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Olivia sat on the edge of her daughter's bed and gently smoothed her hair. She didn't want to wake her daughter up right away, because she wanted to remember this moment. If James was going to keep his promise, Olivia and Elliot would never see Ava again.

Olivia hesitantly leaned down and kissed her daughter's temple gently, which is what woke her up. Ava's eyes fluttered open, and she spotted her mother and smiled.

"Hi, Mama."

"Hey, Ava. Did you sleep well?" Olivia asked, and Ava nodded.

"Yeah, I dreamed about you and Elliot. I got to go home with you and him, and I got to call him Daddy! We went to the park all the time, and you were home when I got home from school." Ava smiled as she stretched her arms out above her head.

"That sounds like an amazing dream." Olivia whispered.

"You look sad, Mama. What's wrong?" Ava breathed as she sat up before climbing onto her mother's lap. Olivia wrapped her arms around her child's body before kissing her hair softly.

"I don't know how much longer I'll be allowed to see you."

"What? Mama, are you going home? Please-"

"No, I'm not going home. But Gran and Papa have custody of you, and if they don't want me to see you... then they can make that happen."

"No, Mama. I'm not letting that happen. I didn't have you for so long, and I don't wanna lose you again." She whimpered into her mother's chest. Olivia rocked her daughter back and forth for a while, before the door opened.

Olivia looked up and saw Dana there.

"It's time for you to go, Olivia." 

"Gran-" Ava started, but Dana would not let her granddaughter fight her on it.

"No, Ava Grace. Olivia needs to leave. End of discussion."


Elliot was just about to leave the hotel room when Olivia arrived. She was in tears as she opened the door before shutting it quickly behind her.

"Liv? I was just about to come and see you." Elliot smiled, but his smile fell when he saw the tears on Olivia's cheeks.

"Dana kicked me out." Olivia spoke, her voice breaking.


"She let me wake up Ava, then sent me on my way. She told me it was time to go and Ava tried to fight her... I also overheard James and Dana talking, and he's going to make sure I didn't get to see Ava. We need to fight them, El. I need my daughter, and I need your help!" Olivia sobbed.

Elliot dragged Olivia into a warm embrace before kissing her head softly.

"We won't be leaving Ava here. She's going home with us, even if it's the last thing I do." Elliot breathed. Olivia nodded slowly before wiping tears from her cheeks.

"We need an excellent lawyer."

"I think we can find one here. We got this, love. Ava will join us in Manhattan, and maybe just in time for her to be a big sister."


Over the next few weeks, Olivia and Elliot weren't allowed to see Ava. They kept their distance and to not sneak a few minutes with her, because they didn't want it to be more ammunition for Dana and James to use against them.

They found a lawyer in town that was more than willing to help them. Dana and James' lawyer was old school and older than dirt, so Elliot kept telling Olivia that they had this in the bag.

In early March, both sides of the fight met up at the courthouse to discuss Ava's custody. Cragen came out to support Olivia and inform the court about what was discovered about Olivia's kidnapping. Especially the fact they were working on locating Kevin so they could charge him with kidnapping Olivia.

"Are you two ready?" Barb asked, as she approached the couple. Olivia stayed silent as Elliot gave the lawyer a smile and a nod.

"Yes, ma'am. We are so ready. Olivia is nervous, but everything will be okay in the end." 

"Is your Captain here?" Barb asked, and Elliot nodded.

"Yeah, he's outside waiting. He has everything from the investigation, and the ME will also be willing to call in and talk about Olivia being drugged." Elliot explained.

Olivia turned and looked at the back door as it opened, and saw as Dana and James walked in with their lawyer. He was a frail man, and his hand shook from where it was holding a cane.

"Don't speak to them." Barb warned, as she grabbed Olivia's arm and forced her to the table.

There were a few minutes of prep before the judge came into the room. They all stood when told so, before sitting when instructed.

"We are here to discuss the custody of Ava Grace Benson, correct?" He asked, and Barb stood and nodded.

"Yes, your honor. I am representing Olivia Benson."

"When Ava Benson's custody was last decided, Ms. Benson had mysteriously disappeared. I will not change the current custody order unless there is something to support Ms. Benson's claim that she was kidnapped."

"We have proof, your honor. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to bring in Captain Donald Cragen from Manhattan SVU to present the proof." Barb spoke.

"Later. Until then, let's hear what both sides have to say. Ms. Benson, you may start."


Both sides told their side of things, and James didn't spare any mean words or poor thoughts he had about Olivia. He made her cry and just smiled when he noticed.

A recess was called before Cragen would be called in, and Olivia escaped from the room without Elliot by her side.

She breathed heavily when she made it into the hallway and stumbled towards the window. She held onto the sill and squeezed it until her knuckles went white.

Right now, Olivia really was losing hope. She didn't know if she'd ever get to take her daughter home with her.

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