The Talk

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I woke up the next morning hearing movement in the living room. I got up quietly, and put on jean short shorts and a purple top with a sequined design that tied around the neck, and my contacts before grabbing the shotgun that sat beside my bed. I opened the door to my bedroom just enough to slip through the crack, and started checking rooms on my way to the living room, which was were the most noise was coming from. Walking into the living room I saw it was just Dom and the crew. “I thought I told you not to enter my house uninvited.” I said putting the safety back on the shotgun, and startling everyone in the room.

“We didn’t enter uninvited, we never left.” Dom said with a smirk as he took a drink of his corona.

“Don’t you have work to do?” I snapped before walking into the kitchen and leaving them all standing there in shock. I was making coffee when I heard someone walk into the kitchen where they stood in the doorway watching me.

“You ok?” Dom asked from his position at the doorway.

“Just fucking peachy.” I snapped slamming a coffee cup down on the counter by the coffee pot. I grabbed some bread and put it in the toaster. I grabbed another glass out of the cupboard, and filled it with water before quickly emptying it again. The coffee pot beeped shortly after that telling me the coffee was done, and I poured a cup before sitting down at the table.

“What’s wrong?” Dom asked sitting down across from me at the kitchen table.

“Where do I start with that one? Could be the fact that I have cuts everywhere, or the fact that my car is a complete wreck, there’s also the fact that these contacts give me the fucking headache from hell, or the fact that my house has been invaded by people I care about, and I can’t even tell them.” I said whispering the last part as I put my head down on the table and felt tears start to leak from my eyes.

“Hey it’ll be ok.” Dom said moving over to the seat beside me and rubbing my back. “After the funeral you can tell everyone, and things can go back to the way they were.”

“It’s not that simple.” I said closing my eyes for a minute before saying the words I knew were going to hurt him. “I’m leaving town after the funeral. I don’t know when or if I’m going to back.”

“Why?” Dom asked trying not to show how much that had hurt him, but I knew him well and could see the hurt in his eyes.

“Because, I’m just a friend that’s visiting L.A. for Amelia’s funeral. Once she’s in the ground I need to leave.” I said looking down at the table. “I can’t just replace her for you Dom, it would be to suspicious if I did. It’s not hard to find out about your past. Everyone knows it took you over two years to truly get over Letty. If you got over Amelia like it was nothing everyone would be suspicious. I’m sorry Dom, but I can’t risk it.” I said finishing off my coffee and putting my cup in the sink.

“But what about us?” Dom asked looking at me confused.

“There is no us, anymore. That died with Amelia. I’m sorry.” I said before walking into the living room. I looked over at everyone sitting in the living room. “Well what’s everyone doing sitting around?” I snapped at them when I noticed no one had moved. “I want my car back in one piece by Friday, if you’re not gonna do it at the shop, bring it back here and I’ll do it myself.”

Everyone watched Dom walk out of the kitchen behind me and they knew whatever had happened had pissed him off. “You heard the girl. Move it, we have work to do.” Dom said before walking out the door and getting in his own car. I heard the engine roar once before he was gone. Everyone turned to look at me for an explanation.

“What?” I snapped before storming down the hall, and slamming the bathroom door behind me. I waited in the bathroom until I heard everyone leave. I changed into exercise clothes and stuck my outfit in a bag before putting on black and purple converse and walking out the door. I did a few stretches to make sure a run wouldn’t hurt my stitches, and then started at a light jog to the nearest gym. Once there I paid for a one time entry and went into the room that held the punching bags. I taped my hands up before walking up to a punching bag that was hanging from the ceiling by a steel chain. I pictured Jared in my mind and went to town on the bag. I continued to punch and kick the bag over and over until one extremely brutal kick broke the chain and sent the bag skidding across the room.

Feeling pleased with myself I went to bring the bag back over to where it was supposed to be, but was stopped by one of the workers. “You should probably go clean up, and head home.” The worker said, and I knew that was his polite way of telling me I was being kicked out. I nodded my head before walking over to the shower room.

After a quick shower I put my outfit from earlier back on, and walked over to the garage that wasn’t too far away. I picked up a couple other parts I wanted to add to my car on the way. When I walked in I saw the strange look on their faces. “Sorry about earlier. I’ve been to tense these last few days.” I said and saw them nod in understanding before going back to what they were doing. “Mind if I work on my car for a bit while it’s here.” I asked Brian who was currently looking over the damage done to the car.

“I don’t mind, but you may want to hold off. It looks to me like we’re going to need to get a new body for your car.” Brian said looking over the car skeptically.

“How long would that take you?” I asked looking at the damage myself.

“At least two weeks.” Brian said rubbing the back of his head.

“That won’t do.” I muttered to myself and then looked back over at the car. “I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t form an attachment to it. Do whatever you want with it.” I said before walking out of the garage. “Back to car shopping it is.”

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