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While Ava continued to sleep, Olivia got to know her mother again. They sat together on the sofa as Serena gave Olivia a stack of pictures she had brought herself. Olivia flipped open the envelope and pulled out a picture of her father. Tears welled in her eyes as she saw her father for the first time... the first time since she lost her memory. 

Oliver Benson was very tall. He had dark brown eyes, curly brown hair, and tons of freckles that covered his face. He had deep smile lines on either side of his mouth, and a dimple in his left cheek. Ava had the same dimple on her left cheek, and it made her so happy to know that a tiny part of her father was always with her.

"He was an amazing father to you, Olivia. He was my soulmate, and I could feel it in my soul that he was gone before we were informed," Serena breathed, since her daughter was silent beside her.

"You were pregnant with Jennifer when he passed, right? He never got to meet her?" Olivia asked, and Serena frowned and nodded.

"He only found out about my pregnancy through a spotty phone call with you begging to talk to him in the background."

"Mom, I'm so sorry that you had to raise us alone... that I probably didn't make things easier for you," Olivia whispered.

"Don't apologize, Liv. You helped so much with your sister, and when I was working late, you'd make her dinner and clean the house. I wouldn't have made it through your father's death without your help... I will always be thankful for you, even after we stopped talking."

Olivia leaned over and hugged her mother tightly. Today was a lot for both of them. Emotions were running high, and tears burned their eyes on more than one occasion. 

"Mama?" Ava coughed from her bedroom. Olivia leaned away from her mother and quickly wiped at her tears.

"I will be right back. Please help yourself to anything in the kitchen."


Olivia went into her daughter's room and hurried to where she sat up in bed.

"Hey, baby. Are you okay?" Olivia asked softly.

"My throat still hurts," she whimpered.

"Oh love. You'll be feeling better soon. Do you want to get up and meet your grandma?" Olivia questioned.

"Grandma is here? Even though I'm sick?"

"I forgot to tell her to wait and come up next week. I was too busy taking care of my sick little girl," Olivia smiled.

"You look happy, but a little sad, Mama. What's wrong?" Ava asked.

"I'm learning about my life before I met Daddy and had you... a lot of this stuff is still scary for me to learn. Like I have a baby sister, and my father died protecting our country," Olivia explained.

"I'm sorry, Mama," Ava whispered, as she leaned forward and hugged her mother.

"Thanks, pumpkin. But everything is going to be okay, because she's back in my life. I have an amazing partner and the cutest little girl... I even have a sister that I'll have to meet again, but it's all worth it," Olivia smiled. She kissed the top of her daughter's head before helping her climb out of bed. 

Olivia brushed her daughter's hair and braided it before leading her from the room. Serena had gotten herself a glass of water and was back on the couch. She was flipping through baby pictures of her granddaughter, and smiled largely when she got to see Ava in person.

"Mom, this is Ava. Ava, this is your grandmother," Olivia spoke, as she held Ava's hand in hers.

Ava looked at her grandmother for a moment before giving her a shy wave. Ava was usually never this shy, but right now she was.

"Hi, sweetie. You are absolutely adorable," Serena smiled.

"T-thanks, Grandma... I'm not feeling good, and I don't want to get you sick. I-"

"Your mama told me you were sick. So if you want to keep your distance, that is okay. Or I can give you a hug and then spray myself with disinfectant," Serena smiled. Ava giggled before sprinting away from her mother and hugging her grandmother tightly.


By the time Elliot got home, Serena had left on a train back to DC. They were planning for another visit soon, and the next time Jennifer and Elliot would be there. 

"How is everyone doing?" Elliot asked. He sat his items down on the coffee table before flopping down on the sofa beside his girlfriend and their little girl.

"We are good, El. Ava still doesn't feel great, but we are both good," Olivia smiled. 

"Did meeting your mother go good?"

"Grandma is awesome, Daddy! And I saw pictures of Mama when she was younger, and some of my aunt too! Oh! And Papa and I have the same dimple!" Ava exclaimed, before moving into a coughing fit. Olivia rubbed her back gently as Elliot passed her the pink water bottle on the table.

"Go blow your nose and wash your hands, Little Miss. When you get back, I want to tell you something," Olivia spoke, once Ava recovered.

Ava left the room, and Elliot turned to Olivia and smiled.

"Did you have fun?"

"It was a lot different compared to what I had expected. I didn't even realize how long my parents were together, or how much my father loved me. She told me about how I always took care of Jennifer and the house when she was at work, and that I kept her going for the longest time," Olivia breathed.

"Just like Ava and the baby keep you going when you get down," Elliot whispered, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah, exactly like them. Speaking of that, I think it's time we tell Ava that she's going to be a big sister. We can put up the sonogram and then when we see my mother again, she won't have to keep her mouth shut about our baby."

"So what do you have to tell me?" Ava sniffled as she left the bathroom.

"How would you feel about being a big sister?" Elliot asked.

Ava looked at her parents as tears welled in her eyes.

"Does Mama have a baby in her belly?" Ava whispered, and Olivia smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I do. Are you excited?"

"I've always wanted to be a big sister, Mama! Thank you both so much!" Ava sobbed.

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