Part 16

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3rd Pov


A week later Lila's group and Marinette's group landed in Gotham.

Lila's group was happily listening to what Lila was saying.

Lila: Damian and I were friends when we were kids.

Alya: Are you friends with Damian Wayne, that's unbelievable.

Lila: You know Damian is allergic to fur so he's not allowed to keep animals.

Rose: Too bad for him. Lila's group wants to hear more stories from Lila.

Marinette's group just recorded what Lila said.

Bustier: Okay guys, line up, we'll get on the bus, they'll take us to the hotel.

Everyone got in the car.

The driver drove to the hotel.

Lila: Did you know Mr.Wayne's family even intended to adopt me as his adopted daughter, but I had to refuse because I didn't want my mother to be sad.

Alya: You are such a good daughter that your mother must be happy to give birth to you.

Lila: And when I bla bla bla....

Marinette's group was recording what Lila was saying.

Alix: I don't know how much longer I can stand it when she opens her mouth

. Nino: We're going to the hotel soon so let's try.

Zoe: If only Lila was taken away by criminals, this would be a happy day for us.

Nino: I won't lie but I agree.

The bus driver tried to concentrate on driving and tried to ignore what Lila was saying, he was told that the girl Lila is a liar so don't believe it.

Everyone in Gotham is informed of Lila's arrival and they are told not to believe Lila's lies.

The criminals in Gotham all received notices from Selina and she asked them to help them to scare Lila's group, the dangerous criminals in Gotham all agreed to participate.

After arriving at the hotel, everyone got off the bus.

When everyone got off the bus, the driver immediately drove away as fast as possible.

Bustier went to the table where the hotel staff was standing.

Bustier: Hello class we came to check in because our class has been selected to go to Gotham.

Female hotel staff: This is the room key, please don't lose it or you will have to pay for the new door.

Bustier: Thanks for letting us know.

Miss Bustier turned to the students.

Bustier: Your names are already written on the key, so if I read your name, you can go up and get it.

All the students nodded.

Bustier: Nino and Alix and Zoe.

All three stepped up.

Bustier: This is your key.

Bustier gave all 3 a yellow key marked VIP.

Alya: Wait why did they get the VIP key instead of Lila who helped our class get here, I ask you guys give the keys to more deserving people like me and Lila and Adrien.

Nino, Alix, Zoe: Nope.

Alya: Why not?

Alix: Are you stupid, these keys all have people's names on them and we won't give the keys to anyone.

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