Chapter 10: Mind Games (Part 2)

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Then the screen died and went black, you start to shake and cry out, "VINCENT!" You fall to the ground, forgetting Alastor was in the room. You couldn't believe he was here, he was in this place looking for you. Then you remembered the deal you made with Alastor. An evil, wicked, cruel thought overcomes you, "I will get Alastor to fall for me, so I can find you my love! When I find you, I will break this contract with you."

You stand up and go to turn around to see Alastor standing over you. You raise an eyebrow as his smile fades, he takes a hold of your arm and growls, "Let's be going, dear!" Alastor snaps his fingers and the black abyss appears, instead of gently carrying you, you feel him throw you into the black.

BAM! You feel yourself fall onto the floor. You go to stand up but feel a foot pushing on your back and the weight causes you to fall on your stomach. You grunt, "Alastor!" You feel the weight pressing a little bit more causing you to cough. You scream out, "ALASTOR! STOP!" You hear him growl out, "What do you think you were doing back there?!" You cough a bit more, " I don't know!" You hear him, "Oh no my dear! I think you do!" You feel the pressure a bit more, "I dont know!" You feel a hand grab the back of your neck and pull you up, Alastor turns you to face him. The smile on his face is completely gone, all you see is rage, his eyes glowing a bright red. Alastor growls out, "You knew what you were doing!" You start to feel annoyed rather afraid of him any longer, you scream at him, "I DON'T KNOW ALASTOR! I THOUGHT HE WAS SOMEONE I KNEW!" You feel warm tears start to form, but these were tears out of frustration you cry out, "I don't know what happened back there Alastor. Please! Put me down" You close your eyes and can't believe you were about to say this and whisper out loud, "Please love, put me down." Alastor is taken back as you call him love. Alastor slowly puts you on the floor. Once your feet hit the ground you rub the back of your neck. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You walk towards Alastor, you cup his face and look into his bright red glowing eyes. You whisper, "Alastor, love..." You start to caress his cheek slightly with your thumb. You swallow hard due to a lump starting to form, you feel the warm tears running down your face. You whisper, "We made a great deal, love. I would like to see where it goes. I don't know what happened back there, but...let's move forward." You inch closer to him you feel your hand slide to his shoulder, you dance your fingers under his jacket collar. You slide your hand down to the buttons and undo them, with both hands you remove his jacket. You put it over your arm and walk to the closet, you open it up and hang his red pinstripe jacket on a hanger and place it on the rack. You walk back to him and take hold of his hand, and lead him up to your room. You open the door and lead him towards your bed, you sit down on the bed and gently guide him to sit on the ground. His back leans against the bed frame, as you dangle your legs around him. You slowly rub his neck, while slowly gliding to his shoulders, where you gently rub his shoulders. You start to hum a lullaby, you feel the tears slowly fall once again. You think to yourself, "This is really my....hell." You look up, the wall mirror shows your reflection gently rubbing his shoulders, you see Alastor has closed his eyes. You slowly go up his neck reaching his hairline. You slowly run your fingers through his black and red hair. You gently sing:

"'Cause I'm terrified

As I cry

To make this feelings true

What's left for me in this broken house

If I cannot have you?

I'll give you everything you need

What more is there?

What more to plead?

Just look my way

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