Chapter 5 - A Long Goodbye

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Katie's P.O.V

"NO!" My brothers cried out.
"You're not taking her from us!" Gary declared, pointing a warning finger at John, standing in our kitchen area.
"Here's how I see it, you have nothing left to sell. You either marry her off, where she cooks and cleans and raises children, like a domestic, slowly losing every little bit about herself, that makes her who she is, until she's a hollow shell, forced to smile at her husbands achievements, or she comes and works for me, where she can say and do as she pleases, be who she wants to be, and visit her so dear brothers whenever she so wishes..." John stared them down.
They were silenced.

. . .

"Be sure to write, and come back to see us." Martin hugged me tightly.
"I will." I promised. It was a long trip, the city was larger than others, taking half a day to get to the palace, from the docks. Night was drawing in, and I still had yet to sleep.
John sat atop a white stallion, waiting for me.
"It's only until we get the money to leave." Gary smiled at me next.
"And we can start all over again." I smiled back.
We shared a tight hug, hearing John clearing his throat, losing his patients.
"He's alright once ya get to know him." I whispered to Gary, before I stepped out the hug.
He smiled at me, kissing my cheek, before I walked over to John.
He held a hand out for me, pulling me up onto his horse, before we started the trip.
"BYE!" I waved back to my brothers.
"Keep her safe!" Gary shouted to John.
"We love you!" Martin called back, the two waving.

. . .

We rode under the large arch, into the palace grounds, the gates closing themselves behind us, I didn't think to ask how.
John led us to the left, around the palace, letting me take a full look at the place. It was large, magical, but also intimidating. Smashed windows, some boarded up, moss and vines having grown out of control, statues broke in halves.
We rode around the back where a stables stood, a little away from the palace.

Only the one horse, the one we rode upon... John climbed off first, helping me down, before grabbing my bag. Two dresses and a suit - All that I owned.
I took my bag from him, as he led the way into the castle, going through a hidden side entrance.
"I'll show you to your room, where you can unpack. You can wander around the castle, if you'd like, get accustomed to your new home..." John spoke, showing me through to the main stairwell.
"Actually, I think I'll get some sleep. I was awake all night cleaning your library." I pointed out.
"Right." John gave a soft huff of a laugh. "Yeah, you were..."
He showed me up the West wing tower, giving me a room with a view.

I dropped my bag on the bed, and ran for the window. "It's so beautiful up here!" I smiled, looking over the city. Lights from every building, the moon reflecting on the sea.
"It's my favourite view." John spoke up, standing behind me.
I looked up at him, seeing he was looking down at me.
"I'll leave you to rest. Please, join me for breakfast tomorrow." He stepped back, walking back towards the doors.
"Great! What time?" I smiled.
"I'll send for you." John smiled before leaving.
I ran to the door. "OK, but send who?!" I hung off the door, hearing him walking down the tower stairs.
"I'll send for you!" He laughed. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight!" I called back to him.
I walked back over to the window and looked out for my house, spying out the chimney of it.
"Goodnight, Gary. Goodnight, Martin." I smiled, speaking softly.

. . .

I awoke to knocking on the door, before hearing a small argument.
"Well, this will be exciting!" Voice one whispered harshly.
"It's great, isn't it?!" Voice two beamed in delight.
"Keep your voice down!" Voice one frowned.
"Hello?!" I got up, running over to the door. "Who's there?"
I heard someone clearing their throat. "Miss..."
"Kemp." Voice one filled in the blank.
"Miss Kemp!" Voice two spoke up again. "The prin-
"NO!" Voice one stopped him. "JOHN would like you to join him for breakfast."
I opened the door.
No one was there...

"Excuse me... Down here." Voice two smiled.
I looked down. A candelabra and a clock. With faces. Talking to me.
"What in the actual-"
"Maybe don't finish that sentence!" Voice one, the clock, held up an arm.
I crouched to the floor. "What are you both?" I stared.
"Well, I'm a clock... I wasn't always. I was once like you..." One stepped forward.
"I see you're a clock... sir... I just... You're a talking clock." I pointed out, speaking slowly.
"And I'm a candle!" Two cheered, arms in the air, the wicks setting alight.
I smiled at him, fascinated by his trick.
"Excuse us, miss, but John doesn't like to be kept waiting. If you would please dress, we can talk on the way to the dining hall." The clock seemed to take the lead out of the two.
"Oh, yes! Give me five more minutes." I smiled, standing and closing the door.
"Five?" Two asked.
"Five... He's gonna be pissed." One mumbled.
"I'm hurrying!" I assured them, searching for my red dress.

I ran down the stairs, with the clock and candelabra.
"What were your names, sorry?!" I asked them.
"Simon Le Bon!" The candelabra grinned at me. "It's a pleasure!"
"You too." I smiled at him, having him up on my left shoulder, making up time. "And you are?" I asked the clock, which I carried carefully in my arms.
"Nick Rhodes, miss. I'm pleased you came back. Spectacular work in the library." He smiled up at me.
"Thank you. Which way?" I asked, as we hit a cross roads.

. . .

Twenty minutes of mis-turns and arguing later, I finally found the right door. I had left Nick and Simon to make up again, having a look around on my own.
Just as I approached the double door, they opened and John stood in rage.
"You're late." He frowned.
"I got lost." I stood frozen in place.
"I sent for you. I suggested you tour around my castle! You promised you'd be here!" He yelled.
"Excuse me, sir! Simon led her the wrong way, trying to wind up Nick. I watched the whole thing." A voice spoke up behind me.
I turned around, a talking carpet.
"Is this true?" John stepped forward, a gentle hand to my chin, making me look up at him.
"Y-Yes... I guess. Simon didn't-"
"Enough." John shut his eyes, the fingers of his right hand warm on my cheek. "I'll make you breakfast. Now, you found your way here, don't be late again... Andy, show her to the table."
Without another word, he walked across the hall, walking over the carpet, and through the kitchen doors.

"Ow..." Andy whispered, as the door closed. "Being a carpet is the worst. Everyone just walks all over ya." The carpet raised up, walking over to me. "This way." He opened the door, letting me in.
"And I thought the carpet was just the same through the castle." I smiled, following him.
"No, it was me. Did you not notice how you walked on the same carpet, when you were heading in the right direction?" He looked back at me, as we approached a long dark oak wooden table, in the centre of the room.
"Now you mention it!" I gave a soft laugh.
He laughed too, pulling out a chair at the nearer end of the table, closer to the doors, a grand fireplace in the centre of the wall, to my left. "Sir refused to eat, until you joined him... He thought you weren't coming, so please excuse the mess." Andy walked over to the far end, once I had sat.
A plate was tossed to the floor, a chalice knocked over, the chair fallen back, as if John stood up in a hurry.
"He's really upset with me..." I frowned.
"He's upset with the kingdom." Andy started dusting up the food.

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