Chapter Ten: Memories of Happier Times

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In the dark rainbow of my subconscious, I float downwards. My hair spirals around me, white dress flowing outwards but I can't feel my body. Images flash by below me, memories of happier and more relaxed times. I find myself being pulled towards them by a force similar to gravity and soon they overwhelm me with their brightness.

I remember a party for the successful capture and detainment of Annie, the Female Titan. I remember a lot of people getting drunk throughout the night. I'm pretty sure I had a few drinks and I must've fallen asleep at some stage because in my dreams, I feel someone touch my skin. Their hands are rough and bigger than Sasha's so I know it's not her. Immediately, my instincts kick in and I grab their wrist, twisting painfully and kicking them to the floor.

Just as I manage to straddle their hips, they turn me over onto my back, freeing their hands and locking their fingers around my wrists. As I struggle, they pin them over my head and I retract my neck, ready to use my head as a weapon when a familiar voice makes me pause me.

"Stop it, brat, I'm not going to hurt you."

"C-corporal?" I stutter, peering through the darkness to see Levi's face hovering over mine.

"Who else would it be?" He raises an eyebrow in annoyance.

"W-what are you doing here?" I demand, my eyes flickering around the interior of my room.

"You fell asleep at the celebrations so I brought you up to your room to bed," he explains and gives me a dry look, "then you attacked me."

I blush and hope to god he can't see it in the dark. "S-sorry about that."

His grip loosens on my wrists but his body tenses and his eyes widen by just a fraction. The change in demeanour draws my attention and he breathes shallowly. I can see him swallow hard, his Adam's apple moving with the action and finally he says. "It's... alright."

I wait for him to release me, but he doesn't. I expect him to jump off of me at any second, but he doesn't. I know he'll realise that we shouldn't really be alone together like this and leave, but he doesn't. My mind screams at me to push him away, yet my heart tells me to ignore it.

So I do.

His tongue darts out to lick his lips and the tiny movement causes my eyes to flicker down before returning to meet his. I've never seen him look like this before, his gaze is focused yet unfocused at the same time. His hair hangs down, nearly brushing my forehead and I can feel his warm breath on my mouth.

He drifts closer and I lick my own lips unconsciously. Something seems to snap within me and my head moves upwards, tilting to the side to capture his mouth with my own. My eyes flutter shut and I feel him hesitate briefly before he goes with it, leaning down and applying a slight force.

It's an uncertain kiss, one of small brushes of lips and tiny gasps of breath in between. There's a sweet softness to it, one I never thought Levi capable of showing. I faintly feel his hands let go of my wrists, travelling down to my waist and he grows more confident with the kiss. His lips move a bit more fluidly and I follow suit, my arms beginning to snake around his neck while he pulls me up into his lap.

My heart pounds in my chest, lungs dying for oxygen and that's the only reason I pull away. My eyes flutter open and the world seems brighter. He leans his forehead against mine and I pause just realising what I've done.

I kissed my Corporal.

Wait - kissed? Scratch that, I just made-out on the floor with Corporal Levi.

And I really want to do it again.

"Was this your plan when you brought me up to my room?" I ask rather breathlessly.

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