Roommates|Enid Sinclair

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Requested by:Nikola174zmínit

Enid's pov:

My new roommie's coming today! How exciting!

I was just writing about it for my blog when my door opened,revealing the principal and a family of three.

One of them was a girl, she had h/c h/t hair and e/c eyes.

Her face was lit up and she had a smile on her face.

"Y/n, this is your new room"

Miss Weems smiled.

I quickly closed my laptop and ran to my new roommate.

"Howdy roommie!"

I opened my arms, waiting for her to hug me back.

"It's so nice to meet you!"

She said, hugging me back.

"It seems like you two will get along, so Mr. Y/l/n, Miss Y/l/n. Should we head to my office and sign the papers while Enid can show Y/n the school?"

The principal asked.

Y/n's parents nodded.

"Have a good time honey, we'll come to say goodbye later"

Y/n's mother smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

"Bye mom, bye dad"

She waved at them while they were leving with the principal.

Then she turned to look at me.

"Sooo, am I gonna get a school tour?"

She smiled.

"Of course!"

I grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the room.

Y/n's pov:

Well, that was few months ago, but when I think about feels like few days.

But since then, Enid and I became best friends.

Also the traditional Ravenball is coming and Enid is going all crazy over it.

Too bad she has no one to go with.


She groaned while rolling on her bed.


I hummed, still being half-focused on writing my essay.

"We should go to the Ravenball together"

She smirked.

I freezed when these words escaped her mouth.

Did I also mentioned that I had a bit of a crush on her?

Probably not, but now you know.


I stuttered, finally looking at her.

Her smile suddenly disappeared.

"It's okay..I under-"

But before she could finish her scentence, I got the courage to say yes.

"I would love to, actually"

I smiled at her.

"You're the bestest, Y/n!"

She hugged me.


"Thank you for coming, Miss Y/l/n, Miss Sinclair" Our biology teacher smiled at us.

I gave her a small nod and smiled back.

Enid was practically wrapped around my hand when we entered the room, it was so sweet.

I was wearing white suit/dress, while she wore white short dress and pink wig.

She should get bangs, they really suit her.

When we approached the table with drinks, I handed Enid one.

"It's Yeti-tini, atleast i think."

We both giggled.

Gosh, how I love her smile.


We had so much fun throught the night, we danced, laughed and so much more.

But when the last dance came, Enid got a bit anxious.

"Enid, are you alright?"

I asked, grabbing her shoulder.

She replied with short

"Let's go dance"

She dragged me onto the dance parket.

I placed my hands on her hips while Enid wrapped her hands around my neck.

We were just stepping around to the music.

Enid took a deep breath.

"Y/n, I need to tell you something"

She looked into my eyes.

"Do you?"

I asked, my palms started to sweat.

"But words can't describe what I feel, so I thought this would be better"

Before I could realise what she said, her lips were already on mine.

They tasted like cherry-cola, and also smelled like it.

Somebody could call this moment magical.

But i'd rather call it the moment of my life.

I never wanted to pull away, but sadly, i had to. So I could get some air into my lungs.

There was an awkward silence between us for a few seconds.

Before our lips connected again.

"I love you, Sinclair"

I whispered into the kiss.

A/N:Hi! I hope you liked this oneshot :) I'll try to write another one tonight, but I will probably fall asleep. :D

Also I noticed that my oneshots are getting shorter and shorter so i need to know if you mind? 😭

Anyway, have a great day

-Ellie <3

Total word count:827 words

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