Beg ~ Feitan

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A/N: I'm back! Part two soon, I promise :D I'm also trying to catch up on requests but I'm terrible at keeping track of them :3
Thank you to everyone who votes and comments, they amuse me and my s/o endlessly (not that I ever explain exactly what I'm up to to him). You guys are great and it's so lovely to see mostly positive comments!
Hope y'all enjoy!

Trigger warning for blood!

Y/n entered the base's training room and found Feitan gliding through the air almost faster than her eyes could track. Truly, he was a force, his lithe form affording him a deadly grace.
After admiring his incredible skill for longer than she'd care to admit, she called out to him.
"If you've had your fill of abusing those helpless dummies, how would you like a partner who can actually fight back?"
He stilled and gestured to the space across from him, a small smirk on his lips.
"It won't be much of a fight," he mocked.
A brow arched, y/n took her place.
"Just promise to give up before I have to kill you," she tossed back.
And so it began.

Their spar went on for no more than three minutes before dissolving into an argument.
"That would have been a fatal blow if we were serious," y/n argued, rubbing her temple.
"Yeah, right. Fatal if I were a child maybe," Feitan countered.
"Well you're certainly acting like one! You know damn well I couldn't hit you harder without breaking Dancho's rules. Just accept your defeat and move on."
He huffed a breath and pouted, refusing to relent.
Her agitation grew at his childish behaviour. It was nothing new from him, and for once - just once - she wanted to win.
Maybe it was the adrenaline still thundering through her veins, maybe it was her inherent propensity for mischief, but something prompted her to reach forward and drag her fingers through the bloody cut across his bare chest. Seeing as she hadn't meant to hurt him, and merely secure her win with a mock fatal wound, it was shallow and already closing.
Even then, the smallest noise left his throat, hissed between parted lips.
Her lips curled into a grin as smug as the one he'd worn earlier.
"Don't tell me that hurt."
"Of course not," he spat, looking away.
"Then why'd you make that sound?"
From his refusal to meet her eyes any longer, and the faint colour on his cheeks, the truth quickly dawned on her, eyes widening as the wicked realization overtook her.
"You're fucking filthy. You liked that!"
Before he could respond, she was sliding her fingers through the cut and across his firm chest.
This time, he couldn't hold back the shaky breath that left him.
Y/n sucked the finger into her mouth before dipping it into the blood again, watching as he balled his fists, barely restraining himself.
"If you want a taste, you're going to have to ask for it," she teased.
"You want me to ask for a taste? Pathetic. You'll have to do better than that."
"Ask? No. I'll have you begging. You need someone to put you in your place, Feitan. You need someone else in control. Isn't that right?"
Her words, a near whisper, worked, and his loose pants did nothing to conceal his growing arousal.
Seeing the visible evidence of her work, she decided to play with him a little more.
She held two of her reddened fingers up in front of his lips.
Hesitating for only a moment, he leaned forward and sucked the digits into his mouth, tasting the metallic tang of his own blood.
"Good boy," she crooned, her other hand running through his silken hair.
"What do you want?"
His brows furrowed. How was he supposed to answer with her fingers still in his mouth?
As soon as he started to pull back, she lightly raked her nails across his chest, causing him to jump.
"I asked you a question."
"I want you to touch me," he mumbled.
Obliging, she removed her fingers and carefully pulled down his pants to reveal his cock, straining upwards.
Thinking about how her ealier actions had turned him on, she decided to slick her fingers with was was left of the wet blood and smear it over his cock, looping around and dragging her fingers back and forth.
Feitan moaned openly then, his eyes closing. Somehow, her harsh treatment was better than anything he'd ever felt.
She continued jerking him roughly, her other fingers coming to rest around the base of his throat, not quite choking him, but squeezing with enough pressure to remind him of who was in charge.
As his breathing grew more ragged and his hips twitched, she knew he was close.
And stopped.
He whined softly as she pulled away, so close to coming.
"I don't think it's fair that you finish before I do. After all, I won this little fight."
Feitan was too far gone to respond, and watched wordlessly as she dragged over one of the soft training mats and lay back on it, pulling off her own bottoms.
"Are you going to keep standing there, or are you going to do your job?"
He considered pushing back for a moment, not liking her implying that pleasing her was his job...except he wanted to. More than he wanted to come, he wanted to make her unravel first, to make her scream his name.
But that wasn't quite how it went.

Beautiful. It wasn't a word Feitan used...ever, but it was the only one with enough weight to describe her just then: her hair already a mess from where she'd pulled off her top, her bare legs peeking out from the barest bit of underwear that she was still peeling off.
And her eyes - they sparkled with mischief, and with a heat so intense it almost burned.
He wasted no time then, kneeling between her thighs, wrapping his arms all the way around them to hold them down, slim fingers digging into the wonderfully soft skin.
Then he went to work, kissing a small trail along the inside of one thigh then across to the other and back.
When she began to squirm from the need to be touched, he finally gave her what she wanted, softly latching onto her clit with his lips and tongue.
She sighed, her fingers finding his back for purchase.
He continued with long, languid strokes, hitting just the right spot to raise her higher and higher.
When he paused, it was to lick his two fingers before sliding first one then the other into her.
Her moan was music to his ears, a testament to his small victory as he crooked his fingers upwards and began pumping into her.
Her fingernails were starting to hurt from how hard she was gripping him, but he didn't care. In fact, the thought of the vicious claw marks she'd leave turned him on further.
With his other hand, he softly pressed down on her lower stomach, making the feeling inside of her all the more intense. She could feel the magic of his fingers all the way through her, and it was all she could do not to scream.
"Fuck! Don't stop!" she hissed out breathlessly.
He almost wanted to, to pay her back for what she'd done earlier, but the lust for more of her sinful touch was too strong.
He bent down to suck on her clit while still working her with his fingers, and that was enough to tip her over the edge.
Her thighs trembled as she tried to snap them shut, but he didn't stop, continuing to suck on her now-sensitive clit while he used his strength to momentarily overpower her and keep her legs open.
When she'd fully finished, she still watched him through half-open eyes, watched as he licked his fingers and lips.
"You're too smug for your own good. Let's change that," she finally said when she'd collected herself. "Strip."

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