Chapter Twelve: Interrogation

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I answer all of Hanji's questions. I let her examine my body. She mentions nothing about the venom or the possibility of me dying. At one stage she opens her mouth to talk about my shoulder wound and when she's about to go onto the effects, Levi sends her this look that tells her to stop.

I pretend I don't notice.

Levi is called away near the end of the examination and I try not to catch his eyes as he leaves. Hanji asks me a few more questions, prods and pokes me a few more times before she deems me as being 'fine'."

She too, mentions nothing of my condition or the choice Levi had to make or my being sent to the north. I, in turn, ask no questions. I've heard enough at this stage and if they want to tell me something then they will. My instincts tell me it will work to my advantage if everyone thinks I'm still in the dark.

Right now, my only focus is on the Scorpion Lady.

I stride down the corridors, uniform fitting comfortably on my body. My shoulder's still a little sore but it doesn't phase me. I continue on my way, delving into the bowels of the bunker until I come down to the holding chambers.

In the room, there is a dark window that allows us to view the prison. The prison room itself is well lit, which mean its captives can't see who's watching them. Levi sits in the room across from the Scorpion Lady while Erwin and Pixis sit in front of the window, eyes focused on her.

They turn to look at me as I clear my throat to announce my presence. The surprise is obvious in their eyes but before they can ask any questions about my health I slam my hands against my back and chest in greeting.

"Good evening, how is the interrogation going?" I ask, coming to stand beside them.

Erwin and Pixis share a look before the former shakes his head in dismay. "Not well. She hasn't said a word. She merely sits there, smiling." His eyes wander down to my hips. "Why are you wearing uniform and gear?"

"I thought it would be wise to be prepared in case of an emergency," I reply. "What questions have you asked her so far?"

"The main ones," he replies. "About other titan-shifters, about herself, about titans, about safety, and about her venom and if there is a cure."

He says the last part much slower as if he can't decide on whether it's a good idea to talk about it with me. I wonder how many other people know of my condition. Hopefully very little.

I continue to play dumb. "So you've had no luck."

"Not even Corporal Levi can get a word out of her," Pixis mutters.

"I bet I can," I murmur, staring at the smirking woman.

"What?" The two men chorus.

"She knows me, she's been focusing on me for the past few weeks," I say. "She's only playing with the rest of you. She may be more talkative with someone she knows better."

"I'm not sure-"

"Please," I say a bit too quickly, causing Erwin to raise a brow. "I've witnessed what she's doing to others, I've seen her handiwork more than anyone else and I want to put a stop to it. This could be the perfect opportunity."

"Hanji didn't recommend you being anywhere near her."

"I can assure you that I will make her talk," I pressure him, meeting his eyes firmly with my own. I tilt my chin downwards, brows drawing together and making sure he sees how serious I am. "All I am asking is that you trust me and my methods."

There's a silence, a hesitant inhale and finally a sigh of defeat. He nods once. "Very well. You may go in."

"Thank you," I give him a small smile before covering up my emotions and making my way in. Levi looks up, his eyes widening in surprise at my sudden appearance and I narrow my own.

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