Chapter Sixteen - Aftermath

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It had been a few weeks now, Wednesday had moved back into her dorm with Enid. Taking time to answer the other girls million questions. She even let Enid paint her nails, black of course.

Wednesday would never say it out loud, but she'd missed her.

Aside from that, Vincent had been caught, hiding out in one of his many summer homes. Wednesday truly wondered how idiotic someone had to be to hide from the police in their own home.

She spent every moment that she wasn't in class, with Enid, or writing, with Xavier. They stole kisses between bookshelves and in the courtyard when others weren't looking.

Thanks to the daily lessons Wednesdays art was improving immensely. The doves and ravens coating the canvases were becoming more and more beautiful each time. Seemingly coming to life even without Xavier's power. They now flew so close together their wings seemed to be intertwining.

She hadn't had another vision since the one where she saw Divina and Kent. She truly didn't know where it had come from or why, but she never wanted another again.

She'd confronted them about it, and they'd been absolutely embarrassed. Saying that conversation was after one of the Nightshade meetings and they were discussing Yoko telling them she'd been photographing Wednesday. They claimed they'd never told her because they didn't think Yoko was serious.

Perhaps Xavier was right about her ability, since each vision she'd ever gotten had only given her misleading parts of the picture, which each time led her to the wrong conclusion.

She'd confessed this to Xavier and he didn't gloat, he simply told her next time she had a vision to take her time. To run it by a few people. That it was okay to go to others for help.

For the first time in her life she agreed.

Although they were basically eachothers shadows at this point, Xavier and Wednesday hadn't made it offical.

Xavier giving Wednesday time, and Wednesday not having the words to say what she felt.

She knew he was safe, that he was the one. She knew that when he zoned out, focused on his work, she was enamoured. She knew that when he kissed her, she melted. She knew he was the only person she fully let her guard down around.

Wednesday knew she was forever undone by him.

She just couldn't find the words to say it.

When she saw him talking to Bianca, or any other girl for that matter, she still got that stomach ache. Knowing she had no true claim over him, he wasn't hers.

Wednesday could name that feeling now thanks to Enid's help. Jealousy. She hated that other girls could flirt with him and she couldn't do anything about it.

Her final straw was when they were at Weathervane again, having what Xavier referred to as their weekly coffee date.

The same barista was back, and she kept staring at him. She kept batting her eyelashes and smiling her sickly sweet smile. Wednesday had had enough.

"Xavier." She said, her fingers tapping an anxious pattern on the table.

"Yeah?" He said smiling at her, clearly oblivious to the baristas evil intentions.

"What are we." Wednesday asked, hoping he'd make this easy for her.

He did not, "it's up to you Wednesday. Like I said I've been waiting for you and I'll wait as long as I need to."

They sat in silence for a second, Wednesday still tapping on the table. She'd never truly been with someone before. Tyler didn't count as he'd turned out to be a bloodthirsty monster after they kissed.

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