Part 7

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Please inform in advance that there are some things that are not like in the movie, please do not check my work to read it for fun. ==================================================== Marinette's Pov.

Master Fu gave Kagami a hold of the Miraculous Dragon since she is the actual holder, Kagami and I always fight together.

Luka and I have been dating for 1 month, me and him broke up, I told him I see him as a brother, he happily accepts and considers me as his sister.

Kagami and I were on his mother's boat with Juleka, listening to him play the music.

Kagami and I saw a swarm of bees coming and stinging Luka, he stood still like a statue, I don't think much I grabbed Kagami's hand and ran away from the boat.

Marinette: It's time to Power up, let's do it Kagami.

Kagami: Okay.

Kagami and I took a Macaron with water elemental power.

Master Fu and I studied how to use different powers from the book.

Me and Kagami gave it to Tikki and Longg when they finished eating they turned into water element form.

Me and Kagami transformed Apua-Bug and Apua-Ryuko.

Kagami and I swam down the bridge to avoid the bees.

Ladybug: I should have known Hawk moth had other plans.

Ryuko: Now that the battle isn't over yet, let's go.

3rd Pov

Now we can see Adrien taking pictures during the fashion show.

Adrien saw the bees he ran into the room.

Plagg flew out of the bag Adrien left on the table.

Plagg: What's the matter, kid.

Adrien: Akuma appeared.

Plagg: So what are you waiting for without going to help Ladybug.

Adrien: She doesn't need my help anymore.

Adrien: She doesn't need me by her side.

Plagg: Why.

Adrien: She and Ryuko fought together against Akuma for a month without me.

Plagg: You can still help her, he's her partner, you're Chat Noir and you're her partner.

Adrien: I don't want to be her partner.

Plagg: You still don't accept the fact that she doesn't love you, do you.

Adrien: She will love me someday, I just have to wait.

Plagg: Ugh, Fine, Whatever.

Plagg: ((Why do I have a bad feeling about this))

Back to Ladybug and Ryuko.

Ryuko: Something is wrong, why is it like this.

Ladybug: I don't know unless Hawk Moth followed me to the guardian and took the box, oh no.

Ryuko: Wait what if Hawk Moth now has the box and has Chloe as his henchman to hypnotize people and find other Miraculous users.

Ladybug: Oh no this will be a disaster since Hawk Moth now has Chloe and the others as minions, this will be extremely difficult as we have to fight Hawn Moth's army which is extremely difficult deal.

Ryuko: Don't worry Marinette no matter what happens we will fight together and we still have Chat Noir even though he is flirting all the time he will realize the emergency and come here to defeat Hawk Month.

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