Chapter 4: Rules & Regulations

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Alastor turns towards Lucifer and says, "Thank you for the contract Lucifer! It was a pleasure doing business with you. I will let you know if we need anything." Lucifer nods and replies, "Not a problem Alastor. But, this time Alastor..." Lucifer stops and walks closer to him, leaning towards him and whispers, "Don't cause any more trouble! Or I will..."he pauses and shifts his glance at you and finishes with, "make sure to take away what will become very precious to you. with you two." Lucifer walks up the stairs, but stops at the top and says, "(Y/N) it was very lovely getting to know you. Welcome to your consequence and please enjoy your stay!" With that he disappeared around the corner, leaving you alone with the rest of your eternity.

As you stand on the last step looking at Alastors red eyes, his gloved claw still holding onto your hand gently. Alastor grins at you and says with a static sound, "Well my dear, let us resign to my establishment, shall we?" You nod your head with a nervous expression on your face. Alastor snaps his finger, a black portal appears in front of him. Alastor turns to face you, you feel his arm wrap around your waist, pulling you towards him. He lets go of your hand, allowing you to place your hands and arms leaning against his chest. He looks down at you and grins and whispers, "Hold on dearest!" As if you were possessed you wrap your arms around his neck, your fingers clench his collar. Alastor effortlessly picks you up as if you were a small doll and walks with you into the black swirling abyss. As he walks with you in his arms you look back at the palace, fear engulfing your every fiber. The anxiety and panic was too much for you to take and tightly shut your eyes, waiting for this to end. Then you feel the solid ground touch your feet, you slowly open your eyes and lean back slightly. As you look around, you see the wallpaper is red, the floor is a beautiful mahogany color. There were a few doors that were closed off, to the left side of you was a large room, with a large glass window. In the corner you saw something that made you light up, a grand piano sat in the corner of the room. It felt so long since you last touched the ivory keys, the soothing sound when you pressed down onto the keys. But quickly you were ripped from that soothing memory, when Alastor let go of you. As you felt his arms let you go, you unclenched his collar and allowed your arms to fall to your side. You turned around examining the foyer, you looked to your side seeing Alastor standing beside you, he was busy fixing his bangs. He grunts, "Teleportation always messes with my hair." As he says this you can't help but smirk a little, and think "All of the things to worry about, he worries about his hair." He peeks at you from his peripheral, " I see that smirk on your face." He grunts. Your eyes become wide and hear the words Lucifer spoke, " My dear, I would not make him...angry." You look away from Alastor and with your right hand you gently rub your left arm. You hear Alastor clear his throat, "Right! Let's get your contract signed. I wish for you to understand your legal obligations to me. Since, you are mine." You slightly frown at what he says, you turn to him and repeat, "!" He turns his head towards you and frowns saying, "Yes...for now. It's all part of the transition period. You see my dear, for one year a new sinner is contracted to an overlord of Lucifer's choosing. But when that year ends, it is then up to those who hold ownership to the contract they can trade it off to another overlord. If I feel I no longer desire to have you, after one year I can trade you off to any overlord I so choose." You feel panic start to swell inside of you, your breathing starts to become heavy, your body starts to slightly tremble. The voices scream out loud:




You quickly hold your head and shut tight your eyes, you lose all feeling in your legs and fall to the ground. The screaming voices caused a sharp pain crawling through your skull. It felt as if your skull was slowly cracking apart. You yelp as the pain continues to spread. Alastor moves in front of your kneeling body, and kneels down in front of you. "Mmm, interesting. It appears your conscience has turned against you." Alastor touches your forehead, and gives it a slight rub. As soon as he did this, the voices stopped along with the pain. You opened your eyes and looked up at him. "You might want to get that under control." he grunted. Then you feel his claw take hold of your arm and pull you up as he stands. Alastor statically says, "Now, let us proceed with the proper protocols. I don't want this day off to go wasted." The two of you make off down the hall, you pass a few rooms and stop in front of the door with an ivory door knob. Alastor pulls out a black key from his coat pocket, he puts the key into the keyhole and turns the key. CLICK! The door unlocks, he pulls the key out of the hole and places it back in his pocket, he pushes his hand against the door causing the door to open. The two of you walked into a small room, with a mahogany desk, a file cabinet was placed in the corner. There were two tall bookshelves filled with books and trinkets. But what was interesting was what hung on the wall behind his desk. Your eyes widened as you realized what was hanging, mounted to the wall was a 47 point buck head. You quickly looked at Alastor, and looked back at the buck head and thought to yourself, "What! He's a deer, he must be a..." but your thoughts were interrupted when Alastor gave a slight chuckle. In a static voice, "Oh my dear! You will have plenty of time to...get to know me. But yes, I have a deer head mounted to my wall. That was the best hunt I have ever been on, nearly losing myself to the void trying to get it. But it was worth it. Now then let's get this out of the way." He lets go of your arm and walks to his desk. He opens the drawer and pulls out a scroll. You carefully watch him unroll the scroll, he gently smooths out the parchment. He looks up at you, "My dear, please come here. I need you to understand your obligations." You cautiously walk over to him, as your eyes dart back to his red eyes, you see the glow tone down to a crimson color. Once you were close enough to see what was on the parchment. The scroll contained 10 different clauses that stated what was expected of you. At the top of the scroll you noticed the first few sentences of the contract:

