Chapter Fourteen: A Face From The Past

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After hours of waiting, huddled under the roots of a tree, I finally decide to make my way out. The air has quietened and I don't sense any other presences excluding the odd animal. I scrap my idea of heading towards the boreal lands to the north and instead begin to make my way south. Now that everyone knows I've run away, none will think to look for me where the titan population is denser.

I must say, I never imagined my journey would be this lonely. Walking on the forest floor like this is eerie and unnerving but I need to be smart about my gas consumption. As much as I hate to admit it, Petra was right. It will be harder to defend myself against titans when I run out.

After walking a sufficient amount and encountering two titans, I decide it might be best to continue on my journey through the tree tops. If I leave behind a trail of corpses, I'm sure Levi could use them as a method to track me. If I stay high above the height of most titans and jump from branch to branch, then I may just be able to sneak around the next few I encounter.

I manage to put a good few miles between myself and the bunker before the night truly sets in. I've barely consumed five percent of my gas by the end of the day and I manage to use just a bit more to get to a high vantage point.

I settle into the clove of a branch and secure my things before I finally relax. The night sky is full of stars and I just watch them twinkle for some time, thinking of the many evenings I lay out with Levi beneath the stars. The happy thoughts let me drift into a peaceful sleep and as always, my dreams are filled with memories of Levi.


The carriage lurches to the side as the horses take a right turn and rushes over a bump. My hands automatically reach for something to steady me and as usual, they find themselves gripping Levi's. A faint blush covers my make-up covered cheeks as I mutter my thanks before brushing out the newly formed creases in my dress. Hanji and Erwin say nothing about the small exchange for which I am grateful.

At long last, my stomach begins to settle as the carriage draws to a stop outside our destination. Hanji and Erwin exit first and I must admit they look really good together. I've never seen Hanji with her hair down or wearing a dress for that matter but tonight she looks amazing in her maroon outfit. Erwin offers her his arm and she smiles up at him. He looks immaculate and strong, standing tall as they walk into the ball.

I can't believe Levi decided to drag me along.

"Remind me why I'm here again," I whisper to him as he helps me down from the horse-drawn-stomach-killing-device.

"As a captain I am forced to attend these formal events," he replies quietly, glaring at the guards that push back the crowd and escort us through. "And considering Erwin decided to bring a date this year, I was forced to also bring one along."

He holds out his arm for me and I take it gratefully. I don't like crowds or fancy dresses and this is my first formal event, somehow, having Levi beside me, holding onto me makes me feel less nervous. His presence calms me yet...

"Do you think it was a good idea to choose me though?" I ask, looking nervously towards the men who scribble down notes for their latest newspaper articles.

"Why wouldn't it be?" He asks, watching my expression from the corner of his eye.

"Well, we haven't even told our own comrades about us." I cringe slightly at the last word, thinking it to be slightly presumptuous. The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them and I turn my eyes downwards, afraid of how he'll react. "Don't you think going out in public like this is a bit obvious?"

"You're over-thinking this."

"I'm not, it's just..." I can't exactly explain how I feel, the words just won't come to me and I shake my head.

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