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When Olivia woke up the next morning, Elliot was still home and getting Ava around. Olivia never overslept, but she did today.

"Good morning, loves," Olivia smiled as she walked from her bedroom and into the living room. Ava looked up at her mother and waved at her and smiled. Elliot was trying to do his little girl's hair, so Ava was trying her hardest to not move too much.

"Morning, baby," Elliot spoke, as he finally tied off the braid and smoothed it gently.

"Thanks for letting me sleep in, El. But now that I'm awake, is there something I can help with? Breakfast or lunch?"

"Daddy already fed me, Mama. And you helped me pack my lunch last night. Did you forget?" Ava giggled. Olivia thought for a moment before smiling.

"I did forget, baby. Now that Daddy is done, go put on your shoes and we will walk you down to the bus stop."

Once Ava had sprinted into her room, Elliot wrapped his arms around Olivia's body and kissed her deeply.

"Aren't you going to be late for work?" Olivia asked. Elliot smiled and shook his head as Ava ran from her room.

"I'm off today. Your doctor's office called and you have an appointment this morning. I answered the call and informed her you may or not be in that way," Elliot spoke, winking at Olivia as if she didn't know what was happening.

"So you are joining me?" Olivia asked, as she slipped away from Elliot and went to grab Ava's fall jacket.

"Where are you joining Mama?" Ava asked, and Elliot squatted down and smiled at the little girl, who looked so much like her mother.

"You'll find out later, stinker. Until then, it's time to go to school."


"Ava," Olivia spoke softly, and Ava sighed.

"Fine, I'm going! But I will not be happy about it!"


Once Ava had gotten onto the bus and waved until her parents were out of sight, Olivia and Elliot went back upstairs and got ready themselves. 

"Okay, so do you remember how this goes?" Elliot asked as he filled out paperwork for Olivia. He knew more about her than she did. 

"How does this go? Elliot, I don't even remember almost dying when I was pregnant with Ava." Olivia frowned deeply.


"If something bad happens again, and my life and the baby's life are on the line... I want you to think through everything before deciding who to save. If I will not make it anyway, then pick the baby," Olivia whispered as she looked over at her boyfriend.

"Olivia, I refuse to pick and choose who gets to live or die. It won't get to that point, Liv. Now, let's focus on just getting this confirmed."

"I may not be pregnant, Elliot. This could just be a waste of our time," Olivia sighed, her hand moving to his leg. She stopped it from shaking before rubbing it gently.

"I have a feeling that you are pregnant, baby. In the future, we will hold a beautiful baby that looks like the perfect mix of us," Elliot spoke, not even letting into Olivia's fear.

Elliot turned in the paperwork after a while before joining Olivia again. He played with her hands and kept doing that until a nurse came out.

Olivia was taken to a room to get her blood drawn and then she was transferred to an exam room. 

"Alright, Olivia. I'm Dr. Oakley. I was informed that you are here to confirm a pregnancy?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am," Olivia replied plainly.

"When was your last period?"

"A little over a month ago."

"And have you been sexually active before or after your last period?" Dr. Oakley questioned. Elliot's and Olivia's cheeks grew beet red.

"We have been actively trying for a baby for a while, so that would be a yes," Elliot breathed.

"Have you had any symptoms, Olivia?"

"A few, I guess. No morning sickness, but my breasts are tender, I'm exhausted, and even my scar seems a little sore," Olivia admitted.


"Yes, ma'am. I had an emergency c-section with my last pregnancy."

"Oh my. Now, did you have any symptoms with your last pregnancy?"

"I don't remember," Olivia mumbled.

"What was that?" Dr. Oakley mused.

"I don't remember if I had any symptoms," Olivia huffed. She closed herself off, so Elliot spoke.

"Olivia was drugged and kidnapped about three years ago. She lost all of her memories and didn't even know her name. We didn't even know she had been pregnant before until we had her examined and saw the scar. So we don't know how her last pregnancy was, other than she and her baby almost died. Both survived, thankfully," Elliot frowned.

"I am so sorry for what happened to you, Olivia. Your other doctor didn't note any of that, so I didn't know. But why don't we proceed with what's happening? I will be helpful and understanding through this entire process. We will monitor you closely to ensure that you and your little one make it home in the future," Dr. Oakley spoke softly, as she reached out and gently touched Olivia's arm.

"I don't want this stolen from me, Dr. Oakley," Olivia whimpered, as she finally looked up from her hands.

"And it won't be, Olivia. The three of us will work together to make this an experience you will want to remember."

"Do you think I can have my baby without doing another c-section?" Olivia whispered.

"That is the plan, if that is what you want. This whole situation is about you, Olivia. And you need to be happy."


Olivia and Elliot left the doctor's office, and each breathed a sigh of relief. Not only was Dr. Oakley planning on helping Olivia to experience her pregnancy in the way she wanted, she was also batting for Olivia in a way few people have done before.

Olivia was only a month pregnant, but she and her boyfriend were already so excited to have a baby together.

"You look exhausted, Liv," Elliot whispered. Olivia smiled softly and nodded as rested her head against the window of their car.

"I went into this completely freaked out, and so I tired myself out... but I'm happy, El. We are finally making Ava a big sister. And hopefully, I won't end up traumatized."

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