about everything, so here I am; I wanted to tell you how I feel about all this, and now I want you to tell me how you feel about it. That doesn't mean we have to decide our future in two minutes, nor make important decisions today, it only means that I want you to listen to me and have in mind my wishes, just as I will listen to you and have in mind yours."

Damn how good she was on wrapping him around any of her fingers..! In the way she said it, ooh, it sounded so easy and without any kind of doubt, but Can knew her. He knew her and her way to persuade him to get what she wanted, but this time it wasn't about any material thing or an english breakfast or anything you could buy with money. No. This time it was all about her life, their life, her safety and the future, their common future, and frankly, Can wasn't prepared to eventually lose his one and only love in some...gun duel in the streets of Miami, or in any street at all by that matter. No. He cleared his throat and squeezed the steering wheel a bit more before he looked at her again. She was so young and so beautiful in her colorful work out top and with her hair in a pony tail, that he inhaled deeply and let the air out through his mouth.

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