Matching Bracelets (3)

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You were to frightened to turn around towards the voice but you did it anyway. You gasped in horrific shock. A male with a carved bloody smile and raven black hair sat on your bed. He held a knife and didn't have any eyelids at all. You couldn't move, you felt as if time has frozen.

"Who..are you? Was you the one knocking on my window at night? Why? When? Wh-" you were interrupted while asking so many questions.

"Slow down sweetheart, I can only answer one at a time," he spoke so calmly. You were surprised by how he actually meant it. You thought he was here to kill you.

"U-Uhm okay first, why are you here?"

"I thought that was obvious. The truth is, I don't have a reason."

WHAT? You were so confused by his words. Why could he hold a knife if he doesn't do anything to you? Was he the one watching you? Is that why you felt uncomfortable when walking home?

"Huh? Why are you holding a knife if you're not going to kill me or do something with me?"

To my surprise again, he started laughing.
"You're right! You were going to be my victim, but I changed my mind a long time ago."


"Hmm.. no idea! Now what's your name?"

You blinked a few times to see if you were hallucinating. Sadly you weren't, only having a panic attack. Who the hell would ask my name after intruding?

"It's-" you were hesitant. You didn't know if you wanted to say it to a complete stranger. "Uhm.. actually, tell me yours first."

"Hmm.. fair enough! It's Jeff. Jeff the killer."

"What?! You mean as Jeffrey Woods? The one who- I thought- uh-" you had no words. You knew it was real since he had a actual carved smile, but you didn't think you'd ever actually see him.

"Don't make it ominous. Also, never call me Jeffrey. So now that's over with, what's your name?"

"It's uhm.. Y/N.."

"Beautiful name!"

You blushed at his statement. It ever so weirdly made you happy to be complimented even if the compliment was given by a murderous killer.

While you were day dreaming in thought, you heard a knock at your door. "Honey, are you alright in there?" Shit! It was your mum.

"Jeff, you have to go!" You hissed. He pouted then chuckled and climbed out your window.

"Goodnight Y/N," he whispered.

"Goodnight criminal," you glared at him sharply as he left you. You quickly closed up your blinds + window and told your mum to come in. "Sorry I was closing my window, I needed fresh air."

"It's alright. I was just checking on you. How are you with your new friends coming along?"

"It's cool. I want to show appreciation towards them though, but I don't know how," you sighed as you turned your head towards your mum.

"Well.. I think I'm quite old to understand how kids do it now, but you could always made bracelets, necklaces, dolls? Or maybe just get them a gift?"

You thought about it for awhile. You are great with stitching dolls but it'll probably take too much time and would probably be ready in the two weeks holiday. Necklaces are just irritating for you. Bracelets you could do if you could find that old set of beads + strings you have kept since you were a child.

Your mum and you talked for a while. After she helped you find the set of beads + strings, she let you do independent work.

You texted Owen and Sydney to know their favourite colour. Of course they were curious about why you asked and you told them it would be a secret. You knew you didn't get the right sizes but Sid's hands were slim and Owen's were quite manly and bigger compared to yours so you could figure it out.

After 1 hour and 17 minutes, you finally finished. You wanted to make matching ones so you had to make one for yourself, which took more time. The bracelets had their names on with black, round, smooth beads and their favourite colour in a pattern. Yours was the same.

Finally, you got some sleep after hours of persistent working.

Reader's POV

- The Next Day -

I woke up to rushing to school to meet up with Owen and Sidney. You had to be at school at 8:35 and I was at school at 8:10, which is when the gates opened. I had to wait five more minutes for them.

After some time of waiting, I saw Owen and Sidney walking together. "Hey girly!" Sid said in a jovial tone. We chatted for a while outside the gates until I remembered the bracelets.

"Oh by the way I made you guys something!"

"Show us!" Owen and Sydney said in chorus.

I took out the three bracelets. When I gave it to them each, their faces lit up. "THIS IS ADORABLE!" Owen screamed. I got a little embarrassed by the fact teachers and students were looking at us like we were total weirdos or freaks for the matter, but I couldn't care less because Owen and Sydney was happy with their gifts. We all put our bracelets on and walked to class after Owen stupidly decided to take pictures of us and put it as his wallpaper on his phone. Cant fuss about it though because me and Sid copied his idea.


School ended after a long period of time. We had PE today and it was actually fun and easy. Girls and boys had to do separate things so me and Owen weren't partnered.
We also had music which was fun since me, Owen and 3 others was deciding our instruments for the whole lesson. I play piano and Owen plays bass guitar.

I was walking home alone since Owen had a club and Sydney had tuition. As I was walking home alone, I turned a corner to hear whispering in the bush. I glared at it for a long time until a smiling Jeff with his original, white hoodie popped out screaming boo.

"Jeff, that scared me!"

"I know it did," he smirked at me as I just rolled my eyes.

Jeff's POV

I was confused by what I was doing. I'm meant to be a cold-hearted, dangerous serial killer. It's random of me to stalk a girl for a month and spare her. She's just so interesting, I can't help it.

While I was thinking, Y/N spoke, "Uh why are you holding my hand, criminal?" I shrugged. She didn't let go though and it weirdly made me happy.

I thought about it for a while and asked, "Why do you keep calling me criminal?"

"Because you are one. I thought that was obvious," I smirked at her retort. We carried on walking until I had to go since we were near a main road. "Can't been seen huh? Alright," Y/N said. She seemed sad, but I'm glad she understood. I walked a different direction.


You saw Jeff walk of. You kinda felt sad to see him leave, but you bottled your emotions and carried on walked home.

Reader's POV

- At Home -

I slipped into bed after having no motivation to have a shower/bath. I spent a few hours on my phone texting Owen and Sid then went to bed.

I waited for a few minutes in bed incase I would see Jeff. Sadly, I didn't hear a knock this time.

Criminal (Jeff the killer x Girl Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora