Chapter Five - Stomach Ache

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The ache in her stomach was still there when she woke up the next morning. She dragged herself out of bed and headed for her first class.

It was with Xavier, herbology, a class which after last year she wasn't looking forward to returning to.

As she entered, he gestured to the empty seat beside him. Her stomach sank thinking of the way she ran out last night and the unanswered text sitting on her phone.

She couldn't do it, she brushed past him and opted for a seat at the very back sitting alone.

Xavier's jaw clenched as she did so but he said nothing.

It felt wrong. All of it wrong. Being in that class, she felt as if Thornhill was about to walk in at any time.



A million thoughts and memories were flashing through her mind, none of them good. She didn't understand, she couldn't process it.

So she did what she did best, she shut down. She didn't look at anyone the entire class. It was as if she wasn't even there.

By the end she'd retained no information, there's been no point in even going. She stood and grabbed her things, finally looking up.

She sees Xavier and Bianca talking, he grabs her bag for her and they start heading for the door together.

Wednesdays stomach does a flip, she thinks she may be sick. She shoves past both of them not saying a word despite both of their best efforts to speak to her.

The thoughts racing through her mind were more than enough to drown them out.

She heads for her room, to the one thing that makes sense right now. Her music. She finds peace with her Cello, something which is rare to come by for her. Especially now.

She hears her phone go off yet again, unsure why she even had it with her to begin with. Every part of her wants to reach for it but she resists.

Finally she reaches the safety of her room. With Things help she climbs out the window and picks up her Cello.

She decides to play "Paint It, Black". It always has brought her to a level headed place, it did her first week at the academy. So why not now.

The world becomes lost to her as she plays, finding serenity in its melody.

Perhaps this is why Xavier does his art.

As the piece concludes, she does feel calmer. She puts down her Cello and climbs back inside.

Settling down on her bed, Wednesday finally opens her phone to the two unread messages from Xavier.

First one from last night, "just making sure you're alright. You ran out pretty fast there." The second one from today, "just checking in. I'm sure it's difficult feeling back after everything."

She chews on her lip, a newly found nervous habit. She types around seven messages, deleting all. She finally settles on, "I'm fine. Just have a stomach ache" and hits send.

Wednesday waits. Perched on the edge of her bed for Xavier's quick reply. One, two, three minutes pass and there's nothing.

He's with Bianca, she reminds herself. He's most likely busy catching up.

She ends up distracting herself for a few hours with her writing. However around hour three she's lost her patience. Perhaps there is a new monster on the loose and Xavier is it's first victim, this is very unlike him.

She must investigate.

Wednesday gets up and heads for his art studio. Not even stopping to grab a jacket despite the cold weather outside.

This time when she reaches it she knocks. Her fingers aching from the cold.

She hears a faint "hello" come from inside so she opens the door stepping in.

Xavier is hunched over yet another painting, his hair pulled back once again. This time there are a few pieces hanging out around his face, dragging in the paint with each new stroke. Wednesday feels a disgusting urge to reach out and push them back for him but she resists.

He spins around and looks her up and down. Taking in her frost bitten cheeks, hands clenched together for warmth and her lack of a jacket. A confused look spreads across his face. "Are you okay?" He asks standing up.

She goes to speak but no words come out as he approaches.

"I thought you knew I couldn't do art lessons today? I just got back from being out." He continues when he stops in front of her.

Words finally found her, not good ones but they're there. "I know. You didn't answer my text, I worried a monster may have gotten you."

Xavier let's out a laugh. He has dimples when he laughs. Shes unsure how she never noticed.

"I'm okay, I just got back. Im sorry I didn't respond." He apologizes, "Wont happen again." Xavier makes a crossing heart sign and Wednesday has to glance away out of fear she may smile.

"Good. Or I will be here to investigate again." She observes his art. Another raven.

He catches her looking, "couldn't sleep again last night." He says. Answering her question without her even asking.

Wednesday nods. Still remaining silent. Xavier's eyes are burning holes in her again and she stands there.

"Are you okay though, like I said in my text. Im sure it's not easy being back." He asks, so very hesitantly.

Wednesday goes to say it's nothing. To shut him out but she doesn't. She can't bring herself to, instead she settles for. "It's about as easy prying my own nails off."

He listens. His eyes searching hers.

"Everything is tainted." She says. "Not you though."  She adds after a second of silence.

Something shifts in the air between them.

Wednesday makes her way for the door but Xavier touches her arm, stopping her.

"You want to stay for a minute?" He says softly. As if she might run.

Wednesday hesitates, then she turns. Sitting back down in her chair from yesterday. "More lessons?" This time she's asking.

He smiles. She could get used to that.

Wednesday finally takes a good look around the room. She was too focused to last night, there's still some drawings of the Hyde scattered across the floor Xavier had clearly forgotten to clean up.

Her stomach sinks. Guilt and regret seeping through her once again.

She's unsure what happens, as he sits down next to her, his hand brushing hers. Her stomach turns again and its as if something possesses her. The words spill out like vomit before she can stop them.

"I'm sorry."

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