I, Alastor, have accepted the terms and conditions to obtain, (Y/N) (L/N). This contract will be void when the initial end time has expired. Then and only then can the suitor relinquish the sinner from their duties. If, the designated contractor requests an extension with the sinner, a seal of approval from the executive that is responsible for transitions.

As you read this, a single tear fell down your cheek, "I'm his...prisoner." you thought sadly. The realization of your after life sank in, this was your eternal life, being tossed around from overlord to overlord year after year. The fear of the unknown dwelled inside of you, you remember what Lucifer said about Alastor, "He is well known in my kingdom and greatly feared." Your thoughts started running through your head:

Alastor is a feared overlord! What will he do with me? What's going to happen after I sign this? What choice do I have? Is there a place to run and hide? Is it too...

"Y/N!" you hear Alastor say. You quickly snap back to the room and what you needed to do. You looked up at Alastor and said, "Sorry my lord." You notice he is pointing to the first clause and says with static in his voice, "First and foremost you must understand you can NOT under no circumstances can you make a deal with any other overlord. The only deal you can make is with the one who holds your contract." He points to the second clause, "Secondly, you must obtain a submissive state at all times, this means if I need you to do something you must do it without question." He looks you in the eyes, his smile fading to a most serious face. As he looks at you, you feel your body start to tremble. His static becomes intense as he speaks, "NEVER! Break this rule! Now, only then, I mean only then if I tell you to ignore such a request. I need to know if you understand this?!" You respond with a nervous tone, "Yes, my lord. I will submit to you and only you. My lord, if I may ask a question." Alastor nods his head in agreement, you clear your throat and begin, "What if an overlord was to request..." He holds his hand up to stop you and he begins, "I never take kindly to overlords telling my...subjects, in your case maiden, what to do. Unless that overlord and I have made a deal that will benefit me in the end. But it is rare that I will let anyone request something of you. If you look down at the third clause. It states that no request is to be submitted by any overlords other than those who hold the contract to the sinner. Now to clarify the rest of the contract, you are not to try and run from me. My dear, I can and will find you. I have many shadows to help me." Once he spoke those words the walls turned black and you could see the shadows of different souls climbing and scratching up the walls. The shadows let out a loud scream, then you noticed a blank figure behind Alastor. The figure poked its head to the side of Alastor and smiled widely. Alastor put his hand up and said, "My shadow is quick and is able to hear from quite a distance. My shadow reports your progress or any available information that I require. As for the rest of the contract, do not speak to overlords unless spoken to, you are to report to me or if you have any information that is of value. I expect you to dress accordingly, none of this revolting fashion that demons wear during this modern era. What you wear represents me and I uphold myself to higher standards. I expect you to show me respect when we are in the presence of other overlords. Lastly..." He bends down to your face, he places his thumb and pointer finger against your chin and tilts your head up to him. He begins, " I expect loyalty, if I find out you are trying to plot against me. You will join the rest of my shadows, trust me, they have it far worse than you do." He stands up, opens the front drawer of his desk and takes out a glass quill. He takes hold of your hand, and straightens your pointer finger. Then before you could object he presses the tip of the quill onto the tip of your finger. Then he places your finger onto the bottom of the scroll where it says, signature. He brings your finger up, you notice the blood move on the parchment, your name appears across the line. He places the quill back into his desk drawer and lets go of your hand. As soon as your hand is released, you apply pressure with your other pointer finger. Alastor smiles and says, "Now my're mine!"

(A/N): Well all the legal binding is out of the way. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry if it's short.

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