F o u r

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"Mom!" I shouted as I stepped into the hallway, but I got no answer in return, that meant the house was indeed empty, and ready to be filled with baboons. "Okay... you're free to go," I drawled, miserably watching my five blaring friends walk in and four of them immediately kick off their shoes and turn on the TV. "My house is your house, please, get comfortable," I murmured sarcastically, rolling my eyes while I removed my hoodie, launching it to the couch.

The piece of clothing landed on Minho's head, but he didn't seem to be annoyed in the least. "Believe me, I already am," he smirked as he planted his stinky feet on the coffee table. I shook my head, convincing myself, it was all for a good cause. 

Suddenly, a subtle shuffle behind me compelled me to turn around — I frowned as I saw Newt, still standing in the hallway, arms crossed, head bowed.  "What're you doing?" I asked as I settled my hands on my hips, cracking an amused smile in his direction.

He looked up and squinted, his eyes darting around the place as if the answer was plainly obvious. "I feel I'm invadin' your house."

I let out a soft chuckle, taking a step closer to him —  his politeness was almost comic. "You aren't bothering at all," I shrugged as I pouted my lips. "I mean, look at Minho," I nodded back, glancing at my bad-mannered friend, who was currently in the process of pressing Frypan into his armpit while he laughed, the other one squirming trying to get away, with no success.
The strange situation earned a gentle giggle from Newt, I shared that same amusement, my smile inevitably pushing my cheeks up. "Wanna order pizza together?"

"Yeah, alright," he nodded, visibly loosening up.

I nodded to acknowledge his response, giving one last shout in the living room area. "Pick a movie dick-head!" I bawled. Minho made a thumbs-up and immediately started discussing with Brenda that Jurassic Park would be the best choice even if we had already seen it about five times.

Thomas, without a hoodie. That's normal, yeah. Because everyone's t-shirts fit that tightly on their arms and their chest, of course.

Jesus, I thought I had a little more control over myself, but it was only necessary for Thomas to showcase a part of him I didn't know already to maske my knees weak. Even the manly personality he adopted when he was around Minho was attractive, maybe because he acted different around me, and that made me feel special.

I didn't have more time to make a fool of myself with embarrassing monologues, though, because he suddenly snatched me by the wrist and dragged me across the hall, to the kicthen, with the perfect amount of strenght. He made sure anyone followed us, giving a quick look to the hallway and then returning to me, a warm smile curling his pink lips. "Thanks for what you did before," he mumbled almost in a whisper, leaning against the counter.

"What did I do?" I innocently asked, noticing he didn't let go of my arm yet, rather pulling me closer, very slowly.

"Well, stand up for me, and carrying the fault," he shrugged, his eyes slipping up and down my face. "It was really brave, seeing the state of Minho."

I nervously chuckled, desperately trying to hack if he was in fact flirting with me, or being an utter idiot, far too sure of himself. "I didn't slay a bloody dragon. Minho seems scary, but he wouldn't hurt me."

"Maybe you, but he's hurt me before. Several times. Very serious injuries," he gulped with a serious face, pursing his lips, but almost straight away we both burst into laughter.

"What's so funny over there?!" ranted Minho from the couch, like a grumpy dad trying to control his daughter and his boyfriend from two rooms across.

"What's so funny over there?" Thomas mocked Minho as he exxageratedly shaked his head, mouthing it so only I could hear it.

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