Chapter 1 - Once Upon a Time...

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Katie's P.O.V

Some years ago, as you may not of expected, there was a city. This city was surround by such natural beauty, it was deemed the most beautiful place on Earth. With mountains to the East, a view for miles around, a castle was built. In this castle lived a King, and his wife.
The King and Queen loved each other beyond words, and their kingdom loved them.
They had married young and lived the happiest lives, assuring their people were just as happy as they were. Promising there would always be food on the table, warmth in their homes, and love from all around.

Alas, there was one thing the royals wanted more than anything, but it was something they couldn't have... An heir to the throne.
The Queen was devastated, wondering what she could have done wrong. The King felt as he failed his bride, but swore nothing would tear them apart, for his love for her was stronger than any.

On a dark, cold night, unlike any before, a loud knocking echoed on the castle doors. The guards sought out the King, having to awaken him from his slumber, to reveal an old lady traveller, seeking a place to sleep.
The King asked what would be given in return, to which the woman replied, 'anything your heart desires'. Without a second thought, the King thought of the son he'd always wanted.
The King awoke the next day, no recollection of his meeting with the traveller, to find his wife jumping for joy, for she was with child.
The news spread far and fast, the kingdom rejoiced! and before the year was out, the King held a son in his arms, a vow to show him as much love and care as he did his kingdom, and his kingdom did him.

The prince grew into the most handsome young man, taking after his father in many aspects. His parents were so proud.
They taught him to read, they taught him to ride, they taught him music, love, and laughter. The young prince had everything he could ever ask for.
If only it was to last...

On the prince's twenty first birthday, a grand party was held. The boy had everything he'd ever wanted, but his young heart showed greed. He danced with every maiden in attendance and drunk to his hearts content.
In the dead of the night, there was a knock on the door, and the young prince was aroused to find an old lady traveller seeking a place to sleep.
The prince laughed and said there wasn't the room, and sent the lady on her way. She offered him his hearts deepest desire in return, only to have the prince laugh in her face. 'I have everything already' The prince smirked, and had the lady sent away.
The old traveller saw the prince was not like his father, and revoked the King's deal.
The love, happiness, and care would be taken away and be gone forever, unless the prince corrected his ways.
Over night the King and Queen had vanished into thin air, the crops across the land dying, the food scarce, and the animals flocking. Everything the prince had known and loved was gone.
In a fit of rage, he turned against all those who loved him, and pushed them all away.
Alone in the castle, he locked himself away from the sunlight, away from the city folk, and away of ever getting the love back.

With the city in depression, they sought answers.
They broke into the castle, a mob of angry men, and found no trace of their royals, or any sign of life. Taking it as their beloved leaders had abandoned them, in aggression and desperation, they set the castle alight, unknowingly trapping the prince inside, taking away the last thing he had, his beauty.

. . .

"AND STAY OUT!" The baker screamed at me, as I stumbled out his shop, falling into the wet mud.
Some folk laughed, seeing me up to my usual tricks.
"Yeah, yeah! I'll show ya!" I scoffed at them, getting myself up.
I shook off the mud on my arms and grabbed my bag off the floor, dumping my red bowler hat back onto my head. I shrugged my bag onto my shoulder and started the walk home.
"I'll show them..." I mumbled. "Show them what?" Reality settled in quicker than I had thought it would. "You're talking to yourself, again." I whispered, keeping my head down.

I was a strange one, from what I'd been told. My parents had died, when I was young, and so I was left in the care of my mothers close friend. She and her husband raised me, as well as their own two sons.
Gary and Martin Kemp were my brothers. The only family I'd ever known.
At my age, twenty three, it was sought that women should be married or at least engaged by now, but nope! I was different, louder than others, being 'one of the boys' as my brothers would say. I'd wear dresses, but I'd also wear suits. I had no interest in anyone in the city, so I figured finding love just wasn't for me.
I stand at 5ft 2, with longish dark hair, hazel eyes, and a slim figure, as well as having depression and anxiety, due to my upbringing.

Gary stood outside our building, a flat on the top floor, above a fish mongers, that housed Martin, Gary and myself. We lived near the docks, opposite the castle, across the city. He grinned, upon seeing the state I was in, pushing himself off the wall.
"Dear little sister... What have you done now?" He smiled.
"I was trying to get some dinner for tonight, but it looks like it's fish again." I frowned at my failure.
"You ever thought of buying food?" Gary asked, with a small smile.
"We've no money, Gary!" I smiled back at him, walking into the building and up the rickety wooden stairs, to the top. "You and Martin can trade all you like, but real soon we're not going to have anything left. Look around, Gary... We don't even have beds." I walked around the flat.
It was more of a room really, one large room. A single counter top for our kitchen, a small round table, with one chair, and a pile of cushions and blankets for beds.

"You're right... We're out of pocket to trade with..." Gary frowned, walking over to the window, keeping an eye out for Martin. "Unless..."
"NO!" I turned to him, over in the 'kitchen'. "I will not be married off to some prick!" I declared.
"Never crossed my mind, I swear!" Gary turned to look at me. "The castle is abandoned, and you're great at getting into places we shouldn't be in."
"Oh no..." I smiled at him, shaking my head.
"What if there's something up there? Anything! We can sell it, get out of this city and start all over again!" Gary smiled.
"That's a great idea!" Martin announced, standing in our front doorway.
"Not you as well!" I looked to the younger brother.
"It's just an idea..." Martin defended.
"So, I break into the castle, steal anything of value, at worst with minor damage, and we sell it off?" I asked the duo.
"Yeah, we can say it was left to us by our parents. Saving it for a rainy day!" Gary smiled.
"Yes! They'll have to give us something good for it." Martin grinned.
"Maybe get a couple of things, adds more to the value!" Gary thought about it.
"But nothing crazy! Anything with any names would be too risky!" Martin frowned.
"It's across the town... I'll go get Hadley's horse!" Gary announced before leaving.
"I'll see if Steve has mended your cape yet!" Martin smiled, before following after our brother.
"What do you think, Katie?" I mocked Gary. "Sure, why not?!" I mocked myself. "That's the spirit!" I mocked Martin.
"It's crazy..." I took a seat in the only chair, having it collapse on me.

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