Afternoon Jog|Xavier Thorpe

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Tw:Makeout scenes

Y/n's pov:

"We need answers, Y/n"

Wednesday stated.

"I won't be sneaking into Xavier's room with you. You know pretty well that he's obsessed with me"

I groaned.

My sister, Wednesday Addams is currently obsessed with discovering some creature called hyde.

And it started getting really annyoing.

"Stop acting like Velma, Wens. Looking for hyde is police's job, not ours"

Without saying anything, she threw my bag filled with the stuff we needed at me.

"Let's go"

"I hate you Wens!"

"Call me that again and Xavier will have no one to obsess over"


Wesnesday and I quietly watched Xavier enter the room. He took off his headphones and grabbed his towel before entering the bathroom.

The minute he closed his bathroom door and we heard the sound of shower, Wednesday dragged me out of the closed.

"That purple book has got to be around here somewhere. Start investigating"

She told me and Thing.

"I want to go home"

I sighed and started looking throught his stuff.

I grabbed his sketchbook and started looking throught it's pages, when I noticed a sketch of me.

I was laying on some bed, half naked.

When I looked closer I noticed that the bed looked similliar.

I looked away from the sketch book only to find out the reason why the bed looked so similliar.

It was his bed.

"Oh hell nah"

I yelped.

Wednesday's eyes widened when she heard my yelp.


She covered my mouth with her hand.

But in that moment, we heard the bathroom door unlock, meaning that Xavier was done showering.

"Distract him"

She whispered while getting under his bed. Leaving me all alone.

Xavier walked out the door, drying his hair with a towel.

I just awkwardly stood there.

"Y/n? How did you get in here?"

He threw the towel on his bed.

"You know, the window"

I grinned.

He raised his eyebrows and slightly nodded.

"You know you could've just knocked? I would have opened the door"

He chuckled.

"Yeah, but i'm scared of the headmasters"

I smiled.

"That still doesn't explain what are you doing here? It's not like I mind your presence-I'm just surprised."

In that moment, my mind went blank. What am I supposed to tell him?!

What do I do?

Gosh i'm fucked up!


I got closer to him.

I didn't wanted to let my sister down, so I did what I had to do.

I grabbed his cheek and kissed him.

Hoping it would work.

When I pulled away, we started at eachother for few seconds, before he smacked his lips into mine again.

Holding my hips, he slowly started pushing me towards his table.

Still not breaking the kiss.

When my back hit the table, Xavier lifted me up and sat me onto the table.

My hands were under his shirt, touching his torso.

In that moment, I noticed that Wednesday started crawling out from under the bed.

And slowly and quietly walking towards the door.

Thankfully, she got out succesfully.

Xavier took off his shirt and I started taking off mine with his help.

When the shirt was down, Xavier lifted me up again, and placed me on his bed.

"You're beautiful, Y/n"

He smiled.

I kissed him again, but his kisses slowly moved onto my neck as he began looking for my sweet spot.

A quiet moan escaped my mouth when he found where it was.

I could feel his smirk on my skin.

He began sucking and licking my sweet spot.

Making me groan and moan into my hand, which i covered my mouth with. So nobody could hear me.

At the end of the day, Nevermore's walls were thin.

But in that moment, I heard a similliar voice that just walked in.

"Hey, dude-Woah-okay"

I looked up to see shocked Ajax.

Xavier sighed.

"Sorry, i didn't mean to cockblock anyone-Um-I shoudl-should go!"

Ajax stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Xavier and I looked at eachother before we both bursted out laughing.

A/N:Sorry for any grammatical errors, I wrote this in rush and i'm tired :d

Also thank you so much for 20k reads <3 I really appreaciate it. I also missed the chance to thank for 10k since the reads went up over night so i'm glad I can thank you for the 20k. Does that make sense? I should go to sleep.

Have a great day/night


Total worlds count:754 words

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