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"Come on Thomas! Minho's at the door, I don't like you to make him wait," ranted my mom, knocking on the wall next to the stairs, because they were really thin and you could hear the noise from all across the top floor.

"Just a minute!" I answered as I finished styling my hair, my fingers sticky with watered-down hair gel. I practically jumped to my bedroom and quickly gave myself an up-and-down look in the mirror, striking a few poses to make sure I looked acceptable in every angle. I tilted my head and lifted my eyebrows in surprise, I wasn't too bad. My outfit choice today was comfy, yet stylish — or at least I liked to think it was. I threw on my favorite black shirt with an ACDC gray hoodie, ripped black skinny jeans, and vintage Nike sneakers. "Thomas, Minho's honking, like every morning" drawled my mom, not fighting to get me going because she knew the battle was already lost, like every morning.

"Coming!" I smiled, adjusting my backpack with a sheepish jump. I stormed down the stairs three steps at a time, and as I wavered to reach the door handle, a delicious smell caught my nostrils, stopping me in my tracks. I took a sharp turn to the kitchen and snatched one of the waffles warming in the toaster, which immediately burned my fingers.

"Thomas!" gasped my mom, stirring her cup of coffee, I smirked mischievously in her direction and placed the waffle in my mouth as I rushed to the exit. I almost couldn't contain my excitement when I saw Newt, who gave me a kind smile.

I closed the door behind me and waved at Newt, who chuckled. "You look daft with that waffle on your mouth," he grinned, his eyes shutting almost entierly, being pushed up by his cheeks. I liked the way his teeth were bright and sharp, like a dog.

"Really?" I mumbled, and the waffle fell on the floor. I didn't even strive to get it back until Minho shouted at me.

"Come ON! Grab your shuckin' waffle and let's go!"he  snarled, slapping the outside of the door impatiently, his brawny arm hanging off the edge of the window.

I grabbed my slightly dirty breakfast and hoped in the car, giving it a blow before taking a bite. "Bye mom!" I shouted sticking my hand out the window.

"Have a good day sweetie!" she said waving at me as Minho drove off.

When I couldn't see her anymore, I returned my cold hand back inside, getting another piece of my soggy waffle and peeking Newt's silky blonde hair with an absent smile. I tried my best to not stretch out my arm and touch the back of his head just to test how soft it was; the curiosity killed the cat, apparently. 

"Do you have to do this shit every day? I'm tired of waiting for ya," ranted Minho, glancing at my reflection through the driving mirror.

"Sorry," I shrugged while I chewed. "Do you think looking this good comes for free? Nope, you gotta work for it, am I right?" I cheekily quoted him.

"Shut your mouth Edison, it's a secret."

"What secret, Edison?" snickered Newt.

"Nothing, Thomas is just speaking nonsense," he ranted, anxiously tapping the steering wheel.

Newt shrugged and then turned his head to gaze me up and down. "I like your hoodie," he said.

"Oh this one?" I simpered like an idiot. Like there's other hoodie around, of course he's talking about mine. Moron. "Thanks," I smiled, slightly tilting my head.

"I think it's ugly," interrupted Minho, though I wasn't too sure he'd had the chance to see it. He just adored to be a hater.

"No one asked," I snarled, flicking the back of his neck.

Under the Streetlight - NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now