26: Talk

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I walk back to my dorm but when I enter my room I sense something weird, my balcony door is open and it smells like... Fester. What the hell is he doing here, wait I saw on the news someone robbed a bank it must have been him. I look around and see my closet door slightly open.

"Fester come out" I say closing the door behind me sitting on the edge of my bed waiting for him to come out, he comes out wearing one of my skirts.

"Hi Lilith, how've you been?" He asks smiling, sitting next to me on my bed.

"What are you doing in my room?" I ask back ignoring that he is wearing one of skirts.

"Oh you know decided to visit Wednesday and you" He says and I roll my eyes.

"You are hiding aren't you?" I ask and he smile slightly falls.

"Ok you caught me, yes I am hiding, but don't tell. Wednesday I have been here she still think I am at her friend bee hive" He says and I nod.

"Cool... but still you shouldn't be in my room" I tell him and he nods standing up.

"You are right, I will be going bye Lilith" He says sign over to my balcony.

"Bye fester" I say watching him disappear into the darkness of night, I sigh closing the balcony door, he stole my skirt.

Thank god he didn't mention my tear stained cheeks, I just don't get why Xavier can't make a decision. I understand Wednesday is pretty but she does not show him any attention, I have lawny been there for him. Don't get me wrong Wednesday can be a nice but she does not do it often. Its probably the jealousy talking I am going to sleep on it.



I am in so much shit, I like Lilith, ever since I was 6 but Wednesday I also like, I get she does not show me that much affection but I still like her and the words Lilith said really stuck with me, she is right we kissed and she kissed me back and it was clear we had a connection but Wednesday... the drawing was juts to try to forget about Lilith not Wednesday. Why do I do this to myself.

I'll sleep on it.



I am so confused today, I just need to get through my classes and I get to finally have a break, right now it was 4th hour and I had plant history, and I decided too change my sit to sit next to Ajax. I needed a break form some people especially Bianca. Theo and Tulip garnet talked to me since this morning they were to sought up on being a couple. Don't get me I love they released they liked each other but thats no need to ignore me.

"Hey you ok?" Ajax asks noticing I am spaced out longer than usual "You've been spacing out more than usual"

"Yeah I just need to think" I sigh listening to Miss Thorn-Hill talk about another type of plant.

"You know you can talk to me when ever, right?" He tells me and I nod.

"Yeah I know" I nod looking down at my notebook, father hadn't called or texted to say sorry and mother hands even called or texted for any reason like before, and my siblings hand called either. Father probably told them not to. I just don't get why I can't have a loving family like Ajax or Wednesday. I can't talk to anyone they are supposed to talk to me not the opposite, I was the therapist friend I do not need therapy.

I just want one normal family meal when me and mother and father end up screaming at each other because of something dumb, but normally the next day we act like nothing happened, this must have really affected father for him not to talk to me. God I am such a bad daughter.

And before I knew it class was over, I had history after this but I just can't bring myself to go to through another class, so I went to my dorm and sat at my balcony this always calmed me down. I was breathing in and out.



When I saw Lilith was not in History I sprinted out of there, I know her and how she feels about her emotions, she thinks she can just hide them until they disappear but that just result in her emotions exploding and thats how she becomes a bomb that you dolt know when it is going to explode. I walked up ti her room opening the door and going into her balcony. She always goes there when she is stressed. I sit next to her and she glances at me.

"Start talking" I say and she groans, knowing she count run away this time.

"I had a fight with my parents on parents weekend, mom acted a bit normal the day later my dad didn't even look at me he just left, and now no-one is talking to me in my family and I feel like the worst daughter ever"She says tears streaming down her face, so thats why she was screaming around the fire the other day.

"You aren't a bad daughter, it is not your fault you can't just act like everything is ok, everyone has a limit" I tell her, wise words I have... wise words.

We spent the rest of the day talking, lets just say she felt a lot better after FINALLY talked to someone, specially me.


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