Chapter Six

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Vali and Serenity sat on the couch as Azazel scolded them. Azazel stopped and saw Serenity's tear-stricken face and sighed. "I'm not mad at you, Serenity." He patted her head. "You were in heat. Now Vali, on the other hand, was not in heat." He glared at Vali, who froze. "I gave you two a detailed explanation of what not to do. The only reason Serenity is getting out of trouble is because it's winter. Which means she's in heat." He petted Serenity's head. "Go on. Attack Vali." Serenity jumped on Vali and attacked him with cuddles. She kissed him all over his face and sat on his stomach. Serenity hummed and then smacked him. She got off him and left.

"You deserved it. You knew that she would get pregnant."

"I wasn't thinking straight!" Vali said.

"Ok, and you should have shown self-control." Azazel scolded.

"Shut up!" Azazel took a step back in surprise. "You are scolding me for something I had no control over!" Vali was furious. "Yes, I made a mistake, but it's not entirely my fault!"

"And why isn't it your fault?"

"Because I'm a dragon!" Vali yelled. "Because I have the instincts of Albion. So shut up, you know nothing!" Vali turned away and slammed the door. He went to find Serenity. She was in their room. Vali sat on the bed and rubbed her back. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." Serenity said. "It's neither of our faults." She sat up.

"How do you feel about becoming Serenity Fujakante-Lucifer?" Vali said quickly. The fox girl looked at him with wide eyes.


"Well, you're pregnant, right?" He was blushing hard. "So we should get married." Vali said. His ears and neck were red. "Guaranteed this wasn't how I wanted to propose, and I wanted to wait."

"You want to marry me?" Serenity had tears in her eyes.

"Well, yeah. I mean, it is technically my fault that I got you pregnant. And I do love you to death. So let's get married." Vali held her hands. Serenity was crying, and Vali hugged her. She kissed him, and Vali pushed her down.

"Fuck me Vali." She said as Vali groaned and knew of the pregnancy hormones that raced through Serenity's veins. He pulled his shirt off and kissed her.


Serenity woke up and realized she peed herself again. She groaned and got up. She was seven months pregnant and while everyone thinks it's a boy because in the Lucifer Bloodline most of them have been boys, Serenity knew it was a girl. She just knew that she was having a girl. She went to the bathroom and sighed. After the child is born, Serenity and Vali will get married. That's what Azazel said. Serenity hummed as she went to Vali who was sleeping peacefully. She felt pain and cried out. Vali was awake in a heartbeat. "Serenity?"

"She's just kick-" Serenity screamed as she was in intense pain. Vali was by her side and Serenity gripped on his shirt. "She's coming."


"Vali. I'm going into labor." Serenity yelled.

"But it's only seven months!"

"Yeah but I'm a werewolf. Females can give birth at seven months." Serenity said. Vali quickly helped her and yelled for help. Lavinia was already awake.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"Serenity is going into labor."


After twenty-five hours of labor, Serenity was finally able to hold her baby. She was right because it was a girl and she smiled. Vali had tears in his eyes because his hand was broken. All of them got electrocuted and Azazel was nursing his bleeding wrist. Serenity bit him in retaliation when they were trying to calm her down. Serenity was asleep as Lavinia healed her. Vali was holding the baby girl. "Persiphyna Katerina Fujakante-Lucifer. That's the name we've decided for you." Vali said he had tears in his eyes. "I can't believe we made you." Persi opened her eyes and Vali smiled through his tears as they were a hazel color. Serenity was still asleep but she was probably exhausted. Vali set Persi down in the crib. He smiled at her as she slept and he walked over to Serenity. "I can't wait for you to have my last name." He kissed her forehead softly. He yelped as she pulled him down. Her eyes glowed golden as she kissed him. "You're awake." Vali said softly.

"I just woke up." She said, "Instinct. You were close."

"Persi is sleeping." Vali said. She nodded and hugged him. Vali hugged her back. "Are you ok?"

"I'm exhausted." She said.

"I figured that. Are you in pain?" Serenity shook her head.


"Then let's go to sleep."

"I want to see her." Serenity got up and stood up. Vali caught her as she fell.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. My legs were asleep." Vali huffed. Serenity growled at him and he helped her to the crib. Persi woke up and reached out for her mother. Serenity smiled at her and picked her up. Persi immediately fell back asleep. Vali smiled as Serenity looked in awe. "She's so beautiful." Vali kissed her neck softly.

"I know. She looks like me." Persi opened her eyes and started to cry. "She's hungry."

"I don't breastfeed." Serenity stated. "I can't."

"Well what are we supposed to do?" Vali asked.

"Here's some milk." A voice said.

"Why's it red?" Vali asked. Serenity hit him in the back of the head.

"It's blood." Serenity said. Vali shrugged and Serenity gave Persi the bottle. Persi started to drink it. Vali hummed as he held her hips. There was a flash and Serenity and Vali blinked. Azazel held a camera.

"A picture!" He exclaimed. "We'll take more later on." Serenity hummed and put Persi down. She had finished the bottle and was now sleeping.

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