Riot (15)

30 1 0

Lapis's POV

I was waiting in my office for a certain, h/c girl with e/c eyes. She applied as a new psychiatrist at this hospital and was meeting her 3rd patient this week.

I sighed while looking at Y/N's clipboard. Damian Kade, huh? She better enjoyed this one.

Reader's POV

I rushed towards Lapis's office after the same sense of paranoia from walking to my car, floated over me. I think I might talk to Jeff today about this.

Miss Lapis was waiting for me with my clipboard of my new patient I'll be working with today. Damian Kade?

Patients name: Damian Kade

Number of room: 110


Other: (mental health conditions)

None? No mental health issues or disorders? This has to be wrong.

"Lapis I-"

"Now I know what you're thinking. This is your patient and it's your responsibility to help him. He'll tell you his problems once you are there."


I arrived at the room door number 110, but I was still unsure if it was correct. Maybe he just dosen't have it on record or got diagnosed?

I swiped my keycard across to open 110's door. Inside, was a red hair dyed male with a healthy-looking body on his bed looking out the window.

"Uhm- Damian Kade?"

"Hahahaha! That's me sweetheart!"

Oh please tell me he's not a yandere or some shit. I glanced at Damian, while he just sat there, laughing at me? I think.

"Listen.. it says here on my clipboard that you have no disorders or mental illnesses," you stated. "Is it not on record?"

"Nope! I just happen to have a little bit of a Münchausen's syndrome! This means we can bond, right?"

"Absolutely not! This means you are completely fit along with no illnesses or diagnoses I can help you with!"

A Münchausen's syndrome was a syndrome that was a rare psychological and behavioural condition in which a patient succeeds in inducing symptoms of a illness in themselves. This may mean the patient is lying about their symptoms as-well as manipulating test results.

"Why would you tell me that?"

"I got found out. Apparently I was sent here for a chance of helpfulness to cure my illness!"

I had to think for a while. This was a extremely rare condition of lying and manipulation towards test results and faking illness. This was basically illegal. Why did Lapis expect me to be useful with this? This really is confusing me.

"Maybe you could.." Damian started to think.

"No! That's illegal, right?"

"Mhm.. Miss Lapinton knows that already," he replied.

"Then what am I meant to do? This doesn't even make sense to why you're in a mental hospital!"

"Uh? No? It does. I faked a illness, but they found it out. They haven't let me leave though. I don't know what they're doing."

"Ugh! I'll be right back!"


You left Damian's room and walked down the corridor until you reached Jeff's room. You swiped the keycard before ranting to Jeff about this.

"So you have no idea what to do?" Jeff asked.

"No! I'm stuck!"

"Maybe play along.. like ask what illness he was faking-"

"It's illegal!" you fell onto Jeff's bed while he just stared at you and petted your head. "I also think I have a stalker y'know?"

"Why's that?"

"I don't know, but I just always feel slightly uncomfortable when I'm walking home or even walking to my car," you stated.

"Awwwh..," he replied, trying to tease the hell out of you.

"This ain't funny! I think I'm just going to go home at this point!"

"No! don't leave!" Jeff pulled you into a tight hug from behind.

"I'll be back after lunch. I'll ask Lapis for a break."

"Alright.. just be back though!"


You left the hospital when it was 12:45am and drove home for a break. When you got out your car and walked down the road, you notice your front door was open. You panicked with anxiety while slowly walking forwards.

When you entered your house, there wasn't a sound. You grabbed a hammer from a draw in your kitchen before cautiously creeping up stairs with stealth.

You slowly opened your bedroom door and raised the hammer just in case. "Who the fuck, are you?!" You yelled.

A pale, tall man with short brown hair was sitting down on your bed. He had mostly navy green and black clothing with a striped scarf.

"Don't panic! Put the hammer down! I'm a friend!" the unknown, stranger shouted.

"No! I don't know you! And I've never even seen your face!"

"Okay- I'm Jeff's brother!-"

The hammer you was holding slipped from your hands and hit your toe. You felt aggressive and hazardous pain. "Ow!"

"Damn- okay come here and sit down.." the stranger took my arm and led me to sit down on my bed.

"Ugh..!" you breathed a sigh of relief to not putting pressure on your foot. "Okay.. explain yourself sir!"

"Okay okay! My name is Liu and I'm related to Jeff. Jeffrey Woods.. you know him right? Anyway- there's a lot of back story to us.. you must've searched it, right?"

"Stop saying right! Anyway- yes.. I know about you! You saved Jeff from going to jail! Thank you, but didn't he stab you?"

"Yes, but that was a long time ago! He told me about you when me and him decided to meet in secret for the first time in 2 years. I heard he's in the mental hospital and I want to help him escape so I decided-"

As Liu was explaining everything to you, you got a phone call from Lapis. "Shit.. I need to take this!"

"Y/N? Oh thank god! There's been some trouble at the hospital! There's a riot! I need you to control your patients into their rooms!"

You hanged up the phone after hearing Lapis explain the situation. "I have to go! We can talk later, Liu!"

"Wait, that was apart of my-"


Reader's POV

I rushed to the hospital to try to find Jeff, Chaos and Damian. I managed to find Chaos just sitting in her bed trying to avoid the riot and Damian trying to escape.

Everything worked out well since there is 87 workers controlling 135 patients at a time besides the fact I couldn't find Jeff.

Criminal (Jeff the killer x Girl Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt