❤️ sixteen❤️

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Your pov

"I really think that Brandon isn't going to ask me out dad." I told dad as we were eating dinner.

Dad then slammed the table and let out a mighty laugh, "YES! HAHAHA! You have to give me 200 dollars~! You have to give me 200 dollars~!" Dad sang while doing a weird dance.

Mom then looked at him wiredly. "Who is Brandon?"  Dad then gave her a smirk and said ,"It's her further husband~." Dad said to me in a teasing voice. I picked up a roll and threw it at him.

When the roll hit dad he looked at mom, "Did you see that?! And you say that she takes after me." Mom then grabbed the roll that I just threw at him, and threw it at him.

Dad then started laughing, "You see that?" Dad asked me while pointing at mom.  "Make sure that you don't treat your future husband like this."  Mom then looked at him, " Oh leave her alone! You were the same with me."

Dad then laughed at her, "I was not I was the nicest person. I won best boyfriend award in the year book." Dad then smirked and stood up. He grabbed his plane and walked to the sink.

"Hey dad what if I ask out Brandon and get him to become my boyfriend. If I do you owe me just 50 bucks? Deal?" I asked dad, because now that I think about it there is no way the Brandon is going to ask me out.

Dad then turned around with his mouth and eyes wide open. "Um, no." He then turned back around and started to wash his plane. " Come on dad." I whined to him.

"Come on honey just take the deal." Mom said to him while walking behind him and putting her plate in the sink. She then placed a kiss on his cheek. Then she turned to me and asked , "Do you know how long it took for him to ask me out?"

I thought about it and dad told me that he pulled mom easily and that she was madly in love with him. " Two days?" Mom then had a confused look on her face, "What? No it took him half a year to ask me out. And we were already dating at the time. For two months!"

What I didn't know that, "really! Well dad told me that he asked you out and that you were madly in love with him." Mom then turned to look at him, dad was almost out of the kitchen. "Really. You told that to your daughter?"

Dad then laughed and turned back around and went up to her. "Well yes, but you were still madly in love with me~." He then kissed her and hugged her. Mom then kissed him back and hugged him to.

" Well it was the opposite. Your dad was madly, deeply in love with me." Mom said to me while still hugging dad. Dad then looked at in the hug and said, "Yeah, so what? You still were madly in love with me." Mom shooked her head and laughed, "He's right I was in love with him."

Watching them interaction with each other made me make a promise that day to myself. I was going to find love like they did.

I smiled at them and walked out of the kitchen and to my room. When I got to my room I sat down on my bed. It was getting boring , I grabbed my phone and called Brandon.

It ranged for a bit before he answered. "Hey (y/n)." I felt myself smile, "Hey Brandon, do you want to go out sometime?" I then realized what I said, I sat up. I felt my blood go cold, what was I thinking!

I heard shuffling on the other side of the phone. "What are you serious?!" Brandon asked. I let out a sigh, "Yeah it's okay if you don't wan-" be for I can finish my sentence Brandon answered, "No,no,no I would love to. Can we do it tomorrow, because any other day I'm doing something."

"Yeah I don't mind see you tomorrow. Bye Brandon." " Bye (y/n)!" I hung up the phone and laid back down. Omg I asked  Brandon out on a date. Then I remembered the deal with my dad. I got up and ran down the stairs, I cant wait to see his face.


This is the longest chapter yet

I feel like I kinda rushing this story
But idk 🤷


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