Chapter 12: Meeting of The Minds

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You wrap your arms around him, your arms holding him close to your body. You didn't want this moment to end, you wanted to stay this way. You felt safe, you felt desired, you felt....apart of something for once. You closed your eyes, felt yourself giving in to sleep. As you started to fall, you held onto him tightly, you didn't want him to leave, you whispered, "Alastor, don't leave me please." Before you drifted off the last thing you heard was, "Never, my love." Then you allowed the darkness to consume you.

You slowly opened your eyes, you brushed your hair away from your face as you scanned the room. Then your eyes fell upon the body that laid next to you. You saw two black and red ear tufts leaning next to you, you looked down to see Alastor sleeping next to you. You turned your body slowly towards his body, you put your arms under your head. You watched him sleep, the images of last night playing in your mind. Last night was a night of passion, the passion renewed you, Alastor helped you forget what you were looking for. You took a soft sigh and let it out quietly so as not to disturb your lover. Then a moment later, Alastors head shifted, his eyes opening, he looked at you. You gently smiled at him, you felt him take hold of your body, his body inching closer to you. He put an arm under his head while the other arm rubbed your free arm, slowly sliding his hand down to yours. He takes a hold of your hand gently and kisses it, you allow his fingers to intertwine with yours. You softly whisper, "Good morning, my darling." You see him smile softly. He leans over and kisses you softly, as he pulls away he whispers, " Good morning, my beauty." You bite your lower lip and say, "Alastor." As he pecks small kisses on your hand, he says, "Mmm" You softly giggle, you continue, "Last night" He continues kissing your hand, "What about it." You say, "What does that make us? Am I just your contract? Or am I something more?" Alastor kisses your shoulder and kisses your jawline and whispers, "My dear, we shared a beautiful night. A night I was saving for, but since we made love, the deal is now over. We no longer need to fight to woo one another." What Alastor says startles you, you feel a tear leave you and roll down. Alastor takes notice, and wipes away your tears. He sighs, "But I must confess." Your eyes widen slightly and lean towards him to hear what he has to say. He continues, "I don't want to be seen as the one who holds your contract." You feel as if your breath was stolen from your body and hold still to breathe deep. He continues, " I want to be your lover. I want to be your everything." You close your eyes, a flood of relief over taking you. He says, "But!" Your eyes snap open, you sit up looking at him, there was a but. He continues, "I know of your dance, I know of your meeting with him after you ran from the palace." You feel a panic inside of your chest. He continues, "Darling, relationships are built on trust." You whisper, "Alastor, I-I-I, Alastor I needed to know the truth. I needed to know...if it was really him." You start to feel the pain all over again, the tears forming. You continue, "It's all over now." Alastor gently touches your chin and turns your head towards him, "Darling, I don't like being second best. But last night, I was yours. That was a feeling I have never felt before. I know you're sincere in your actions." The tears fall faster as you lose control of them. You close your eyes, taking a deep breath, you wipe the tears from your face. You open your eyes and look towards him and say, "Alastor. Last night, I felt..." You bite your lip, you scan the room as if trying to find the words you want to carefully say and you continue, "...reborn. So..." You carefully take a hold of his clawed hand, you lift it to your lips and gently kiss it. Then carefully place it to your cheek, you close your eyes and as you move your cheek along his clawed hand. You softly whisper and open your eyes a bit, "Alastor, my love, if you would. Would you take me as your one and only?" You hold your breath, as you stare into those red glowing eyes, you see him slightly grin at you. He slowly sits up, he leans near your face and hears him whisper, "Darling, I must confess. After the activity that had taken place last night, how could I ever be someone else's." With that said, he takes a hold of the back of your head and kisses your lips. You push towards his lips with aggression, you feel him pull you down towards the sheets, your body leaning on his. You slowly part from your shared kiss, you smile softly at your lover. You whisper, "I suppose there is a bit of paradise in this God forsaken place." He chuckles at your statement, and says,"I suppose so, my lovely." Then suddenly you were reminded of where you were, you feel a wave of cold air overwhelm you. Alastor looks behind you, you shift your head to see what he was looking at, it was his shadow. You hear Alastor firmly say, "Ki nouvèl?" You see his shadow mouth, something you couldn't make out. You feel Alastor drop his arms at his side with a thud and groan out loud. He sharply says, "Wi! Mwen pral asiste. Fè vit ak