Psychiatrist (12)

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A/N: Remember, this is the second part of this story. This will mean the characters will be maybe 5 or 6 years older.


You are now 23. You have graduated with Sydney and Owen and have got a job as a psychiatrist in a mental hospital called St. Lapinton Hospital. Sydney has got a job as a model and Owen is still studying on criminology.

In your car, you put on the radio and drove for 20 minutes until you reached the hospital.

The hospital was mainly rock-hard, grey with some wiring fencing around the entrance to stop the intruders. No real happy colour or some exciting material, but whatever.

You slammed your car door shut and trudged into the mental hospital.

The office entrance had a black, grey and dark, green, stripped carpet along with a (mainly wooden) desk.

"Hello? I'm here because I applied as a psychiatrist at this hospital," you stated, shyly.

"Are you Y/N L/N?" the secretary woman asked. She had dark brown eyes with golden, blonde hair which shone in the lights.

You nodded as a reply and then she told you to walk out the office and take a left until you'd reach a wooden door, which had the words 'Private Office Room'.

This was the owner of the hospital's room. Luckily, it was a woman so you felt more comfortable.

As you entered the office, you noticed a familiar face just grown up.

In kindergarten, you used to have a childhood friend named Lapis. The name was named after a gemstone called a Lapis Lazuli. She and you spilt up after you found out you both were going to different secondary schools.

"Oh!- Lapis?" you asked, not assuming it was her right away.

"Y/N! I'm so glad that you applied for this hospital! It's been like 12 years?!" she replied.

"So.. are you like- my boss?" you asked.

"Kind of! I have a sheet of paper of the names of your patients you'll be working with. Don't be surprised when you see a certain name tomorrow though!"

"Tomorrow? What's going to happen today then?"

"Well first, I'm going to show you around."

"Oh right- of course!" you replied.

"Second, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my day catching up with you on literally everything!"



Reader's POV

Lapis showed me around the hospital. I've already met with the lunch ladies and walked into one of the empty, patient rooms.

Each patient or mentally ill person, was put into numbered rooms. The rooms have the numbers 0-135 written on them. The female and males have split rooms and areas to each other meaning there is a separate psychiatrist room, playground area etc. The two separated, biological genders barely see each other in the same hospital. The women also had the odd numbers while men had even numbers for their room.

After walking into the women main room, where you can see all the women in their rooms through a squared window, you continued to follow Lapis (Miss Lapinton) into the men main cell room.

It was just rooms being opposite to each and slightly more wider than the women's room.

"Oi! If you don't stop banging, I will have to shut you up myself!" another psychiatric nurse shouted at one of the patients banging on their room door.

It looked and seemed more like a prison, asylum or even a psych ward at this point.
The main colour was just pale, blue, painted walls with a ugly, yellow colouring floor like a hospital.


When it was lunch time at 12:45, instead of sitting in the staff room area with the other psychiatrists, psychologists and councillors, you went on a walk outside with Lapis to catch up with her on life.

"So.. what happened in Leshows Academy, Lapis?" you curiously asked.

"Oh- hahaha! Well you had a lot of students rebelling against the school rules. The rules were literally so stupid like.. I cant where a coat in the winter because it's not apart of the school dress code?"

"Oh my god- for real!" you replied.

"I also.. had a boyfriend! His name was.. uh.." she looked around awkwardly.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh- yeah.. I just had a lot-!"

You started giggling and chuckling with her on the wooden bench, sitting outside of the hospital. Making jokes about teachers, students etc.

"Soo.." she suddenly asked. "Did you date anyone? Who's the lucky guy!"

You started getting slightly gloomy and remembered the first time you met Jeff when you kept asking questions like that.

"Y/N? You okay?-"

"Oh! Yeah! Uhm- so I became uh anti-social most of the time. I really liked criminology, but it wasn't worth the while of studying so my second plan was to become a psychiatrist like I did. Also, in 11th grade I made two friends named Owen and Sydney."


Time passed after 1 hour and you got introduced to some of the other psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors, social workers and therapists etc.

You made a new friend in the hospital, who was a clinical psychologist. Her name was Emaan and had a black coloured hijab with honey, brown eyes. She works with a few patients in the hospital, who dealt with anxiety, depression or even anger issues and develop strategies to deal with their mental health issues.

Since you had no work, you and Emaan walked around the hospital and just talked about random topics.

"So.. uh I want to know more about this hospital-" you stated just when you got interrupted by a hyper, feminine voice.

"Well, lucky you! I'm a pro at this type of conversation! So this hospital has about 135 patients with 87 different workers. As you know, the women and male clients are split, but the workers aren't. We can switch from male to female clients!- Ooo! You're a psychiatrist, right?" Emaan questioned.


"So you'll be working with both genders!- mm!" As soon as Emaan started yapping, a male counsellor, whom you met earlier, covered her mouth.

"Calm yourself. Too much coffee?" he asked her.

After she admitted the truth and nodded to his question, he let her go.

"Are you her boyfriend, sir?" you asked the man.

"Hahaha! Lucky guess- but no. I'm her brother," he admitted.


Reader's POV

After a continuous conversation with Emaan, I met her brother named Seth, who worked as a counsellor.

As soon as I left the hospital and got to my car, I drove home.

In less than 23 minutes, I arrived at my house. Well I lived with my mom still, but she went on a camping trip with some friends.

Soon after getting changed into my f/c, comfortable clothing and getting into bed, I fell asleep.

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