Part 18

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Marinette's Pov.

I got hit by Alfred again.

I saw Kagami still sleeping.

I called her up.

Marinette: Come on, honey.

Kagami: ummm.

Marinette: Would you like some breakfast or not.

Kagami: I up, I up.

We got dressed and went to the bathroom to change, of course we did it again.

Marinette: Well, it's comfortable.

Kagami: You have a lot of energy.

Marinette: I'll go make breakfast, see you later.

I waved goodbye and so did she.

I walked into the kitchen and helped Alfred make breakfast, I decided to wake Damian up.

I went to Damian's room and knocked on the door to wake him up.

Marinette: Damian, come down and have breakfast with everyone.

Damian: Yes.

Marinette: See you in the dining room.

Damian: Yes.

I decided to walk to the dining room but I felt two certain creatures at my feet.

I looked down to see Titus and Alfred the cat rubbing their heads against my legs for attention.

Usually I see them in Damian's room.

Marinette: I don't know how you two escaped but who's the good boy, it's you, yes, it's you.

I pet Titus and Titus wags his tail excitedly at being petted by me.

I see Alfred the cat rubbing against my leg to get my attention.

Marinette: Okay you'll be petted too.

I pet Alfred cat, Alfred cat is enjoying and growling because I pet him.

Marinette: Come on down to breakfast, I think Damian doesn't mind if you two come with me.

I took Titus and Alfred the cat down to the dining room with me.

I entered the dining room and everyone was gathered in the room except for me and Damian.

I walked over to my seat next to Kagami and sat down.

Marinette: Hey Kagami.

Kagami: Huh?

Marinette: How do you think Lila and her team are now.

Kagami: Most likely being laughed at.

Marinette: Hey Tim.

Tim: You can check the news to see how Lila's group is.

Tim took out his laptop and opened the news.

Tim: Oh my god, guys, they've become the hottest topic on the internet.

Tim turns the computer for everyone to see.

It was reported that Alya had poured coffee on a child and was listed as Clark and Lois's son, and many other things written on it.

Everyone at the table laughed nonstop.

Jason: This is the best thing I've ever seen.

Dick: In just a few days they became the hottest news in the city.

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