||32|| Arms Length

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******LILAC'S POV *******

Fairy lights illuminate the garden, soft music plays in the background, thankfully, the evening weather stays cool and I can do nothing but admire my brother as he stands under the gazebo with the hands of the woman he's going to marry in his.

To be honest, I'd say this is the best Liam has ever looked in a tux and I can tell the ladies a few feet behind me can tell as well because a few hours ago, I had to comfort one in the bathroom after she confessed to having feelings for my older brother, forgetting the fact that she's married with three kids.


Kai keeps a hold of my hand, rubbing it soothingly as he stands behind me, watching as the two take their stance to dance to the slow music playing in the background and thankfully, I've not seen any of my parents after this mornings play-out but despite this, it keeps me at ease knowing that even though this is a family event, family problems haven't got in the way.

Paloma shameless abandoned us to - claim the bar- her words, not mine- and ever since, I've been hearing her bubbly laughter every now and then when I look in that direction. I should probably save her but I know better than to interrupt a drunk Kervensky.

"Are you okay?" The male behind me asks, and I take a moment to breathe in the environment around us; couples slow dancing, waiters humbly serving, my distant grandparents on both sides having a conversation and in the shadow of all of this, my father and Michael leaning against a wall with a drink in their hands as my niece holds her dad's hand looking rather much bored.

I chuckle at the little girl and Malachi looks in her direction.

"He has a kid?"

I nod and he holds me tighter, bringing me closer to him.

"What's her name?"

"Ana." I say, "Louisianna."

"Do you want kids?" At that I look at him with a weird eye and wonder if I heard him correctly causing him to laugh.

"I'm just curious, Turtle."

I go silent, feeling slightly dejected and I know he notices because he begins to rub my back, hugging me and saying he's sorry in my ear.

Ever since my first miscarriage, I've found it difficult to relate to children no matter how sweet they may seem because deep down, I know I could have had mine but it was taken away from me. I'll never forget the pool of blood I lay in after Blake's dad hurt me, and I'll never forget the look on my parents face when they saw me after that.

It was a look of disappointment, regret and pain moulded onto their elite faces because they knew that no amount of money could erase my mistake.

Parenting at that age wouldn't have been easy but it would have been something I'd try my best to do.

"You're very strong, you know that right?"

I hesitate but then nod onto his shirt.

"If you had to do it again you'd be the strongest person for the task, you know that don't you Lilac?"

I nod again.

"Look at me, babe."

I obey and meet his blue gaze as he continues to hold me in the mist of people, not giving a shit about what others might think of the presidents son, getting cozy with the spoilt daughter of two billionaires.

"You've sacrificed so much to be here today and anyone who doesn't see that is a bloody fool. You're capable of so much and if the world decides otherwise, that's on them because I know who I'm dating and I know that what matters to you means so much and you'll leave whatever you're doing to be there for others."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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