26. Mrs Divit's pink "baby-maker"

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Five years later

Sanem graduated in Miami a warm and sunny day in June. She had studied hard the last four and a half years, and her grades were excellent. Can was so proud of his gorgeous and bright wife where he sat among family, more family and also some family. Yeah. His face actually hurt by smiling too wide for too long, but...he just couldn't stop grinning at her.
Mirhiban sat to his left and held his hand. He glanced at his mum and saw how proud she was, too; her babygirl had grown up, was happily married and with a fantastic career coming up. What else could she wish, huh..? But Can knew what Mir secretly hoped for. Babies. Grandchildren. Just like Can. Thing was, Sanem had been so busy with her Design studies, and also with all the interiors she had done meanwhile..! It seemed that half Miami had been refurbished by Sanem Divit, she already was a name here, and he...well, he hadn't had the courage to all of a sudden mention something like "hey, by the way, how about a baby or two, Sanem..?" No. But for every day that passed by, he wanted a baby a little bit more than the previous one, so he had decided to talk to her about it after her graduation. He looked to his right. Dad, Emre and Leila, his sister-in-law. Their sister-in-law. Leila's brother Hakan, then Mario and his younger brother Oscar.
In the row behind he knew he had Horatio, Eric, Calleigh, Wolfe and Alexx, but no Delko babies though. Can loved to play with Eric's and Call's two and three years old children, but they had left them home with the baby-sitter, as today it was all about Sanem.
Calleigh had slowly recovered from her gunshot wound back then. She still had some small pieces of the fragmented bullet in her skull bone; the surgeons feared for her life if they would try to remove them, so she just had accepted it. Her memory suffered sometimes in the beginning, but they all had helped to work on it and to slowly make her get it back almost a 100 %.
Eric had been there all the time, ever since that glass of water in the hospital, and today...today they were a solid couple, very much in love and also loving parents to those two beautiful children. Can was secretly a bit envious of them, but tried to keep it to himself, of course.
He got his eyes and smile back on Sanem and sighed quietly. One day...one day she would bring the most beautiful Divit babies into this world, and he just had to be patient, he supposed.

"Saneeem Divit!"

Can saw her move on and how she halted beside the podium, where the Mayor proudly delivered her diploma to her and congratulated her with a firm handshake

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Can saw her move on and how she halted beside the podium, where the Mayor proudly delivered her diploma to her and congratulated her with a firm handshake. Then she moved on and ended up with all the other students on the hind part of the stage. When the last one had received its diploma, they got silent for a moment. Then they all squealed out with pride and happiness, jumped around and hugged each other with their families applauding them, before they got off the stage in search for their loved ones. And Sanem found hers, too. She had tears in her eyes and that breathtaking smile on her face when she hugged them all, one by one. When she finally got to Can, her beloved husband, she met eyes with him a second before she threw herself into his open arms. Home, she was so home whenever he was with her, gosh..! She held on to him like never before, until she remembered. She let go of him and leaned backwards with a tilted head.

EK: Canem, impossible not to (A "Shorty", or...kind of)Where stories live. Discover now