~Chapter Two~

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Narrator's POV


As the bass of the music vibrated off of the walls from Impulse, Rosalie stepped foot out of the cab with Kiara.

She wore a slim-fitted, night-red dress, her red-bottom black heels to match, as her curled hair fell perfectly over her shoulders.

Kiara followed behind in a hot-pink mini-dress, matched with her pink stilettos, and a silver clutch bag.

The pair walked through the open doors, gracefully walking to the middle of the room where the bar was located.

All eyes fell on them, like they had stolen the show, but they ignored all sights, walking with confidence to the bartender, who just stared like a deer in headlights.

"W-what can I get you two lovely ladies to drink?" He cleared his throat, swiftly throwing his rag over his shoulder, leaning on the bar as a move to flirt with the two girls that caught his eye.

"Two Sex On The Beach." Kiara flirted, leaning her elbows onto the table as a way to show off her assets.

"How much to I owe you, Sir?" Rosalie rolled her eyes, struggling to keep her laugh a bay.

This was Kiara's signature move. Worked every time, like a charm.

The bartender quickly got to work, and once he sat the drinks to the girls, he softly pushed Kiara's hand down, which held the crisp 20 dollar note.

"For you beautiful, this ones on me." He sent a wink her way, in which Kiara blew a kiss with her hand in return.

"Thank you ever so kindly, handsome." She grabbed the drinks and handed one to Rosalie, clinking both their glasses

"And that, my Darling, is how you do it." The pair laughed and made their way to the dance floor.

As the first drink made a pleasant impression to Rosalie, she ordered her second, feeling the alcohol loosen up her body.

She let her hips sway to the music, for once not having a care in the world. She felt free again.

Dancing was her passion. Or use to be before she became a married woman.

Although she was only letting loose to club music, she regained that feeling she once had whenever she used to dance. Freedom.

Her head rolled to the side as her hips circled, and her eyes settled on a dark figure across the room.


Her body stilled, the heat rose to her cheeks and her foot stumbled a little. Kiara chuckled and grabbed Rosalie's arm.

"I know it's been a while but that drink hasn't already gone to the head, has it?"

Rosalie simply laughed her off and told Kiara she was going to find the bathroom.

She looked over to the far corner of the room once more to see the figure she once saw, was no longer there.

Maybe her brain was tricking her.

He couldn't be here.

It wasn't possible.

It's not possible. She told herself.

She took a deep breath and drank the remains of her wine, leaving the glass on the bar before guiding herself through the swarm of dancing bodies before eventually finding the door to the ladies bathroom.

To her advance, it was empty. She walked to the counter and turned on the tap of the sink, letting the cold running water cover her hands before she dabbed them over her cheeks and neck.

She grabbed a napkin and blotted off the excess before leaning her hands against the counter.

"This is not usually your type of scene."

That voice.

It sent shivers down her spine. Even with a simple phrase, it was enough to have an affect on her that she's never had before.

Not before him.

"Why are you here, Amore?"

Her breath hitched in her throat, as her eyes followed up the mirror, staring back into the ones that with a single look, had her panties soaked through.

"I could ask you the very same question, Harding."

She slowly turned around, coming face to face with the man that was once her everything.

"Back to second name basis? Ouch. That hurts me deeply."

His cocky smirk flashed, his pearly whites on display as his eyes shamefully skimmered over Rosalie's body, from head to toe.

"When did you get back in town? Didn't we have an agreement?" She snapped.

"You wanted an agreement. I complied for a given amount of time. Now I'm back." He shrugged, slipping his hands into his pockets as he carefully stepped a little closer.

It wasn't until Rosalie had felt Christian's minty fresh breath fan over her face, did she then noticed how close he had became.

"Besides, I had a few unsettled... affairs, that needed my attention." He then laid his hands on top of the counter, trapping Rosalie's body between it and him.

"Why... did you miss me Amore?" He smirked, his eyes glancing at her lips quickly. Almost too quick for Rosalie to notice.

"Like the plague." She spat the words out, making Christian cover his heart with his hand mockingly.

"Oh, that hurt deeply, Princess."

She rolled her eyes and spun her body back around to face the mirror, making her ass accidentally graze over Christian's crotch.

She felt it.

"I missed you."

Something snapped within her, making her spin around so fast, she almost gave herself whiplash.

With a pointed finger stabbing at Christian's chest, she pushed him roughly, making him tumble back into the wall behind him.

"You have no god damn right to miss me. Not anymore."

There was a moment of silence between them, anger flooded visibly into Rosalie's eyes as she stared at the man she once loved.

A ghost of a smile swarmed across Christian's lips, his hand slowly wrapped around her wrist, his thumb pressed to her palm as he placed a light, yet affective kiss upon her knuckles.

"So you actually married that dickless shithead?" Christian discreetly gritted his teeth as his eyes caught sight of the small silver ring on her finger.

"Trust me, he has a better dick than you ever did." If it wasn't the small twitch from her left eye to give away the lie, Christian would've believed her.

"Why must you think lying to me would ever work, Amore?" He didn't even bother to hide his smirk anymore as he let her hand go, only to rest his on her hip.

She froze, knowing what had got her caught in a lie as her breathing became unsteady, his familiar touch sending sparks jolting through her body.

She said nothing, only closing her eyes as his hand slid to her back, pressing her body firmly against his chest.

Just as she could feel every ounce of her stength slipping away, feeling his lips so close yet so far from her own, his touch quickly faded away.

Her eyes snapped open, to watch him walking backwards to the door with that same stupid smirk rested on his lips.

"I'll see you very soon, my Rose."

And just like that, he was gone, leaving Rosalie confused, tempted and craving more.


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