Part 19 (The end)

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During the past 1 month, Gala will open in one week.

Marinette had been up for a week making suits and dresses for everyone, and she asked Kagami to come in and have a look.

Marinette: What do you think?

Kagami: It's so pretty.

Marinette: Been up for the a month making it.

Kagami: Are you really sleeping?

Marinette: No, I used Tim's coffee to stay awake.

Kagami looked aside and saw a lot of coffee cups on the ground.

Kagami: I suggest you sleep better.

Marinette: But I'm not sleepy.

She immediately lost consciousness due to lack of sleep and fell into Kagami's arms.

Kagami: Sometimes you should take a break, I will inform you to take a break today.

Kagami dragged Marinette's sleeping body back to the bedroom.

Jason: Is she okay?

Kagamj: She's okay just staying up too much and using too much of Tim's coffee.

Damian: Drake you're poisoning her.

Tim: I didn't even know she drank my coffee.

Dick: What's inside that room?

Kagami: Boat for Gala.

Barbara: Can we see it.

Kagami: I don't think so, I think Marinette will show you when the Gala is held, then it will be a surprise.

Cassandra: You have points.

Kagami: Now you guys don't mind helping me take her back to her room, she's too heavy.

Dick and Jason help her take the sleeping Marinette back to her room.

Jason: What the hell is she so heavy.

Kagami: I don't know.

After a while they took her to the bedroom and went out and went to the dining room.

Jason: Honestly, I want to see what she does with the costumes.

Kagami: Only I can see it.

Damian: We should respect her decision.

Everyone: Agreed.

After breakfast Kagami got into the car, Alfred drove her to school.

When she got to school, she told the teacher that Vinyl (Marinette) was sick, so she took the day off today. In Lila's class group heard that story.

Lila: Did you hear that?

Alya: Of course, she's not at school right now, we can avenge what she did to us, starting with her friend.

Adrien: ((Finally don't get in the way, I'll make you my henchman and whore))

Adrien just laughed at the plan he came up with.

The bell rang signaling it was time for class.

When she finished school Octavia walked out of the classroom to the locker room enough for the next class, she was stopped by Lila's group and they were about to hit her.

Meanwhile at the Wayne mansion.

Marinette woke up feeling uneasy.

She showered and changed quickly, then walked out into the living room and met Alfred, Dick, and Jason.

Mlb X DC (Marinette X Kagami)Where stories live. Discover now