The Meeting

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I had never felt so alone before in a room full of people. It wasn't like I didn't know the people surrounding me, but it felt like no one really understood what I was going through. Like I was the only one wearing a mask in a room full of strangers. I guess in a way that was my fault. After Mercy died I had pushed everyone away. I wasn't sleeping or eating, I couldn't. Dom had taken over the majority of the planning for me. So when he spoke up I walked over to where the circle had formed standing a bit away from the others.

"Hobbs, you decided who you're taking with you?" Dom asked looking over at Hobbs.

"Gisele." Hobbs replied. I look up at Gisele, then at Han standing next to her before I spoke up.

"You take Gisele, then you take Han to." I said stunning everyone in the room.  This was the first time I had said anything since the funeral. Both Hobbs and Dom studied me for a moment before nodding.

"Alright everyone else you'll be at the meeting place. We deliver the safe, get Monterro and get the hell out of there. No shots get fired unless they pull a weapon first. We leave in an hour." Dom finished.

I went back over to work on my 1969 Purple Corvette Stingray Coupe so it would be finished in time for the meeting when another flashback hit me.


"Finally finish up that sweet little ride?" Mercy asked watching me pick up tools.

"Yeah, ain't she a beauty?" I said sliding my hand along the hood of the car.

"She sure is, when we gonna take her for a spin?"

"Whenever we actually manage to find the time to enjoy it." I said giving her a small smile knowing that wouldn't be for a while.

I went over to the fridge to grab a beer knowing we had about twenty minutes until Joe you want us at the chop shop. "You know, there was this one girl back in L.A. she was like a sister to Dom, if you could get past the fact that they used to date. She reminds me a lot of you. Same kick ass attitude, and she wouldn't take anyone's shit, not even mine." I said smiling over at her.

"You seem to talk about your family from L.A. a lot." Mercy commented taking a drink of her beer."

 "How can I not talk about family when family is all that I got?" I asked just as my phone rang. "Looks like it's time to go in." I said looking at Joe's number on the caller ID.

~End of Flashback~

I could feel the tears running down my face as I thought about the fact that we never did manage to get around to taking that ride. I heard footsteps approaching the car and quickly whipped the tears off my face.

"How you hanging girl?" Letty asked once she could see me.

"Fine." I replied tightening up the last few bolts.

"Dom's ready whenever you are." She said studying me in such a way that it felt like she could see right through me. "We need to talk when we get back." She said as I dropped the hood on my car.

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