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"I can run, but I can't hide from my family line." ~ Family Line [Conan Gray]

Namjoon feels absolutely defeated when he wakes up the next morning. He's got a kid sleeping in the guest room across from him and hell, what was he supposed to do with her?

He didn't have the energy to reply to the seemingly hundreds of text messages and phone calls left by his three friends: Jin, Yoongi and Hobi. They would have to wait until he had some coffee in his system.

Namjoon groans as he climbs out of bed and puts on his slippers before making his way to Maisie's room. He's surprised to see her already awake, her dark circles and twitching hands evidence that she didn't get much sleep last night.

Namjoon tries to ignore the sympathy piercing his heart. Why should he care? She's not his child.

Maisie cowers back and lifts a pillow to her chest when he nears, and Namjoon halts his steps.

"Do you want breakfast?" he asks instead. "I can't really cook, but I'm decent at pancakes."

Her eyebrows furrow and a little pout forms on her lips. "I'm not allowed to eat."

"Yes, you are," Namjoon says, his face morphing into confusion.

"N-no, he'll hit me if I eat," she says, her fingernails digging into her palms.

Namjoon swallows and approaches her slowly, sitting down on the bed next to her. She flinches when he grabs her hands and forces her fingernails out of her skin.

"Listen, I don't know what that man did to you," Namjoon starts, his voice firm but his heart breaking. "But you're with me now. You're allowed to eat food, Maisie. You're allowed to do anything with me. Except touch my weapons. That's a big no-no."

Tears form in her eyes and Namjoon can see the confusion swirling in her eyes. She's been conditioned to behave one way her whole life, and here he is giving her a ticket to freedom.

She was finding it hard to trust him.

"Breakfast first and then shopping," he says with a small smile. "I'll be downstairs making food when you're ready to join me."

He leaves her with that. He knew he couldn't push her too much, otherwise she would fall apart like a house of cards.


"Good God," Namjoon groans as he places down the multiple shopping bags he had in his hands.

He thought training was hard? Shit, that was easy compared to hauling all the new things he just bought for Maisie.

She didn't even want anything except for a blue Koala plushie she named Koya. After that, she was pretty content hugging it while she sat in the cart.

And Namjoon, who had no knowledge about buying little girl clothes, struggled to find outfits. He ended up just throwing random things in the cart and hoped she would like them.

When they got home, Namjoon changed her into clothes that properly fit her. She seemed pretty happy, and Namjoon almost choked when she shyly hugged his waist.

He needed to find an orphanage soon.

The doorbell rang and shook Namjoon out of his thoughts, and Maisie started shaking like a leaf.

"It's alright, Mae," he says, petting her hair. "Go wait on the couch."

Maisie looked at him fearfully before moving to the couch with sad, slow steps. She knew he was giving her up. Why would he want her anyway?

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