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Elliot woke up early the next morning. He changed Jude's diaper before going to check on the girls. Ava was still sleeping, but Lanie was wide awake. 

"Kid, are you okay?" Elliot asked softly, making sure he didn't speak too loudly and wake up the rest of his family.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Any longer or not at all?" Elliot replied, as he shut the door and padded towards her bed. He sank down onto the foot of the bed as Lanie rubbed her eyes.

"I didn't fall asleep last night..." She trailed off nervously. Elliot frowned before reaching out and gently touching her outstretched leg.

"Thinking about your grandmother, aunt, and bio-dad?" Elliot questioned. Lanie nodded tearfully.


Elliot nodded slowly as he figured out what to say, or if silence was the best thing right now. He hadn't raised a teenager before, so he didn't know what he should do.


"My biological father is a piece of shit. Olivia has said that before... but what about my grandmother and aunt? Olivia only found out about me from the letter that she got... so why can't I contact them?" Lanie asked with a tired sigh.

"Your mother doesn't want you to get hurt like she did. She found out that Jenny had bullied her... between that and getting raped and pregnant. That sent her right into the arms of Ava's bio-dad. Stuff may come out that makes you uncomfortable."

"I don't think I could get more uncomfortable, Elliot! I barely know anything about my family, and not only is it because Olivia doesn't have a memory of most things that happened... I'm also not allowed to contact people that know more stuff! Maybe I should have just stayed with my foster parents! Then I'd be clueless instead of being 'protected'!" Lanie yelled. She climbed out of bed and pointed to her door.


"Get out!" Lanie yelled.

Elliot scrambled to his feet before walking from the room. He shut the door and turned towards his bedroom door. Olivia stood in the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Hey, baby. You can-"

"Leave her alone, Elliot. If we lose her, it'll be your fucking fault," Olivia huffed.


Lanie continued to not sleep at night, and Elliot was in the same boat since he was banished to the couch. All that Lanie wanted was to know more about her family, so she did something she probably shouldn't have.

"Elliot!" Olivia screamed from upstairs. Elliot quickly sat up on the sofa and looked around for a moment before Olivia screamed his name again.

Elliot raced up the stairs and found Olivia in Lanie's room, yet their daughter wasn't in there.

"What's happening?" Elliot panted as he watched Olivia.

"She's gone!"

"Gone? Liv, she's probably downstairs or-"

"She wrote a fucking note, Elliot! She ran away, and it's all your fault!" Olivia yelled as she turned to face her partner. Elliot swallowed hard and shook his head.

"Liv, I haven't talked about anything since the morning after we moved in. So whatever she did, it isn't-"

"It is your fault! You chased my daughter away! Now I'll never find her and it's all because you couldn't keep your big mouth shut!" Olivia sobbed.

Elliot ran a hand over his head before pacing the room. He needed to figure out where their teenager had gone. It only took him a few moments before he walked from the room and into his bedroom. He got dressed as Olivia stomped into their room.

"Where are you-"

"Did she say anything in the letter?"


"If you will not tell me, just give me the damn note!" Elliot exclaimed. He took the paper from Olivia as she continued to cry.

He read it over a few times before sighing.

"She's going to DC."

"How can she go to DC? She doesn't have money to-"

"I bet she took some from one of our wallets. Liv, I'll go to the bus depot and find her. Just stay here with Ava and Jude," Elliot ordered. He walked to her and kissed her forehead softly.


Elliot got to the closest bus depot and saw Lanie sitting on a bench. He walked towards her and quietly sat beside her.

"Going to meet your grandmother and aunt?" He asked softly, and Lanie jumped.


"I know you are trying to search for more information about your family, but maybe you don't want to know what is happening," Elliot offered.

"I'm going to meet them. I need to see them..." Lanie trailed off quietly. Elliot nodded slowly before looking at his watch.

"Want someone to join you?" He asked. Lanie turned to look at him with wide eyes.


"Do you want me to come with you? Then it won't be as scary," Elliot offered. Lanie swallowed hard as she reached out and grabbed his hand.

"Please, Elliot... I need my dad," Lanie whispered, as tears slipped down her cheeks. Elliot wrapped an arm around her body and pulled her close. He placed a soft kiss on the top of head before nodding.

"Let's go buy me a ticket. Just don't run away," Elliot smiled.

Elliot went in and bought a ticket before standing outside and watching Lanie as she wiped tears from her cheeks. 

"Hello?" Olivia asked, as she answered her phone. Elliot let out a small sigh, since Olivia sounded a little more relaxed. At least not as angry.

"Hey, Liv. I found Lanie."

"Thank god! Where was she? Are you on your way home?" Olivia asked rapidly.

"We aren't heading home, Liv. She wants to go to DC, and I'm going with her."

"What?" Olivia whimpered.

"I know you hate me and want us to come home, but she won't feel whole until she figures some of this stuff out. So instead of sending her alone, I'm joining her... She also called me Dad, so I can't just walk away," Elliot sighed.

Olivia was quiet on her side of the call for a while before finally speaking.

"Don't let them hurt her, okay? Please."

"I promise."

Forgotten Memories [A Bensler Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now