09: Nightshades

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Tonight wed ideated to have a Nightshades meeting, to celebrate the Poe Cup.

"YOU TACKLED ME TO THE GROUND" I exclaim at Ajax "You know how hard it was to get that MUD out my hair"

"Well you did threaten to hex my future children" Ajax says.

"Can you both shut up you are giving me a headache" Theo says "And we do not ant people to now we are here"

"What ever what do you-" Before bench could finish we heard someone coming in so I did the rational thing and turned all of us invisible, we looked over at the stairs and we see Wednesday coming down and looking around grabbing book. "Grab the bag"Bianca whispers and Yoko puts a bag over Wednesday's head.


We had tied Wednesday to a chair do I knew she would free herself in less than 5 minutes, Bianca set up a projector on a white screen and we all had our robes and mask on. I took the bag of her head already noticing her looking around trying to figure things out.

"Who dares breathe our inner sanctum?" Bianca says in the lower voice she could do.

"You can take the mask off, Bianca" When my dear cousin said that everyone took off their masked and Bianca turned of the projector. "Wait, I prefer you with it on"

"How did you get down here?" Xavier asks.

"Rowan showed me" Wednesdays says looking at me "Left pocket" So I did that taking out the drawing of the other day noticing it was two girls one that was defiantly Wednesday and the other one on the floor almost looking dead. "I tracked the watermark to the Poe statue, then I solved the riddle"

"Wait, there's a riddle?" Kent ask and everyone glares at him "I thought we just snapped twice"

"Well, aren't you the brightest in the bunch?" Wednesday says sarcastically in her flat tone.

"The Nightshades are an elite social club" Bianca speaks up "Emphasis on elite"

"We have roff parties, campouts..." Yoko starts and I finish.

"And the occasional skinny-dip" I say winking at Bianca who rolls her eyes.

"And Yoko's amateur mixologist" Davina says smirking at Yoko.

"She makes a killer virgin mojito, it can get pretty wild" Ajax says glaring at me and I glare back.

"Wow. Do you guys even have a bedtime?" Wednesdays asks clearly joking. "Last I heard, the Nightshades had been disbanded"

"Yeah, the group kind of lost its charter 30 years ago after some normie kid died" Xavier explains looking at us for approval.

"But we have a lot wealthy alumni" Yoko says. "So Weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves"

"Someone like Rowan?" Wednesday asks.

"We booted that loser last semester" Bianca says "Question is, what do we do with her? Only members allowed in this library"

"I say we invited her to pledge" When Xavier said that we all shouted WHAT. "She is a legacy" he says pointing at a picture of Morticia and Gomez.

"After the crap she pulled in the poe Cup, there's no way in hell" Bianca responds. "We talk about not making waves she is tsunami"

"Just because she beat you at your own game?" I ask sarcastically getting tired of their attacks on my cousin.

"Let me save you the trouble, I'm not entered in joining" Wednesday says.

"You're seriously turning us down?" Yoko asks.

"Can you believe it?" Wednesday says coping her accent.

"Untie her" Bianca says.

"She freed herself 5 minutes ago" I tell her as she shows the normal rope untied in her hands. My cousin grabs the paper back from me and when she was trying to leave Kent got in her was I glared at him for stepping in her way.

"Do you want a watching black eye" Wednesday says and Kent gets out her was as she gives him the rope walking away. "It's amateurs like you who give kidnapping a bad name" she says and leaves.

"Why would you embarrass me like that!" Bianca exclaims at me.

"Because you can't just be mean to my FAMILY and expect me to just stand there and agree!" I exclaim "I am so done do whatever you want, be as mean as you want with other people but do not do anything to my family"

"It's not my fault she is a weirdo" Bianca explains making me even more angry "Its not my fault your dad is the boogie man that fucking psycho, your mom is a witch and your siblings-"

Before she could finish I slammed onto the wall "Say it common on, what is up with my siblings, huh Bianca?" I say garlic ta her not playfully like usually. She looks away "Come on Bianca finish the sentence!" I scream in her face. "You fucking bitch at least my mom comes to visit me, where is your mom?" I ask knowing the answer but I was so done with her shit.

"Come on Lilith" Theo says trying to pull me away beef he could I say one more thing.

"I can take you any day if you continue talking shit about my family, fucking try me" I say before Theo pulls me away.

"That is why they are pulling you away?" She says laughing.

"She needs to stop being a smart as cause I'll fucking, go ham on you bitch" I scream and she kept making snarky comments.

"That get smart with me cause I will go smart with you" I scream

"Try to say something to me come one" She says like I won't hex her and everyone in this room.

"When I want to bet the leaving ever christ out of you I will!" I scream getting so angry Ajax, Theo and Kent had to hold me.

"Fuck all of you, I am done with the Nightshades, I am done with this" I say dropping my mask and stomping on it leaving the room "Talk to me when you aren't a bunch of fucking petty children" I say leaving the room about to break someones jaw.


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