mesaj la." Then with that, his shadow disappears. You look at Alastor with a raised eyebrow. He sighs and says, "Lucifer is requesting a council meeting with all the overlords in Hell. Your presence is requested as well my love." Then all of the fear you knew hit you like a flood hitting against you. You sat up on the bed, your body trembling, the room started to spin, you felt yourself fall onto the hard floor, smashing your head on the floor. You lay there in your panic attack, you couldn't go to a place with all the overlords there. He will be there, you wanted to forget him completely. You couldn't face to see him, after the hell he put you through. You feel your body being lifted off the floor, and gently laid back on the bed. You feel Alastor move your hair, examining where you hit your head. He touches it, you wince in pain, you touch where the pain was on your head, you pull your hand away revealing bloody fingers. You see Alastor rush to the bathroom, your fingers trembling, tears roll down your face. Alastor rushes in with medical supplies to patch you up. He gently mends your wounds, you sniffle and say, "How can I face him?" Alastor continues to mend you as he speaks, "Darling, you forget who I am. I am greatly feared in this place. If anyone was to harm you, they would have to get through me first. My darling, do you know how many times they have exceeded?" You mouth, "Zero." He chuckles, "No one has ever defeated me, and darling, no one ever will." As he finishes mending your head, he runs a claw down your jawline and says, "Don't worry yourself my dearest. Now let us get ready for this meeting and when we are done" he pauses and leans towards you and continues," I would love to repeat last night...again." He smirks at you, you gently cup his cheek and say, "Anything for you, my lord." Alastor leaves you to get ready for this meeting. Since it's a meeting among other overlords you feel it would be best to dress formally. You go to the bathroom to freshen up, you carefully clean around your wound. After you dry yourself off, you open your wardrobe, you look through the dresses. You stop at one dress in particular, it was a black silk dress, the top of the dress was a crimson red corset, the sleeves were a see through material that hung off the shoulders. The back was laced up with black ribbon. As you pulled the dress on, you felt a coldness behind you. You giggle and say, "Well, if you're going to be back there. Would you be so kind as to lace me up?" Alastors shadow leans near your face and grins, you feel the shadows cold hands lace your ribbon and tie it gracefully. You feel the shadows cold claw on your shoulder, running its claws carefully down your arm. You quickly turn around and squint at the shadow, and you speak "It appears his shadow has taken a liking to this....relationship." You see his shadows smile grow widely across his face. You blush and boldly say, "Last night, did you feel....anything when Alastor and I, you know." Then you hear Alastors voice from the door, "I suppose he may have, what I feel he can feel as well." You look horrified at this statement, you look at the shadow and back at Alastor and just blink endlessly. You shake your head and say, "That was too much for me to handle." Alastor chuckles at you and says, "My dearest, we could always invite-" You stop Alastor and say, "You stop right there, Alastor!" You look at his shadow and say, "No! Sorry but no." His shadow shrugs and leaves them alone. Alastor walks over with a rectangle box in his hands. You say, "What do you have there darling?" Alastor sighs, and opens the box revealing a necklace that was shaped into vines, made out of a black metal. Alastor takes a hold of the necklace carefully with his claws. He says, "Come here my love?" You walk towards him and turn around, with both hands you move your hair out of the way. Alastor fixes the necklace around your neck. You feel him touch your collar bone, then with curious hands you feel him place his claws gently move along the top of your breasts. You sigh out softly and whisper, "Alastor." You feel him come closer to your back, he says, "Mmm, my love." You feel him lean into your neck and place soft kisses. You lean your head back and close your eyes and say, "M-m-must'n w-we g-g-ge-" you stop as he nips your neck lightly you squeal, "Alastor!" He chuckles against your neck, you feeling his breath tingle your skin. He says, "Yes my dear." You try to pull away from him, you feel his arms take a hold of your waist. He chuckles, "Darling, that dress is teasing me so." You feel yourself laugh as you struggle to free yourself from his grasp. You feel him turn your body around, you look at his face. You lean up to his face, you take a hold of his collar and pull him down to you, and whisper, "Well, my lord, allow me to seduce you when this meeting is over." You smile sinsterly Alastor chuckles, "I can't wait to unwrap you." You let go of his collar and leave him to his thoughts. You walk to the door and turn around, "Coming darling?" He fixes his collar and bowtie, and his infamous smile spreads across his face and with a static tone he says, "Coming my dearest."

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