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Weeks later:

Eddie woke up from a nightmare. Or he thought it was a nightmare. It was actually just his memories trying to rush back to him. Eddie sat up on his bed and looked over to his roommate who was fast asleep.

Eddie sighed and he grabbed his headphones and snuck out quietly and went for a small run.
He kept seeing a naturally tanned boy, with dark curly hair and dark brown eyes.

"I'm Randall"
He sighed and tried to focus on the run.
"Your an idiot Randall" Eddie laughed and Randall looked offended
"I'm not I'm Wikipedia smart"

Who is that guy? Why do I keep seeing him.
Eddie sighed and ran a little faster. Then he heard this horrible high pitched ringing. Then nothing.

Time skip

Eddie walk into his room and saw a note with a blue rose next to it. "Huh?" He picked up the note and went to the place it said to go to in the note.

He walked into the woods and there was already people there. A naturally tanned boy with longish curly hair. Like the guy in my dreams or whatever.

"Do I know you?" Eddie asked walking up to the curly haired boy.
"No I don't think so" he said with a warm smile.

"It's just you look familiar" Eddie said before the blonde guy, clearly dyed, interrupted him.
"Does anyone know why we're here?" He asked and they all shrugged.

Then a person in a bird mask appeared and started talking but his voice was drowned by the high pitched ringing.

They all turned into wolves. Clearly unable to control themselves. They all clawed there way at the guy's chest. Digging out his heart. Eating it. Bloodmoon still clawing at the guy until Tundra dragged him away from the unrecognisable body.

They all ran to the den.

They all woke up. In their human form. Naked obviously. Eddie groaned sitting up, looking around. "What the fuck?" He mumbled. He recognised this place. Kinda. they went to have a look around. There were clothes that belong to them. Strange

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