F i f t e e n

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"What?" I blinked, looking over for Newt, who looked just about as lost as I felt.

"You heard me, kiss Newt, or drink." Alby shrugged, placing his arms over his knees, his expression remained neutral, as always. For all the people in the room that could've said that, Alby seemed the most unexpected one, personally speaking. Though, all the confused gazes between my friends confirmed my assumptions.

Minho's —and everyone's gaze, properly speaking—, lingered between me and Newt, they hadn't said a word since Alby had established his dare.

I searched for Newt's eyes, he was as still as a rock, though I couldn't tell what his expression meant, it grazed between confused, and nervous, maybe angry. Then he looked at me, I frowned at him, as in a 'you sure?' He shrugged, and nodded once, though he didn't seem very convinced. I understood him, really, kissing a random guy in front of people you've known for a week, seemed a bit of a situation, and for as long as I known him, he'd come off as a bit reserved. As much as I wanted to say no, drink, and skip a potentially awkward affair... I'd never said no to a dare, and I was particularly eager to get this specific question, so there wasn't really a choice, wasn't it?

It's just a kiss, it's not like I have to do anything else. Not that I'd say no to, maybe Newt would.

I stood up, as nonchalantly as I managed, and started approaching him, he was looking at me, curiously, still sitting on my bed. It had felt like a long time, but my thoughts had lasted less than a minute, the silence was still defeaning. But then, I realized, I wasn't nervous, or embarrassed, in fact I knew it was one of the only things I was utterly sure I wanted to do. 

I stood in front of him and gave him last adoring look before I grabbed his jaw with both of my hands, and got it a few inches away from mine, he swallowed, unsurely, but I was too close to pull back now.

Let the devil take de hindmost.

I met his lips softly, a pleasant feeling extended all over my body, like being bathed in sunlight, I doubted I would ever want to stop, not even God himself could pull me away in that exact same moment. I alternated tenderly between his upper and lower lip, as gently as I could manage, taking in account my absolute devoted desire for him. I didn't know if he was enjoying it as much as I was, and honestly it was eating my brain up, but I was enjoying every second of this passionate, long-awaited kiss. 

A few mellow seconds later, I inched my face away from his to breathe, my lips were curled in a worshipping grin, so was his, his cheeks slightly squished by my hands. Before finishing, I kissed him once more, just like a sweet little goodbye. They way his humid lips stuck to mine as I pulled back, made my insides give a three-sixty inside me, if our friends —previously forgotten—, hadn't been present, I would've fallen on my knees. I doozily went back to my seat, not caring the extremely loud silence that flooded the room, as I let myself fall in the floor, I finally focused on Newt's reaction: he was dumbfounded, but I saw the sheepish smirk on his beautiful lips, now rosy and shiny as he licked them. I mirrored his movement, focusing on savour them as thoroughly as I possibly could; they tasted faintly of honey, for some reason. Maybe that's why he was so annoyingly sweet, he was made of honey... I was so fancying a good mouthful of it, the sample alone wasn't nearly enough, Jesus.

After a few seconds of awkward tension, Minho was the first one to speak; "I'm honestly out of words for the first time in my life," he blinked, stretching his arms as a distraction.

"Me too," agreed Frypan, shaking his head slowly, in disbelief.

"Come on guys, it's just a kiss," I shrugged, trying to lighten the situation. It was just a kiss, well for them, for me it was the best moment I've ever experienced. But still, Newt must've been dying of embarrassment, that cracked me up.

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