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Elliot took a sip of his coffee as the door opened. He looked up and locked eyes with Olivia's mother. Olivia still hadn't been in contact with her mother or sister, so they didn't know what was happening. 

"Hey, Serena," Elliot spoke, as he waved her over. Serena walked over and sat down across from him before sighing softly.

"So she won't see me, but you will?" Serena asked.

"She's dealing with a lot right now, Serena. Olivia is also two weeks shy of her due date, and we are trying to get the room ready," Elliot spoke, as a server came over and placed another mug of coffee on the table.

"She blocked Jenny and me. So I can't even call or text her to check up anymore," Serena frowned, before grabbing a few packages of sugar and pouring them into her coffee.

"We read the letter, Serena. It told Olivia everything about her leaving... like what Jenny was doing and why she ghosted you when she moved away," Elliot breathed. Over the last few weeks, Olivia had been calling and video chatting with Lanie. 

They had been getting to know the teenager, and now Elliot had to tell Serena about Olivia's rape and pregnancy.

"Elliot, did she have a reason?"

"She was raped by some guy she went to school with. He was her prom date, and he raped and beat her. She left after she took a pregnancy test and it came back positive," Elliot frowned. Serena's face paled and her eyes welled with tears.

"Matthew Anderson raped her?" Serena whispered, her voice shaking.

"You remember him?"

"Y-yes, I do. He always seemed like such a nice guy, but clearly I was wrong," Serena whispered. She grabbed a napkin and wiped at the tears that had slipped down her cheeks.

"He's a monster, Serena. Olivia had a baby in Denver before moving on to Utah."

"Where is this baby?"

"Lanie is still in foster care in Denver. She's fourteen and has great foster parents. I think they haven't adopted her yet because they want her to go back to Olivia at some point. We are discussing having Lanie move out here and be with us, but it can't happen until well after Olivia has the baby. There is so much to do, like getting a bigger apartment or buying a house," Elliot spoke.

Serena sat in deep thought for a while before looking up at Elliot again.

"I want to see her. I'm in town so-"

"Olivia doesn't want to see you... She's angry at Jenny for what she did, and is still processing the fact she was raped. She'll come to you when she's ready."

"I never should have given her that letter! If I had kept it to myself, then she wouldn't be pushing us away!" Serena cried.

"If you had kept it to yourself, Olivia would never had known about the rape and Lanie. She has told me a million times that she hates what happened to her, but not Lanie. We have plans to meet her eventually, and Ava already prays for her big sister," Elliot breathed. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. 

He put some money on the table before standing.

"I want to-" Serena started, but Elliot stopped her when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

He pulled it out and answered it quickly, since it was Olivia.

"Hey, baby. Is everything okay?" Elliot asked.

Olivia spoke to Elliot for several long moments before smiling.

"I will be home soon. Call Dr. Oakley and ask her what we should do... it's baby time, Liv. This is such a great day," Elliot beamed. He hung up before turning to Serena.

"She's in labor," Serena breathed.

"Yeah, she is. So I need to get to her."

"Can I-"

"You can go back to DC. Our friend is going to watch Ava, and I'm never going to leave Olivia's side. I want her to have a good experience, and she can't have that with you there..."


When Elliot got home, Ava was just getting off the bus. Olivia was already down there, but she looked very uncomfortable instead of excited to see Ava.

"There are my girls!" Elliot grinned as he approached them. Ava waved happily at him, but still went straight to Olivia and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you so much today, Mama," Ava smiled, as she rested her chin on Olivia's stomach and looked up at her.

"I missed you too, baby. How was school?" Olivia asked weakly. 

"It was good! Only one more day and I'm done with school until September! September is so far away, Mama!" Ava squealed.

Olivia closed her eyes, so Elliot peeled Ava from Olivia and lifted her up. He gave her a tight hug, as he watched Olivia work through a contraction.

"Is she okay?" Ava asked, after leaning away from her father and looking at her mother.

"Mama is gonna be in pain for a bit, princess. Do you know when we said Alex would come and get you one night and watch you for a few days?" Elliot asked.

"Yeah... Uh, wasn't it because Alex was gonna watch me when... Daddy! Mama is having the baby, isn't she?!" Ava cried. She was so excited, and it rubbed off on Elliot.

"Yeah, Mama is having the baby. She's in pain because of how hard she's gotta work to make you a big sister... So let's go upstairs and pack you a bag."

"Sorry, Ava. Did you say that school was good?" Olivia asked once the pain had passed.

"It was really good, Mama. Now, let's get you upstairs. I'll make you some tea and make you feel better!"


Alex picked Ava up after dinner so Elliot could focus fully on Olivia. He watched as she'd zone out once and awhile when her pain got terrible. Elliot hated to see his partner in so much pain, but he knew it had to happen. Olivia had to go through this entire process so they could meet their baby. 

After Olivia tried to go to sleep, Elliot went out into the living room and knelt down beside the coffee table. He took a shaky breath as he pressed his hands together. Elliot prayed to God for over an hour. He tried to not cry as he prayed for Olivia to make it through this process, and that not only she, but their baby, came out happy and healthy.

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