Chapter Three - Bags

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  Her parents were simply disgusting. Could they not keep to themselves for a second. Normally Wednesday loved torture, but this was not the fun kind for her.

As she endured the painful drive back to Nevermore she found herself wishing to reach for her phone, to message Xavier. She hadn't spoken to him since their last conversation and he hadn't messaged her since.

Around halfway through the drive she decided it was too much to endure alone and she picked up her phone.

She decided on a simple and concise message.

"Love is disgusting". She hit send and sat back. Waiting for the nearly immediate ping meaning Xavier had responded.

"That's a very bold statement. I think love can be a very beautiful thing." Xavier had clearly not comprehended Wednesdays message or he would not be saying such foolish things.

"I do not believe I will make it to Nevermore alive. My parents are going to make me gouge my eyes out." Perhaps that will clear things up. She will most definitely not miss her parents and their revolting obsession with eachother.

It had been two minutes and no response from Xavier. Perhaps he had dropped dead. Just to be sure she decided to sent him a message, "have you died.Why have you not responded to my message yet?" That should clarify things, Enid always told her it's important to be sure before assuming things.

Another whole two minutes later he responded. "I just got to school was busy unpacking. I would be very disappointed if you were not to arrive :)"

Again with the stupid smileys. Xavier will never make sense to her.

While she was pondering how to respond and his weird methods of messaging, her mother announced they were almost there so she put away the phone without sending a reply.

"I will miss you so much my dear", her mother says in a disgustingly sweet voice.

"I am sure you will." Wednesday replies as monotone as ever.

Her parents had offered to help her with her bags after their forced goodbyes but the idea of spending another second around them make her nauseous. She decided to simply struggle ungracefully on her own.

She made it about halfway to her room before a familiar voice stopped her. "Do you need some help with those?"


He hadn't changed. His hair still hung around his shoulders and his eyes still bore into her the same way. She had to look up to make eye contact with him as he towered over her. He had the same soft smile as always. It was truly as if Wednesday had never betrayed him.

"I do not require your forced chivalry." The prolonged eye contact was beggining to make her nauseous so she settled for staring at his hoodie strings instead.

"Consider it a favour." He stated picking up her bags anyways.

She sighed, but followed him anyways now carrying only her cello.

"Did you have a good break Xavier?" Wednesday spoke. For once she didn't like the silence between them.

"I'm glad to be back", he offered no explanation and she didn't push. She simply made a mental note of it. "Did you have a good break? Besides running out of torture methods."

They had reached her and Enid's dorm door, "it was productive, but somehow the most entertaining thing I did was message you." It was a sad fact. One she was both disgusted and ashamed of.

Xavier smiled. God knows why. For once Wednesday doesn't hate it though. "Glad I could be of assistance, Im sorry I can't help bring your bags in your room. No boys allowed."

Wednesday had already swung the door open revealing a very excited Enid who immediately wrapped her in an unwanted hug.

"It's alright I can manage quite alright. Perhaps I will take you up on those art lessons though. Expect a message." She told him taking the bags from his hands. 

She heard him say "looking forward to it" as she swung the door shut behind her and Enid.

Enid had an unexplainable look on her face. "What's the deal with you and Xavier?" She asked in a tone Wednesday couldn't quite put a finger on.

"I simply have no idea what you are talking about." She replied already unpacking her bags.

"Art lessons?" Enid continued relentlessly, "that's new".

"It is I haven't taken them before."

Enid let out an exasperated sigh. "Glad to see you haven't changed bestie."

"You too," Wednesday said glancing at Enid's side of the room. "I see you still enjoy a nauseating amount of colour."

Enid threw herself onto her bed. "Ajax is coming over tonight I hope that's alright?"

"What time? I will make myself scarce." She said finally turning away from her luggage.

"I dunno seven, you don't have to you can hangout with us!"

Wednesday scowled. "I would rather gouge my own eyes out with a spoon. I will be gone." She pulled out her phone and send Xavier a message. One as straightforward as ever. "Your art studio. Seven. Be there."

Enid snatched the phone out of her hand. "Since when do you have a phone. What happened to not being a slave to technology!?"

"Xavier gave it to me. I figured it would be rude to not use it."

Enid's jaw dropped, "Xavier gave you a phone?"

"Yes, at the end of the semester". Wednesday failed to see why Enid was making such a deal out of this. A ding ringed out from her phone, "that would be him now, please let me respond."

Still looking just as shocked Enid handed her her phone back. "I can't believe you didn't tell me! Give me your number like right now!"

Wednesday was too busy to respond, Xavier had sent "okay" with one of his rediculous smiley faces after it. She would have speak to him about this madness. "I will not be here at seven. Don't worry."  She said finally speaking to Enid. "You may have my number but no unnecessary messages."

The other girl was staring at her in shock. "You're going to meet Xavier aren't you?"


"Who are you and what have you done with Wednesday Addams." Enid said finally going back to her rainbow covered side of the room.

"I find him much more enjoyable than I previously gave him credit for."

Understatement of the year. Wednesday for once found herself looking forward to seeing him.

The hours seemed to drag on until it was finally 6:50 on the dot and Wednesday was ready to leave. As she yanked open the door Enid shouted, "have fun" and winked.

"Wink at me again and you will find yourself with only one eye." With that she shut the door and walked out into the bone chilling cold night. 

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