Chapter 15: Repentance

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The dark figure looked like Alastors silhouette, it held up its clawed hand and flicked it. Next to you an Atwater Kent radio appeared next to you on a stand. The figure snapped its fingers, the radio turned on, you could see the soft yellow glow from the dial. The radio frequently went static as if it was trying to find the right station. Then you could hear scratches of voices trying to come through the speakers. Then you heard a voice you knew all too well...

...Your own!

Look at you, you're worthless!


You deserve this!

You never amounted to anything!

No one will ever miss you!

Stop acting like you're innocent!

As you tried to break free from the tendrils that were holding onto your wrists, you tried to drown out your own voice. But then the sound went deep and cold:

Do you really think he loved you?

Do you really think he missed you?

He never loved you, he replaced you.

But what did you do, you went looking for him. I told you not to chase him!

Now look at you, you're in Alastors shadows.

Your voice laughed maniacally. You looked around the room, it was still dark. You looked ahead of you, Alastors shadow was smiling at you. You shook your head, and clenched your teeth. You didn't want to give in to this mind game. The voice continued:

Do you really think Alastor will forgive you?

The voice became louder:

He will keep you a prisoner here!

You're never getting out!

Then something snapped, all the memories of you and Vox. Was it all a lie in the beginning? Once Vox died, you were alone. You had to face everything on your own. When you finally died and came to this forsaken place, Vox still kept you on your own. All the pain you thought was fading, came rushing back like a tidal wave. It hit you with all its force, taking the breath out of you. There was no escaping your thoughts, but that's all they were, thoughts, thoughts can...lie. But this wave of emotion hits you too hard for you to feel strong enough. But being weak makes you strong, strong enough to keep going. Although you were in hell for all eternity, you still could become strong. In this moment you allowed every emotion to hit you all at once. You stopped fighting the tendril, you let your head hang down, you felt the warm tears fall from your face. You allowed yourself to break...again. But this breaking was under Alastors watch, you thought about the demon you betrayed. The game you played was a dangerous one, when you play with fire you get burned. But fire makes ashes, ashes can arise new life regardless if you're in hell. As the tears fell, they became hotter, you could feel them burning your face. You let out a scream of pain as they burned you. But then something changed in you, you let out a scream and the tendril vanished. You looked at the radio, and screamed towards it. The radio smashed into tiny pieces, the pieces scattered around you. You slowly stood to your feet, and looked up at his shadow. You stared at his shadow, and as you spoke out, multiple voices filled the air, "Where's Alastor?" The shadow snapped its fingers, the room disappeared and you found yourself standing in his garden. As you stood in the dark garden, you looked around you. The garden was dark, vines filled the stone floor, gargoyle statues placed around the garden. The middle of the garden had a beautiful water fountain, and you slowly approached the fountain. You looked into the water's reflection, the face before you had changed. Where your pupils had gone was completely black, your skin now a gray tint, your horns grew larger and curled down the back of your head. You looked down at your hands, you had long black nails. All that pain regenerated into your new being. Then you heard a tapping sound, you looked over your shoulder slightly. You could see a figure approaching you, you slowly turned around. It was Alastor walking towards you, you quietly growled towards him. You heard him say, "Hello darling." You growled at him. He scoffed, "Oh darling, no need to act that way." You clenched out, "You!" He stopped walking until he was inches away from you. He was dangerously close to you, you could easily take a hold of his throat and rip his voice box out. You wanted to rip apart every fiber in him, but at the same time you just wanted to feel his warm embrace. He whispered, "Dearest?" You looked away. Alastor smiled widely, "All that we have been through and you treat me in such a manner." You looked back at his red glowing eyes,"Why?" Alastor smiled and said, "My dear, you don't fuck with the radio demon." You stared at him, "Well, I guess I already have." You raised an eyebrow. Alastor cleared his throat and softly said, "I suppose you have." He rolled his eyes. You look away from him for a few moments and look back at him. You spoke up, "I don't wish to be transferred." Alastor raised an eyebrow and spoke, "But what if I don't want you?" You looked him right in his red eyes and spoke in a whisper, " are forgiven." Alastors smile faded, he just stared at you for a long moment. The moment was longer than you anticipated, you dare not speak up because the quiet was comfortable. But you never once broke your stare into those red glowing eyes.You held your ground, you wanted him to realize who held the power. The power he held against you, you could feel rising up inside of you. Where you really wrapped around his finger, or did you have him wrapped around yours? You smile allowing your fangs to sparkle in the moonlight. As your smiled widened you could feel a menacing laughter welled up inside of your throat. Then you could no longer contain it you let it out, you spoke throughout your laughter, "I'm a new creation, because of you. Are you not proud of what you have accomplished?" The smile on your face never faded as you became closer to him. You gently brushed your fingers against his jawline. You whispered, "Lets show hell you don't mess with the radio demon and the shadow demon. " His smile widened across his face, he leaned down to your face and gave you a passionate kiss on your lips. He pulled from you and leaned his forehead against yours. He spoke in static, "Your on."

Y/N: I did not intend the story to end this way or go in this direction. But I'm ending it with this chapter. I have another one I'm working on, Heavy Is The Crown.  That one is a bit more serious than the others one I started writing. I noticed my writing skills have improved as well.

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