Chapter 1: Arrival

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Look at you, you're worthless!


You deserve this!

You never amounted to anything!

No one will ever miss you!

These were the words that resigned within your mind, as you lay on the cold hard ground. Afraid to open your eyes, afraid of what will be waiting for you when they open. As you lay there, you feel your breathing start to quicken, your heart starting to race. You feel the anxiety, fear and hopelessness start to sink in. As you lay there spiraling into your panic attack you clench your teeth and hands. You start to feel warm tears form at the corners of your eyes, why? Why did it have to end this way? As you lay there, you try to remember what you did wrong. How did you end up here? All your life you tried to live a life that was pleasing, why wasn't it enough. Yes, you were a tough teen, getting into trouble but you found people in your life that were willing to help. As you grew up you changed, you changed your ways, you repented. Repent, to seek forgiveness. You chased for that all your life. The way you lived your life, shouldn't that have been your new song, your evidence that you truly were saved. But then, how did you end up here?

You know what you did!


Stop acting like you're innocent!

You wanted it, just as much as he did!

You shake your head and scream, "SHUT UP!" You snap your eyes open and slowly sit up. You stare straight ahead, all you see is a tint of red among the sky, darkness all around you. You close your eyes, and take a deep breath to let it out slowly. You slowly open your eyes and take a look around you. There was nothing but darkness and a red tint among the sky. As you steady your breathing you hear the most horrendous sounds. All you could hear was the screaming of those suffering off in the distance. Your eyes become wide, and that fear you thought you had under control comes back. But this time the fear comes back like a flood. You feel yourself falling into another panic attack.

Look at you!

You're so pathetic!

Poor little wee lamb!

Looks like the little lamb can't take the heat!

You shake your head again. "Shut up!" You whisper under your shaky breath.

We won't shut up!

You have to suffer with us!

Haha! Little lamb.....we are you!

You snap your eyes shut and put your hands to your head and start to cry out, "Please! Leave me alone! I don't remember why I'm here!"

Ooh, little lamb...soon you will.

You think to yourself, "Little lamb! Why does that voice call me that?" As you're holding your head, you feel small stubble horns on your head. Your eyes snap open and think to yourself, "Horns!" As you rub your horns, they feel rather smooth, the tip feeling sharp. You wonder to yourself, "What does the rest of me look like?" As you sit there you hear a sound, SNAP! You quickly look around, squinting your eyes, trying to see in the darkness. You start to hear footsteps, you close your eyes, bringing your knees to your chest and you hold onto your legs tightly. You let your head fall onto your arms, you feel your heart start to race again, the panic is building up inside of you.

Here He comes little lamb!

"He! Who is coming?" You think to yourself. Then all of a sudden the footsteps come to an end. Your body starts to shake. You think to yourself, "Are they gone, I'm too afraid to look."

Little Lamb, don't make Him wait.

You won't like it if you make Him wait.

He might not like it if He waits.

"OK! Let's get this over with then. If.....someone is really waiting for me." You think to yourself. You take a deep breath, and slowly lift your head. Your eyes widen in fear at the sight that is in front of you. You feel your mouth drop, you want to let out a scream but your throat clenches. "NO! IT CAN'T BE! I THOUGHT HE WAS A MYTH, A STORY, FOLKLORE! WHY!" You silently scream within.

You didn't want to believe it, but it was.........HIM!


Keep the comments clean! Depending on the reads and views will determine if I upload Chapter 2. Again, this is just a fictional story, don't take it too seriously. This is for my entertainment and I just wanted to share it with everyone else. Also, I need a fantasy to run away to every now and then.

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