Chapter Five: Jealousy

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It's late when we finish up and retire to our rooms. Connie and Sasha discretely take their leave and I know she won't be back to our room until late the next morning. I'm just glad Connie's room is on the other side of this facility.

Jean walks me back to my room, boasting about our victory. I listen, not saying much. I'm glad he isn't as nervous around me anymore, and he doesn't stammer as much. He's thanked me countless times for saving his dinner and I always reply that it was a team effort.

When we eventually come to stand outside my door, an awkward silence hangs between us. He looks to the ground, hands behind his back and a faint blush staining his cheeks. It's kind of cute.

"Thank you," I break the silence slowly, "for inviting me to play pool. I had a great time."

"You're welcome, we should do it again sometime - if you would like to that is," he adds hastily.

"I'd love to," I say, before a thought occurs to me. "Where are you going to sleep? With Connie and Sasha in your room?"

"I... I hadn't actually thought about that," he scratches the back of his neck.

"Well, you're welcome to stay here," I say before I realise how bad it sounds. "I didn't mean like that-"

"Don't worry, I know," he says softly. "I wouldn't ask anything like that of you until you're ready."

Until I'm ready... He's so sweet for saying it and in a way it's comforting to know that he wants this relationship to be serious. He wants it to go somewhere and he doesn't want to rush me.

But maybe I need to speed up a little bit with my life. I'm out on the field everyday and so is he, who knows what will happen to either of us. I've known Jean for so long and I've gone on so many missions with him. Would it really be too early for that? It's not like I'm a virgin or anything. So what's holding me back? Why should I wait?

Maybe this is the opportunity to fully sever all emotional ties to Levi.

"But what if I am ready?" I ask quietly.

His eyes widen and he gazes at me but before he can say anything, I lean forward and capture his words with my lips. He freezes at first but gradually he becomes more relaxed, pulling me closer to him. The kiss is completely innocent, soft and sweet but I can feel his heart hammer against his chest.

He pulls away abruptly and I can sense something's wrong by the way he yells in surprise. My eyes open to see him collide harshly with the wall, neck snapping back upon impact. A fist drives into his gut and I can only watch as Levi grabs the front of his shirt, hoisting him up against the wall.

"Stay the hell away from her," he growls lowly, shoving Jean down the corridor. "And report back to your dorm immediately, you may be in my regiment but that doesn't mean the curfew doesn't apply to you."

Finally I can move and I run to Jean but Levi grabs my arm and pulls me back. "I need to speak with you in private," he hisses in my ear, beginning to pull me into my room.

"Mikasa!" Jean gets up, beginning to stalk towards us in anger but I know Levi will just give him a worse punishment if he challenges him.

"Stop it," I pull my arm out of his grasp and glare before turning towards Jean. "It's ok," I reassure him. "I'll deal with this, go to Eren's room, tell him I sent you."

"But Mikasa-"

"Please, Jean," I give him a pleading look, hoping he'll back down. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

He looks like he's going to argue more but then he sighs and nods silently, turning and walking back down the corridor. Relief swells within me briefly but then it's replaced by anger as I stalk into my room, glaring at Levi in the darkness.

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