T w e n t y

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Newt had gotten a proper taste of the American experience by the end of the month, which had seemed to last less than a few days. And by American experience, I mean giant malls, junk food, and Thomas Stilinski. They were together every day, constantly, like they were stuck to each other with glue —they'd tried to convince everyone it was just a matter of time: Newt would have to leave very soon, so they might as well spend all their time left together, right? Well... yes and no, the truth is, they couldn't be apart, at all. A few hours without the company of each other, meant sulking and missing one another like it was a forever goodbye.

What would happen after Newt had to return to Bristol was another deal, a deal that concerned Minho in a small, yet considerate portion. Would they break up? Try to keep in touch in the distance, taking in account the abysmal time difference? Would Thomas turn into an edgy, moping teenager once 'the love of his life' was gone? The answer was yet to find out.

For now, the group as a whole was enjoying their last day with Newt, they had skipped school and taken him to lunch, taking advantage of their little time left. Of course, Newt wouldn't be gone for good, he had promised to come back, a few times a year, depending on the money he could get his hands on. For Thomas, however, it was a painfully hard goodbye.

"We should get going, now," Alby pointed out, his arms crossed. "Pick up your stuff and all."

Newt nodded, pursing his lips, acknowledging the sad, yet increasingly real truth.

The town wasn't as quiet as the urbanization Minho and Thomas lived in, though it definitely wasn't short on all sorts of entertainment centres, whether they were food courts or any sort of shops, you had one in every corner. The massive, red discount posters were stuck in every glassware too, if you weren't careful, it was very easy for them to lure you in. Thankfully, Newt wasn't very fond of shopping, so everyone respected his insinuations to just keep things simple.

"I'd fancy a walk with Thomas, alone," Newt looked around, meeting the eyes of his friends calmly. "If that's alright with you." He dedicated Thomas a quick smile, which faded entirely too quickly.

They nodded, already starting to walk back with one of the two cars they'd used to get to the busy town. "We'll get your luggage," Minho said, giving Thomas the keys of his car, something that didn't usually occur, for Minho treated his vehicle as his adoptive child. "Don't take long, got it? And take care of my Probe," he met the brunet boy's eyes sternly, pointing him with a frown, and soon later vanishing along the others.

Newt and Thomas started walking besides one another, holding their hands gently. Aside from a few passing cars occasionally, the street was considerably more deserted than the many others they had travelled within. The air was humid, as always in Florida, the sky threatened a storm, which both decided to ignore. Their footsteps echoed on the asphalt, filling the painful silence between the two of them, there were simply no other words left, no combination was enough for them to express how dearly they would miss one another. Their touch, their voice, their smell... everything.

Newt gave a deep breath, untangling his hand from Thomas' in the process, this caught the other boy's attention instantly. "I've got to tell you somethin'... I should've done it before, but there wasn't a right time to do it, you know?" He drawled, really slowly, looking towards the gray clouds above.

He looked smaller than ever with long, baggy jeans, and an oversized hoodie he had borrowed, aka, stolen from Thomas. It was deep black coloured, with the sentence 'the glue' engraved in the back, hidden under the hood, with white letters. Thomas had never made any sense of it, thinking it was just an underground band, but seeing Newt wearing it felt right, like it had suddenly come to a meaning. Like Newt was the only one who could hold people together, like he was the glue of them all.

Under the Streetlight - NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now