Chapter 2 - Through The Barricades

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Katie's P.O.V

I stared up at the castle before me, never having been so close before. I was sixteen when the great fire happened. It was a tale like no other.
I walked up the hard stone path, cautious of every step taken, not wanting to make any loud or sudden noise. I approached the stone steps, and placed my hand on the mossy-crackled-stone railing... To think the royal family walked these very steps.

On instinct, I bowed to the castle, a sign of respect to the dead, and continued on up, forgotten stories waiting to be told.
Wearing one of my brothers suits for warmth, Hadley's horse set free to roam, I reached the doors and turned the iron handle. It creaked and groaned, having been still for seven years, as I walked in.
"Whoa..." I smiled, welcomed by a fallen chandelier, dust and webs all around me, with chards of the fine crystal on the floor.
I shut the door behind me, with a loud bang, echoing in every direction.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, before I walked into the first room on my right.
I looked out the arch windows, seeing the sun had begun to set, and a marvellous view of the gardens. "Stunning." I smiled, turning my back to the window.
Old damaged paintings hung on the walls, old couches and tables, this was a living room, though going by the size of the place, the living quarters.
"I could get with this." I grinned, walking around gently.
Old books, broken vases, smashed glass. Nothing of value... Betcha something will be upstairs.

I wondered out and around the chandelier, slowly walking up the stairs.
Old murky red carpets, covered in dirt, dust, glass, and the odd pitchfork, left behind from the mob.
"Did we chase you out, or did you leave us?" I asked the royals, reaching the top of the first set of stairs. On the wall was a painting of the King and Queen, with Prince Nigel. He sure was nice to look at.
I smiled up at the painting and wondered what it was like. They looked so happy. His parents really loved him. I hope mine loved me...

With a sigh, I walked up the left side set of stairs, and followed the corridor around, down a hall.
Huge doors lined the right side, the left covered in windows, some smashed, some chipped. The view was getting better from up here, though.
"Hey... Is that... Hadley's house!" I saw it, holding a smile. He's the only one with a stable, making a living off renting his horses to the odd man in need of a favour.
I smiled. I could see the chapel, the bakers, the candlestick makers, but a loud bang interrupted my adventure... A door slammed from upstairs.
"Now, I know that wasn't me..." I whispered.
I had nothing to arm myself with, as the palace was abandoned. No one is meant to be here, not even me.
I grabbed a Lumiere candlestick holder and followed the noise. "Please just be a bird, or a cat, or a unicorn, or the devil himself..." I rambled, reaching the end of the corridor, being met by more stairs, going up.

The stairs spiralled, and seemed to go on forever, taking me to the next floor up. The corridor I was met with was dimly lit. It was the same as the one below, only with rooms either side of me, and this corridor had a left turning, going deeper into the castle.
I followed it around, seeing the further in I got, the less damage there was to the pictures and trinkets. The fire must of died out around here...
Finding myself in the library, with no clue as to how I did, I looked around for anything of value.
I placed the candlestick holder on a dusty table and picked up a vase.
Dancing figures were painted around it in a faded blue, with flowers rising up from the base. It was lovely, no markings, no names.
"Wish I could keep it." I whispered, putting it in my bag.
"I don't believe that belongs to you!" A voice boomed out.

I jumped and staggered back, looking around in every direction for who said that.
I was alone, yet someone was watching me? My eyes darted around the room, no one. Not a single movement. Was I dreaming? No. My fear was real.
"W-Who's there?!" I called out, grabbing the candlestick once again.
Out of the corner of my eye, a flash of red fell from above, and with a thud, a man was crouch on the floor behind me.
I looked up, seeing there was a balcony around the room, but at quite some height. He jumped that? And landed it?
He stood up tall, hidden in the shadows, a long red coat, the same shade as my cape, wrapped around him.
"Who are you?" My anxiety was kicking my ass.
He watched me, face hidden by the shadows of the room, the sun having set low enough for him to be hidden without any lights.
"W-W-What are you d-doing here?" I asked him, holding the candlestick holder out before me, against the stranger.
"I live here." He smirked, talking like it was the most obvious thing.
"No. You can't. This is the royal castle!" I trembled in fear.
He huffed a laugh. "Then, why are you here?" He stepped forward into the dimming light.

His hair was brown and fluffy, he was tall, with tattered regal clothes, like the prince, but the thing that struck out the most was half of a mask, covering the right side of his face.
Of course I stared, unintentionally, which gave him the upper hand, being able to step forward again and grab the Lumiere, tossing it aside with a metal crash.
I jumped, taking a step back, hitting the table I found the vase on.
"The vase." He held a hand out for it.
"No, I need it." I pushed my bag behind me, keeping a grip on it.
"That doesn't belong to you." He glared.
"Nor you!" I barked back at him. He had to be over 6ft tall.
"You really think so?" He asked, before he grabbed my upper arms and pushed me aside, grabbing my bag as I fell to the floor.
He grabbed the vase out and wandered over to the shadows again, tossing my empty bag back to me, holding the vase as if it was a toy.
"Give that back!" I called out to him.
"Why? It doesn't belong to you... See." He smirked, before he tossed it aside, having it smash into tiny pieces against the bookshelf.
"NO!" I screamed out, getting up and running over to it, picking up the odd piece.

It can't be fixed. It's gone. The money, my brothers...
The man stood over me, watching me, as I cried.
"You monster..." I looked up at him. "That was going to buy us a years worth of food! I may of been able to get myself an actually bed as well..." I sobbed.
"You don't have a bed?!" The man laughed.
I cried, looking over the pieces. One of the bigger parts had a dancing couple on it. I held it, running my fingers over the paint. Oh, how beautiful it once was...
"You're serious?" The man frowned.
"Go to hell." I wiped some tears away. "I'm going home."

I got up, grabbing my bag, starting to walk across the room. I got to the door, pulling it open, only to have the man slam it shut on me, keeping a hand on it, staring down at me.
I looked up at him, unsure of my safety.
"I'll make you deal." He started. "Clean this room. Make it proper. I'll get you something worth some money, that you can keep." He stared me down.
"No..." I frowned. "How can I trust you? You're cruel."
"I'm the only person here who knows where the 'good stuff' is... A lot of money there for you." He smirked. "Your choice." He opened the door, holding it open for me.
I looked down the murky corridor, then into the room. "Just this room?" I asked.
"Yes. Only this room. No others. That would  be cruel." He rolled his eyes.
"I go home at sunrise." I gave him my end of the bargain. "With the goods."
"Deal." He stared me down.
"I'll need a brush, some bin bags, some polish." I looked around the room, hearing the door close behind me. "Oh." He was gone. "Are you getting the stuff? I have a few more for the list!" I called after him, opening the door. He was gone. "I'll need some dusters as well! Thank you!"
I have no clue if he's coming back.

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