Chapter Ten - Nightmares

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Wednesday was in chains, she was bleeding. Tyler was in front of her, taunting her. Thornhill was standing a bit behind him, holding a knife. She was going to die.

"Wednesday," a familiar voice comes from the distance. "Wednesday please." They're yelling now, she can't see them though.

For some reason Vincent Thorpes now there, he's getting closer...


She sits up, almost hitting Xavier in the face. She can't breathe.

"Hey, hey you're okay" he says softly, swiping across her cheek.

Only then does she realize she's crying, she can't even find it in herself to care.

"Cant breathe", she manages to get out. Xavier sits down next to her and slides his arm around her, holding her close to him.

"Follow me okay?", Xavier takes a deep breath, waiting for Wednesday to copy him, when she does he pauses a few seconds and breaths out. She follows.

It's surprisingly helping, they sit like that for what feels like forever until Wednesday can breathe and the tears stop flowing.

"Are you okay", Xavier asks, rubbing circles on her back.

"Yes Xavier, this is the best I've ever been thank you." Wednesday says sarcastically, glaring at him.

"Sorry it was a stupid question. Do you want to talk about it?" He asks, his eyes watching her every move carefully.

Wednesday goes to say no, to shut him out, but she can't. She needs to tell someone, to tell him. "Since last year, I've been having these nightmares. Always with Thornhill and Tyler. I'm chained up and bleeding, it's always the same. Every night."

"Wednesday I'm sorry..." Xavier starts but she puts her hand up silencing him.

"This time though, your dad was here. I don't know if it's just adding another vile component to my torture or if it means something further. He was getting closer, that's all I saw. Then you woke me up."

Wednesday feels bad for having to tell him the second his face pales. She feels his fingers tighten, gripping the back of her, well, his sweater.

Xavier avoids her eyes while asking, "do you think my dad has anything to do with your stalker."

"I don't know. We can't rule anything out yet."

They sit in silence for a while, neither of them wanting to say anything. His hand still resting on her back, mindlessly rubbing circles.

"I'm tired Xavier." Wednesday says suddenly, he takes the hint getting up. She regrets it the second his hand leaves her back. "Wait, can you..." The words burn like acid coming out, it's not like her but she can't help it, "can you stay".

Xavier doesn't say a word he just sits back down, letting her lay down and crawl under the covers as she turns her back to him. He eventually lays down beside her, staying above the covers and giving her space.

Wednesday lays there for what feels like forever, her hearts still racing, her brain won't stop. Tyler and Thornhill still plaguing her mind. She turns over, facing Xavier.

Slowly she moves closer to him, she can feel him freeze as she does so. Eventually she's so close her braids are spread across his chest, her head resting next to his.

Xavier slowly brings his arm around her, pulling her towards him so her heads now on his chest. After a moment Wednesday finally feels her heart stop racing and her eyes begin to shut.

"Goodnight Wednesday", is all she hears as she drifts off to sleep.


When she wakes up she's tangled in Xavier's arms, her head resting on his shoulder.

Wednesday quickly moves away disgusted by her moment of weakness from last night.

He saw her cry. Wednesday never cries, let alone let's anyone see it.

Her first words to Xavier when he wakes up are "do not speak a word of this to anyone, or I will be forced to cut off your tongue."

He nods solemnly but she can see a smile tugging on his lips.

They both are aware she didn't hate it, or it would've never happened.

"We will meet at your art studio after my classes. 7pm sharp okay?" Wednesday says, giving Xavier her usual dead stare.

He nods, "wouldn't miss it for the world."

"You're going to be the death of me Xavier Thorpe." Is all she said as she leaves for classes, grabbing one of his sweaters on the way out.

This morning she has herbology with Enid, so of course they sit together. Wednesday believes Enid would drop dead if she chose to sit elsewhere.

The first words out of Enids mouth when she sits down is "oh my god is that Xavier's sweater." She pretty much shouts is causing the whole class to turn around.

Wednesday seriously considers stabbing Enid with her pencil or just ending it all then and there. 

"Enid is it unheard of to be cold?" Wednesday responds cooly.

"It's unheard of for you to wear a boys sweater, let alone Xavier Thorpe." Enid replies immediately and again Wednesday gets the urge to stab her with her pencil.

She doesn't reply. She does realize deep down she has a soft spot for him wether she's willing to admit it yet or not.

"I miss having you as my roommate." Enid adds after a moment.

"I'll be back soon Enid, as soon as I figure this out. You won't fade into nothingness before then right?" Wednesday asks turning to her.

Enid smiles, "I can wait."

The class is dull but Enid manages to distract her enough with her constant talking that she gets through it without a single thought of Thornhill. Wednesday is very aware Enid did so on purpose and she's very thankful for the other girl.

After this she only had another class which seemed to last forever, Wednesday spent the entire time trying to piece together why the hell Vincent Thorpe had decided to show up in her nightmares but got nowhere.

The stalker was her new monster, but this time she was being careful. She'd learned from what happened with Xavier, she knew she couldn't just latch onto her first lead without questions. She wasn't so foolish anymore.

However she couldn't shake the feeling that Vincent Thorpe was more involved than it seemed.

When her class ended, she stepped into the hall and Xavier was waiting for her.

As they walk he asks about her class and she informs him it was nearly as excruciating as Enids love for covering her room in colour.

When they get outside Xavier holds out his hand to her.

She hesitates for a second, everyone can see them, and neither of them need comforting for once. The world seems to stop spinning as she processes his hand. Leave it to Wednesday to overcomplicate something so simple.

She looks up at Xavier and he smiles at her.

The world starts spinning again and she takes his hand.


hi guys <3
thank you for all your love and support lately.
im sorry if this chapters a mess i have a migraine and i'm dealing with some personal stuff but i really wanted to get this chapter out for you guys.

love & appreciate you all

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