ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟞

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Everyone is whooping and cheering, Armando shut them up with a single glare, I guess he has an important position here.

I guess this is how things work here, no mercy or pity. Fine by me, but remember he started it. Their eyes clearly showed that they don't expect me, a 13-14 year girl to win against a gang member of some sort. Honestly, a normal person would think that too, but I want to see the surprise on their faces when I win.

He threw the towel to the ground harshly and walked to the ring. Alex stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

"Don't" He pleaded, but I just smiled at him. I whispered, "Just trust me,"

Before Armando or Dante could stop me, I rushed behind Kristian. Thankfully I wore shorts and an oversized sweatshirt that I stole from Dante's closet. Don't think I don't have any clothes, I wore his cause he 'accidentally' ripped my favorite dress.

I got in the ring and wore the gloves, Armando and Dante warned me not to do it but it was already too late. Why he started it first, I'll just finish it for him and squash his little male ego.  There's a catch though, We certainly have a size difference and he must have trained for a very long time, If I directly faced against him, I would lose. I'm 13-14 ish and he is what? 25? He could crush me in a second. But there is a way to win, I play my cards right and use the skills that I have learned right, then there is a chance to win.

I guess they three think I'll lose because I lost to Rosa, but hey don't judge based on one performance, I just didn't give it my all back then.

"The first one to touch the ground loses," He clapped his fists together.

"Sure," I smiled, this is gonna be fun.

We wore the mouth guards and then a guy shouted 'START'

He then ran and jumped, trying to kick me in the face but I immediately dodged.  

And I distanced myself a bit from him, we jumped around a bit. He then threw a punch at the left side of my face, I tilted it right and escaped but he didn't stop there He kept throwing punches left and right until I hit him on the right side of his face, and he fell back to the ropes. 

He whipped his head around looking really angry about the whole situation. He rushed forward again and used his legs to try and trip me but I jumped just in time, while doing that he also swung his arm, aiming for my head I leaned back and twisted my body a little.

He came around again and kicked me in the lower part of my leg but I held my ground using my left leg as support, then I also jumped and kicked him right in the knee cap which caused him to trip. But not all the way in.

The crowd is wilding at this point, some cheering for me and some cheering for him. He rushed forward and threw a punch on the right side this time but I used my hands this time to block him, and he did the same thing to my left side. Deciding that this is taking too long and extending a fight is not good, I delivered the final kick, right to the center of his body, and he jumped back.

Fuck I wasn't expecting this!

He grunted angrily like a bull and used his hand to grab my neck and try to push me backward, but I did the same thing except that I used my knee to hit him where I did before, to make it hurt more. I did it twice in fact. I am not going to lose so easily.

I turned us around, and while he is still grabbing my neck I let go, put my hands high up near my neck, and swung my elbow straight to his jaw. His whole body moved along with his head as I watched him fall to the ground.

The room turned deathly quiet, wondering how a 'little girl' defeated him. I sighed, Mom thank you so much for teaching me how to fight. If she hadn't trained me and made me take all those lessons then I would have actually been squashed like a bug. 

I bent and whispered in his ear, "I was expecting more you arrogant bitch, but at least now we know who the real pussy is, right?" I chuckled, inciting more angry grunts from him. I hate being a bitch but putting down an arrogant dude is so much fun.

I got up and took off the gloves, he got up behind me and took his gloves and mouthguard off, and started walking out of the arena. The look on their faces gave me a boost of ego, they were totally shocked at the unexpected result and were whispering amongst themselves. 'Who is this girl?' , 'Is she a new member?', 'woah, she's so tiny and cool' were a few I heard as I dried my sweat-covered neck.

"You, what's your name?"

"Vivian Valeria Moretti," I answered, his face morphed from anger to that of shock, and he bowed and scurried off. The other members were also shocked to hear this, their whispering grew louder into a buzz. Armando held a contented yet relieved face and Dante and Alex held proud dad faces.

Then I saw him again, that hot bodyguard. He mouthed 'WOAH', and I turned around, I could feel my face hearing up.

I grabbed all of my three brothers and rushed out of there.

"No, don't tell me. You like Marcel!?" Alex yelped,

"I don't" I retaliated,

So his name is Marcel, what a cute name, like him.

"We saw the look you gave him," Dante sighed,

"And moreover he's 16!" Armando too yelped, so he's only 3 years older than me.

"Fine by me. I'll just wait till I turn 16 too. By the way, does he have a Girlfriend?" I ask to which I received a blow to my head by none other than Armando the Great.

"What was that for?" I hit him back, which started a whole lot of bickering.

We fought until we couldn't fight at all. All of us sloped into the couch in the main Living area of this great palace.

Alex dropped down next to me,

"Don't think I didn't notice that you know Spanish and Italian. You sneaky little estupida," He scolded, but I just giggled.

"Thank you for not leaving us," He whispered, I looked at him.

"I would rather die than leave you guys," I say, which drew a little smile on his face. 

"But if it's with Marcel then I'll shed happy tears," I added with Armando almost giving me one more blow to my already hurt head.

"If you do that then I'll murder him," He shrugged and lay back lazily on the couch. I exhaled and lay back too.

"You fought really well there! Who taught you?" Dante asked,

"Mom did," I replied, "Should have known" He answered and ruffled my hair.

"I know I said that I wouldn't involve myself in the Mafia matter but can I come to train with you guys?" I ask

Dante looked surprised but he cleared his throat, "Sure, but only with us. You are never going back to that room,"

I smiled and squished his cheeks, but he slapped my hand away. I drew back and hugged Alex.

"He's my favorite brother you know," I taunted him, Armando got up and glared at me along with Dante then it change into an evil smile.

Oh no.

Yes, you are right, they started tickling me, and even though I begged them to stop they ignored me until I said the magical words, "You are my favorite brother,".

What a tiring day


I have nothing to say today, just had a bad day soo....

Hope you guys have a great day!

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