Chapter Sixteen: Four Days Later

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Remaining incognito is harder than it looks. That is a fact.

For starters, I'm pretty sure I changed direction at some stage or else my compass is broken because I'm certainly not heading south anymore. If I am, then I shouldn't be directly above one of the eastern bunkers.

"Damn." I bite down on my bottom lip and look towards the titans that are roaming around the facility. I can see a group of humans in the trees across from me. They haven't spotted me yet. I had wanted to avoid all contact with humans for the rest of my days but it seems fate has a different idea in store for me.

Honestly, I must've been going in circles for the past four days because there is no way I should still be running into people. It's as if I'm a fly and they're the light, I can't seem to stop moving towards them. I remain hidden whenever possible but if I see that they're in trouble, my natural instinct is to rush in and help. It's like a deficiency.

Such a saint, aren't we Mika?

With a small grumble of annoyance, I launch myself across the valley and onto the branch where the humans are. They let a shout and draw their blades but I hold my hands up to show them I mean them no harm.

My eyes wander down to one of them who is holding their crying comrade. She's a girl, no older than me although her expression of pain makes her look past her years. My eyes darken as they wander down to her limbs - or rather limb.

The amount of blood makes my mouth water.

"What happened here?" I ask, averting my gaze before I black out with the bloodlust.

"We were attacked on the way back from a run," a familiar voice speaks up from the back of the crowd. "Unfortunately, we weren't fast enough to lose the titans because of the dead weight."

My eyes snap towards the man and I grit my teeth to stop myself from lashing out at his ignorance and lack of respect for life. Cold, pessimistic eyes are stare back at me, framed by dirty blonde hair and wrinkled features. He's wearing an old version of the Survey Corps uniform with a cravat around his neck and I immediately know who he is.

"Oluo Bozado. Thirty-nine solo kills and nine team kills. I would've thought a few titans such as these would be no match for a soldier as experienced as you. Your teammate would probably be safe and within medical reach if you had've acted sooner."

He doesn't seem phased by my knowledge or my accusation. He doesn't even seem to care which only infuriates me more. "It's about picking and choosing your fights, Raven," he replies. "You wouldn't know the first thing about leading a squad, now would you?"

"Just because I'm a solo assassin now does not mean I was not once part of a team," I respond, glaring at him beneath my hood. "Don't be so quick to assume otherwise."

"My apologies." He doesn't sound very sorry.

"Forget it," I wave him off. "Aren't you supposed to be serving under Corporal Ackerman up north?"

He looks away and shrugs. "I had to relocate."

His careless attitude bothers me but I don't let myself show it. I have to keep reminding myself that these people have no clue who I am, they just think I'm some wandering assassin who helps bunkers out from time to time (which is kind of true). They don't need to show me any respect or recognition.

"Alright, listen up soldiers because I'm not going to repeat myself. I'll take care of the titans, all you need to concern yourselves with is your safety. Wait until I have their full attention then transport your teammate into the bunker and make sure she gets the appropriate medical attention," I order them and they nod their heads in response. "Every life is precious these days and not to be viewed as 'dead weight'."

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